Sky Dungeon

Chapter 404: All women have knots in their chests

"Brother Jing, you are looking for me!"

Hearing the beautiful woman's voice very familiar, Jing Tian finally recovered, and finally moved his eyes from the plump **** of the woman in front of her to the top of her head, and saw that Zhi Angel's name was impressively: Nan Lingxi! Where is this strange beauty, where is what an affair, it is clearly a lingering nightmare.

More importantly, are you a lie, you international airport! It seems that Nan Lingxi still has a knot in his chest! No, all women have knots in their chests!

"Uh...I just came to take care of the equipment. I didn't expect to run into you here." Although he said so, there was already a woman's snorting around Jing Tian. The woman who snorted was not someone else, naturally. It is Zhao Jiaxue. At this moment, even if Jing Tian explained something, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi would think that Jing Tian was a deliberately chosen smelting hall.

If you really jumped into the 84-year-old disinfectant, you can't clean it...

This is naturally wrong to Jing Tian. Where did Jing Tian know that Nan Lingxi would be in the smelting hall of Alliance City, although he recommended Nan Lingxi to the smelting hall to purchase equipment. Even if Jing Tian had a hundred regrets in his heart at this time, the spilled water was poured into the field and could not be recovered.

"Hey, didn't you call this profiteer? How come you don't know, Brother Jing, are you embarrassed." Nan Lingxi immediately grasped this god-given opportunity.

Ten thousand points of damage! Sweat drops on Jing Tian's forehead, and a voice in Jing Tian's heart is warning herself: This woman doesn't know if it was intentional, but she must not let her continue! I really doubt that you came here deliberately when you heard that we were coming here to gather. Wouldn't you open an instant transfer plug-in? Why are you in Union City, should new players be born here?

So Jing Tian immediately opened the topic and said: "I really didn't expect you to be born near the Union City. You have all the purple outfits made. Is this too fast?"

"Because I was here when I communicated with you. Level 4 magic cores are also very easy to buy. How about, am I really well equipped?" Nan Lingxi glanced at Yun Xueyi and behind Jing Tian Zhao Yunxue'er, her eyes dizzy and deliberately embarrassed.

Level 4 magic core is easy to buy? Jing Tian remembered that Level 4 magic core had been hyped up to the highest price of the system yesterday, and it really was only money that was qualified to be willful. So Jing Tian smiled awkwardly: "That's it, this outfit is suitable for you, is there any problem?"

Jing Tian’s comment was very plain, as if he was just saying a word of kindness, and he was politely concerned to ask Nan Lingxi if there were any problems. If he really wanted to help Nan Lingxi, Jing Tian would naturally not be so lighthearted. Ask, what should be said is "Do you need any help?" The problem and the help are definitely two levels. The problem can be solved with a touch of your mouth. I am afraid that it will take people to help, so what Jing Tian said is quite particular.

"There really is a small problem, but, Brother Jing, do you really want to know?"

The wise angel chosen by Nan Lingxi is a protoss with big watery eyes. Even if the protoss is a player who wants to be ugly, it can't be done at all. It seems that how the angel adjusts its appearance has a very amazing feeling. At this time, Nanlingxi is like a pet that pleases the owner, giving people an irresistible power. However, I have to say that when the business queen becomes coquettish, she exudes a taste of conspiracy.

But Jing Tian was embarrassed at this time, thinking in his heart: What do I really want to know? It seems that you can still see my attitude in Nanlingxi, but since you know my attitude, why bother to be stalked? If I say a courteous sentence, and you also say a courteous sentence, won't we all be in peace? But now, can I refuse in front of so many viewers?

So, Jing Tian grinned and said lightly: "I also hope that Miss Shamelessly ask."

"Since you want to know so much, then I will throw stones to ask for directions. Where can I buy puppets now?" Nan Lingxi asked with a smile on his face.

Buy a puppet? You haven't reached level 20, and you haven't taken a job, even if you buy the puppet Nanlingxi, you can't move it! Jing Tian laughed at himself in his heart. He was still afraid that Nan Lingxi would ask the question whether he was beautiful or the woman behind him was beautiful. After all, when he asked, he didn't limit it to game upgrade related questions.

However, when Nan Lingxi asked such a question, Jing Tian was really speechless for a while, something flashed through his mind, and he suddenly said: "You can buy it in this smelting hall after level 20. Now you Unused things such as spirit puppets of too low level are hidden, but ordinary puppets can be rented before level 20, but each player can only control one at the same time. However, don’t look at ordinary puppets, the rental price is higher than purchasing spirits. The puppet is even higher. The system settings explain that ordinary puppets help players below level 20 fight through a special contract. Due to the limited ability of ordinary puppets, the system will be retracted after the player is level 20 to avoid damage."

"What, there is only one? That's boring. In that case, I have to use that method. I'll talk about it at level 20."

After Nan Lingxi said to herself, she didn't even say hello, and left, leaving Jing Tian stupefied for a few seconds before spoke slowly and displeased: " Why don't you even have a word of thanks?"

Although he said so, Jing Tian thought in his heart: a puppet that you can control will make people look impressive! But you said to use that method, what is the method? Is there any way to get you to level 20 first, but I expect you to retire before you reach level 20. Did I underestimate you?

What Jing Tian didn’t know was that at this moment, Nan Lingxi’s face was already overflowing with a smug smile. This was the fourth step in her strategy for Jing Tian, ​​which aroused Jing Tian’s curiosity and made Jing Tian take the initiative to be interested in herself .

After being interrogated by Zhao Jiaxue, Jing Tian maintained his equipment. He is only equipped with purple-grade weapons, and the other equipment is still orange. He glanced at the price of Level 4 magic core, Jing Tian still gave up. For the idea of ​​creating purple equipment, he was more or less stimulated by Nan Lingxi. When he saw other people wearing purple outfits, most players would also be envious, and think about how to get them.

However, even if a few more purple outfits can improve their strength, purple outfits will always be of purple quality. Even if they can be upgraded, they cannot break through the quality limit. However, there are still higher quality equipment behind. Selling the level 4 magic core in your hand is a wise move that a professional player should have. Sky Dungeon

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