Sky Dungeon

Chapter 427: The businessman didn’t know his country’s hatred, he secretly sent flowers to the back

This time the guild mission is quite special. It turned out to be to find a mysterious NPC Masked Man X. This mission seems to be easy, but Jing Tian knows that this mission is the most troublesome, because this mysterious NPC is definitely randomly generated and its location It's not fixed at all. Fortunately, the mission still has some clues, otherwise the world is so big, where to find a needle in a haystack?

After opening the mission, the so-called clue is: Masked Man X invaded the Alliance City Adventurer’s Guild Hall last night and stole a rubbing of the broken pages of the skill book. Although this rubbing is not a precious item, the masked man The appearance of X reduced the security of the Alliance City by a rating, so the Adventurer Alliance released this mission and listed it as a seven-star emergency mission. You need to find the Masked Person X as soon as possible, otherwise there may be more scraps of skill books stolen!

However, Jing Tian was not in a hurry to do this seven-star mission. After all, he still had to wait for the five guild leaders to come and rent the premises. Most guild missions have time limits. If you receive them now, in case something is delayed, the mission time is insufficient. , Then the task fails. Especially for this kind of task of finding people, it is said that a clue is given, but in fact the clue is the direction. If the real clue is not good, you will have to dig three feet before you see a line!

It didn’t take long for the five guild leaders to arrive at the Qiyun Guild’s residence one after another. Since Jing Tian didn’t set up a wall for the entire resident, the five guild leaders came in smoothly and unimpeded. Pass. After coming in, the guild leaders began to choose their locations. After all, Jing Tian had already divided this place into the Nine Houses. Except for the Central Palace where the Cloud Riding Guild was located, and the Imperial Palace set by Yin Zhengjin, the Seventh Palace was still empty.

Although it is a selection, they can clearly see what calculations Jing Tian has in mind. In fact, there is no choice at all. Anyway, no matter where they choose, it is just a fortress around the Cloud Riding Guild. The five guild leaders all began to complain with some opinions, but Jing Tian said a word, and the five guild leaders immediately calmed down, each selected a house, and signed a system contract for renting a resident.

Everyone was naturally very curious about what the guild leader had said to the guild bosses, so they took back all the questions they raised, and these guild bosses seemed to have taken a lot of money. I leased the land without bargaining, and suddenly there were five flags erected in the center of the five guild vacancies. The five houses are the tenancy of the five guild bosses. They also need adventurers to the Union City. Register in the guild hall and formally establish the guild.

"Frog, divide the spoils and divide the spoils!" Zhao Jiaxue will never forget that she invested in the guild resident. What was the purpose of the initial venture capital? Naturally, it is for the receivers in the later stage to take over, so that he can take the money steadily! Of course, this money must be recovered first, and it must not be lost.

You must know that guild resident leasing requires the use of gold coins. Of course, in order to prevent someone from transferring funds in this way, the amount of guild resident leasing has a system upper limit, which is the system guide price. The set rent can only fluctuate within the system guide price range. . Of course, with the system's guide price, Jing Tian can't just open his mouth. Moreover, during the lease term, even if the guild of the leased resident is closed, it cannot be sub-leased to others, which is to prevent someone from using such loopholes to transfer funds.

The guild funds obtained from this kind of lease can be converted into player gold coins, but after the players receive it, they are bound gold, which makes everyone who receives gold coins in the future slander Jing Tian. After all, everyone still expects the guild station to earn a small amount of money to support the family, but it can only be used for in-game expenses!

However, with such an income from binding gold coins, everyone has their daily expenses. Besides, there are more places to spend money in the game, and everyone does not care that this income becomes game gold coins. Of course, These are all things later.

"Don't worry, your dividends will be settled at the end of the month." Jing Tian smiled.

"Cut, why don't you settle at the end of the year?" Zhao Jiaxue said a little displeased.

"Uh... as long as you want..."

Before Jing Tian finished speaking, Zhao Jiaxue immediately interrupted angrily: "The settlement at the end of the month, I will beat you a day overtime, plus 10% interest!"

"Deal." Jing Tian didn't want to default on dividends or anything, but now there are still two houses in the guild's premises that have not been leased out. If it is settled now, if the land is leased out in a few days, will it be settled again? Simply wait for the empty two palaces to rent out and settle the settlement.

"Oh? What did the official and those people just say?" Liu Yaya was more concerned about this topic.

"Yes, brother, you won't betray your hue anymore?"

Yang Miaomiao also joined in the excitement. The alien’s jumping thinking is really incomprehensible, but everyone followed his thinking and laughed. After all, the five guild leaders are all men. If Jing Tian Isn't it because the merchants don't know the hatred of subjugation, and they secretly send flowers to the backyard across the river? The women's lady is online?

"Uh...I'm really scared of you. I just told them that I will build another city defense around the entire station to fend off the enemy together. All guilds can build their own small city defense. The double defense of the city in the city can be effective. Improve the alliance’s common enemy defense ability But it consumes more guild funds, and most of the money they spend on leasing needs to be converted into guild funds. Of course, they are not poor people, these money buy an alliance On the common front, they are naturally very willing. After all, our alliance is very fragile. We lack mutual trust. We have both common and our own city defense. This is the best choice for them."

Jing Tian explained it lightly. He didn't want to say so much, but if they let them fantasize, maybe their reputation would be ruined in front of international friends like the Constellation Party and plastic surgeons. The ugliness and national humiliation should not be publicized, but what is the national humiliation that is unnecessary with yourself?

"The mission has a time limit." Yun Yiyi coldly interrupted very and appropriately, not forgetting to remind everyone that this Seven-Star Guild mission still has a time limit. At this point, everyone has already received the task. If you continue to chat like this, the task will be ruined.

"Yes, everyone will take the Dapeng to the Alliance City now." Jing Tian ordered immediately.

"Why is there a time limit? I said earlier that everyone will take the task to find the masked man." Yang Miaomiao, an alien thinking, can't be understood by ordinary people. Should there be a time limit, I should receive it in advance? Does the time limit count down from the moment of receipt? Sky Dungeon

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