Sky Dungeon

Chapter 429: Conan and Kaito Kidd?

"Uh... I was just a little surprised and unexpected. You are actually quite powerful. If it is me, I am afraid that I can only control two puppets at the same time to participate in the battle, and control three at the same time, which is beyond the ordinary." Jing Tian The decision was to tell the truth, but he still couldn't believe what Nan Lingxi had said. After all, what he heard was false and what he saw was true. Only when he saw the three spirit puppets fighting together, could he be completely convinced.

"Ah? Brother Jing, you didn't say this specifically because you were comforting me? Tell you, this profiteer isn't that easy to lie!" Nan Lingxi blinked her big eyes, and now she couldn't believe it when she changed it. When I got up, there was even a wave of ripples in my heart, as if being warmed by Jing Tian's chest, really gentle.

"Well, I didn't lie to you. Didn't you read the first paragraph of the guide? Didn't it say that the average player controls the two puppets? There should be some important reminders when you take up the job?" Jing Tian naturally did not play He has been a puppet master, but he believes that even if he wants to control the three puppets for a while, it is impossible. After all, he still has his own role. This has to be used with one heart. Although Jing Tian has the confidence to achieve this. Exactly, but if he wants to get it done in one day, he really doesn't know what to do.

Maybe Nan Lingxi really has the potential to be the first puppet master? Can she extract the essence of turn-based into the game? Thinking that way in his mind, Jing Tian immediately shook his head and dispelled this absurd idea. He ignored Nan Lingxi’s later promises and continued to find the masked person X. After all, he could only find the masked person. Human, after completing the time-limited guild mission, he can go to find out, simply refrigerate the puppet matters first, and can't do two things with one heart. Don't let curiosity kill a group of cats.

But now all the places that can be found have been found, what else is worth finding next?

"My god, I see the mission is to play with people, even if we are Detective Conan, we can't catch Kidd Meow!" Yang Meow Meow complained, apparently in a posture of stubbornness.

Conan? Kidd? Yang Miaomiao can really jump in his mind. The key is that this alien regards himself as a famous detective. Does he have such a high IQ? Aliens may still stay in primitive society! But perhaps with his jumping thinking, he can really solve some peculiar cases.

and many more! Detective Conan and Kaito Kidd? Jing Tian had an idea. Although they searched for Masked Man X throughout the city, he subconsciously excluded a key point!

That's right, that place is the hall of the guild alliance, although according to the description, the masked man X stole the rubbings of the skill book scraps from the guild alliance and escaped, who knows if he will make up the guild like Kaito Kidd Alliance staff, and then stayed in the guild alliance hall waiting for an opportunity to commit crimes again? By the way, the guild alliance is still worried that the masked man X will continue to commit crimes, which means that he will not leave too far, and he will definitely be near the guild alliance hall, waiting for an opportunity to act!

Jing Tian thought about this, and immediately said, "Everyone, go to the Guild Alliance Hall to gather!"

"Frog, what are you going to do in the Alliance Hall? Did Masked Man X steal the skill book again? This brat is really fat. In broad daylight, he's so dignified, he just did it like this. Didn't Kidd only appear at night? , I really don't play cards according to the routine!" Zhao Yunxue'er asked curiously.

Sister, this is a world game. Who said you are here during the day, and other places on the earth are also during the day? In other words, where did I say that the thief Kidd has appeared, don't you just want to fantasize like this casually? Pisces can't afford to hurt!

"So that's it." Yun Yiyi said coldly, she seemed to understand what Jing Tian was thinking.

At this time, the fat man curled his mouth unconvincedly, and muttered evilly in his heart: "I really don't have two flying wings of a phoenix in my body, and my heart is brilliant."

"Oh? It's so." The village woman also suddenly realized that she has also learned to play Yun Yiyi's words like gold!

"What the **** is it? You guys really know how to behave, play with mystery. If you don't make it clear that this beauty is not going to pass, you are all annoyed. The leg has been broken, and a foot massage is necessary." She disdainfully said, she is naturally using the aggressive approach. Women are all cats, and can't bear the most curiosity. If she is not satisfied, she might really have to pick her up, even the one-horned Taurus can't help this hot girl.

"Thanks to the reminder not to eat mice. This guy may be Kidd who can disguise himself. He is hiding in the guild alliance hall. After all, the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest." Jing Tian said lightly. Explained that he was driving towards the guild alliance hall while operating sitting on the well and watching the sky.

After hearing this, everyone thought about it, and felt the guild alliance hall suspiciously. Jing Tian immediately arranged: "Constellation Party, you guard the door, don't let the masked person X run away, although it is a task to find someone. But the thief will probably not be caught with it."

"Okay, it's easy. The eyes we were looking for are all vomiting. If he dares to escape, watch me turn him into a pig!" The two-tailed Scorpio tossed the black and purple magic ball in her hand. She was talking about the demon. The master's single control skill transformation technique can turn a single target into a pig and lose all skills for a few seconds. The higher the skill level, the longer the transformation time.

Sitting on the well Guantian stepped into the Alliance Guild Hall first. He scanned around and found nothing unusual, so he said lightly: "Everyone talks to the NPC I think the masked person X is mixed in. Among this NPC."

There was nothing unusual about Borosek, the NPC who founded the guild. Jing Tian first had a dialogue with him. The content of the dialogue was nothing more than some operations of the guild, such as disbanding the guild and transferring the guild.

"Found it! This lady is still the best!"

Soon everyone was attracted by Zhao Yunxueer's voice, and saw that the NPC that Zhao Yunxueer was talking to turned out to be Serlin Smart, who was responsible for redeeming the broken pages of the skill book for the guild!

"Sure enough, this vixen, I think she is not normal. The look in the man's eyes is like a prostitute, but the look in my eyes is full of hostility." Zhao Yunxue'er was still talking to herself, and I don’t know how she could tell. If there is no such setting in the game, is it a woman’s sixth sense? Could it be her own fantasy brain made up? Sure enough, Pisces women are especially capable of fantasizing!

"I'm doing it! Xue'er, how do you know it's her?" Luo Xia still didn't quite understand, scratching her head in her heart.

"You know when you talk." Zhao Jiaxue smiled mysteriously. Sky Dungeon

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