Sky Dungeon

Chapter 419: Provocative leader

"President Green Wolf, if I say it, I'm afraid it will inevitably leak the news. I am afraid that my plan will be copied by others before it is implemented. It is not that I can't believe everyone in this room. As the saying goes, there are ears in the walls and all business interests are involved. It’s a secret. If I’m forced to speak out and someone else rushes to land on the beach, our alliance will lose a big cake, and maybe even robbed by the demons. That’s a disaster for the entire alliance. I don’t want to be the leader of the alliance. , The province has become a sinner of the ages." Jing Tian's tone was still flat, without the slightest meaning of anger, but it was his plain words that seemed to hide the domineering of the superior, and everyone's breathing was slowed by shock.

"If you don't say it, then there will be no way to talk about this matter. Although I personally trust the chairman of Qiyun very much, but there are so many people up and down in the Blue Wolf Group guild, whether it is ordinary players or guild management. All need a clear statement. Writing such a bad check wants everyone to be convinced. Even if the president of me personally guarantees the president Qiyun, it will not help. Therefore, I hope that the presidents will think about Haihan, we Qinglang Forgive me!" Everyone can hear the false taste in the words of the Green Wolf Soul.

"President Green Wolf is right. How can you persuade people with such a bad check that even if the method others come up with is infeasible, you can speak it uprightly. It's better for you to hide and tuck it. It is probably illegal. Human activities, don't talk about it." The supporters found by the soul of the green wolf moved after hearing the wind and fired immediately.

"That is, if you can be snatched by anyone, then your plan is not worth mentioning, what is the core competitiveness, others can not **** it!"

The Soul of the Blue Wolf will never allow to lose the position of the leader, and would rather not participate in this alliance, and never give up the position of the leader to others. Besides, even if it is not alliance, the soul of the blue wolf has seen the essence of the invasion mission of the demons. Even if the pact forces are suppressing the territory, as long as one's own people do not defend the city, even if the guild gate is broken, there will only be a declaration of war. Only members of the demons can attack, and as long as there are enough members in the branch guild, it is not a problem to fight a defensive battle. This is the foundation of the group guild. As long as there are a large number of guilds and all guilds share a resident, then the joint defense in the guild’s premises may not be afraid of demons.

Of course, it does not rule out that the convention organization declares war on all the guilds of the Qingwolf Group in a one-to-one manner, and then all the troops enter the station, then it is really fighting for strength. But will the Mozu Pact organization be so stubborn to sniper a group guild of its size? I'm afraid they will start with a weak guild like Qiyun Luoxue, and the safety factor of their guild is significantly higher than that of everyone who sits.

In other words, as long as my Blue Wolf Soul does not sit on the throne of the leader, then the Blue Wolf Group has no need to participate in the alliance with others. Although the three families of Chu can perish Qin, is there no one in China? Without relying on you, our Blue Wolf Group is able to fight against the entire demons even if we close our doors!

I have to say that the soul of the blue wolf is a bit arrogant, but humans also like this kind of arrogance and self-improvement the most. They are enemies of the world and dominate the universe. These are the favorites! The practice of the Green Wolf Soul is exactly in line with the tastes of most people, and can become a provocative leader.

Jing Tian is also advanced in the planning of guilds and forces. Most traditional online games did not limit the number of guilds established before. Many games result in guilds. Many small guilds can't compete with the big guild and are unwilling to be the big guild. The annexation, so most of them chose to retreat. The members either retreated or joined the powerful guild, but due to a lot of time wasted, their equipment could not keep up with all aspects, and they did nothing in the big guild.

Therefore, at the beginning of planning the guild, Jing Tian thought of controlling the number and quality of guilds. People without the strength and financial resources would not be able to establish guilds, and it would not delay the time of most players. Most players can join from the beginning. Strong guilds and forces are conducive to the gathering of talents and long-term development of guilds and forces, and it is also easy for players to form a sense of belonging, which is more conducive to the long-term development of the game.

Although the requirements of the guild residence theoretically controlled the total number of guilds, taking into account the development of the game, Jing Tian still gave a certain expansion ability to the number of guilds. As the saying goes, it is good to be a man to stay in the line, and I really want to see it in the future!

The way to expand the number of public households is the leasing function of the guild's premises. Of course, this lease function is also limited. After all, the resident is only so large that it is impossible to lease it to small and medium guilds indefinitely. Jing Tian also let Luo Xia repeatedly calculate the number of countries that are capable of forming powerful guilds in the world. All he can plan is to let these powerful countries have at least one guild.

Of course, this kind of calculation is just a conjecture. For example, China has more than one guild, so Jing Tian also deliberately planned some small cities without resident guilds. Once the number of guilds becomes saturated, they will deliberately let these small cities open the function of resident lease to satisfy The need for game development.

However, once there is a problem with the maintenance and development of a guild, the resident will inevitably be taken back by the system, and a guild annexation war will be issued. If a guild is willing to annex the problem guild, it will start a guild annexation battle. It is not a battle with the problem guild. It is a competition between powerful guilds to win the recognition of the problem guild. This is also to avoid the problem of all players in the guild from being sinned due to the guild management retreat, and it can quickly allow everyone to find the organization again.

It is precisely this kind of setting that makes the guilds and forces of Sky Dungeon strong in the future, and they all have quite strong combat power and cohesion, and the centripetal force and integration of players is also long-term There is no recession, but this is also something to say, we will not repeat it.

"Well, how about we all the presidents here voting to choose the leader? But I have a suggestion. Since it is a world alliance, we hope to vote on the basis of the country. Of course, there are more China Associations. You can vote for a few more votes. There is a limit, otherwise it would be unfair. I think the China Association will count 5 votes in total, and all other countries will have 1 vote." Bei Mianzu suddenly rounded the ground, and the alliance conference cannot be broken.

It turns out that this is the fair voting mentioned by Ren Yingying before!

vote? China Association only counts 5 votes? So isn't you too busy? At this time, the soul of the green wolf is not sure whether he can sit down and watch the sky, so he said lightly: "I think it has been talking for a long time. Why don't we vote after 15 minutes of rest? Give everyone time to communicate with the main guild. "

The chairperson agreed, and the round table was interrupted for 15 minutes. During these fifteen minutes, the soul of the blue wolf arranged for the subordinates to be embarrassed and all other than the guild president who ostensibly supported Zuijing Guantian sent a secret message, speaking in the name of the league assembly committee. It was a poll conducted by 10 random people, forcing the presidents to name the presidents they supported. After getting the result, the body of the Azure Wolf Soul was suddenly limp and weak. Fortunately, the body was originally lying on the bed, otherwise he might fall to the ground at this moment.

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