Sky Dungeon

Chapter 401: It's just a hype on the earth

When everyone saw this scene, they naturally understood that these people were called by Nan Lingxi and brought some gifts. gift? No, it should be an apologize. I am afraid that the contents of the box are ceramic tableware. After all, Nan Lingxi has broken so many ceramic bowls, and it is reasonable for her to buy some to compensate.

But when the two strong bodyguards opened the wooden box, everyone was stunned by the contents of the box, and saw large and small jade bowls lying quietly in the delicate packaging box.

"My god, are these jade bowls? They are not plastic?" Zhao Jiaxue never thought that she belonged to that kind of villain. When she first saw the wealth of real gold and silver, there was only one in her mind. The question is: Is the money genuine?

"This is an exaggeration. You just accidentally smashed our defective ceramic bowls. If you use these jade bowls to compensate, we can't bear it. Besides, do you think we usually use these things? Your hands are shaking." Jing Tian just glanced at it, and he probably understood the value of this box of jade bowls.

"Yes, isn't what the profiteer smashed from the official kiln products with a long history? But the profiteer sees that the ceramic bowls are of excellent texture, and their value should be no less than this box of jade bowls. The texture of this box of jade bowls is just ordinary It’s jade, I hope you can accept it and be a little girl. After all, it’s me who broke your tableware." Nan Lingxi pretended to be surprised, as if she didn’t even know the value of those ceramic bowls. general.

Official kiln products? Isn’t that an antique? Ordinary families use a pile of antiques as a bowl for rice? Even some upstarts can't do it! But thinking about Nanlingxi’s family background, their family really has this possibility. Some things are antiques in ordinary people’s homes, but they are just daily necessities in the eyes of these families. If those official kiln products are only placed in cabinets On the contrary, it is a bit pitiful, losing its original use value and manufacturing original intention. But if it is really an official kiln, and you have broken so many pieces, you just want to finish it with paying so many jade bowls? Of course, if you think that the official kiln products are nothing but utensils for serving rice, these jade bowls and jadeware can definitely be replaced.

Jing Tian muttered in his heart. He already understood that Nan Lingxi was pretending to be confused. Although the price of each jade bowl in this box was not expensive, the price of two was enough to compensate for the defective products she broke. The ceramic bowl, so Jing Tian smiled faintly: "You let us common people carry the jade bowl to eat. We will hold it in our hands and dare not let it go. If you can't let it go, it will not eat well. I think it's better."

When Luo Xia heard it, she reluctantly said: "I'm doing it! Is there anything that can't be eaten, it's just a bowl? The Buddha has a cloud, and all beings are equal. Then the jade bowl and ceramic bowl are also bowls, and they are only tools for eating. Miss is so arrogant, we refuse to appear that our level is too low, don't you know how to promote it? Tell you, on the outer planet, maybe this jade bowl is a stone bowl, and ceramics is a clay. It's just a hype on the earth."

Jing Tian looked embarrassed. This Luo Xia was obviously greedy and lustful. Jing Tian secretly cursed in his heart: Greedy ghosts can come up with such fallacies. If all the bowls are the same, how about giving you a batch of paper bowls? ? There may be no wood on the alien planet. Wooden bowls are valuable. How about a batch of wooden bowls with you?

But before Jing Tian said anything to stop the greedy fat man, Zhao Jiaxue spoke again. Zhao Jiaxue said that Jing Tian's heart vomited a mouthful of old blood in an instant, because Zhao Jiaxue said: "These jade bowls are indeed not what we had before. The ceramic bowls look good. It turns out that those are from official kilns. It seems that we are quite discerning. Then I can barely accept your box of jade bowls. It's cheaper for you. Yiyi, let's pick a few first. It’s good-looking, don’t let frogs and fat guys use it. It’s best to put a mark on it! It’s better to distinguish valuable official kiln products with cartoon designs."

Official kiln products printed with cartoon patterns? Let the archaeologists die! Even the face of the bodyguard and the maid showed a faint smile.

After finishing talking, Zhao Jiaxue has already started to lean over to observe the jade bowl in the box up close, Jing Tian said helplessly: You are too naive, obviously it is cheaper for us, you really think that the tableware you buy online is antique Ah, are antiques so cheap? More importantly, do you dislike me and Luo Xia so much that you want to label the bowl? Isn't this naked hatred of us?

Jing Tian felt it necessary to speak to stop Zhao Jiaxue, but before he could say it, he swallowed what was in his mouth, because at this moment Yun Yiyi walked indifferently and leaned forward and picked it up. It's fine if Zhao Jiaxue didn't separate. Yun Yiyi actually joined in the excitement. But when I think about it, I understand that Yun Yiyi doesn’t have any idea of ​​money. Luo Xia’s “equality of all bowls” is quite in line with Yun Yiyi’s calm personality, whether it’s a ceramic bowl or a jade bowl, as long as she likes it. Just fine.

Four out of three votes all accepted Nanlingxi's gift. Jing Tian re-examined Nanlingxi with solemn eyes. It seems that this woman did it deliberately. Based on her experience, it is impossible to tell what is antique and what is a stall. Good thing, then she did it just to please herself, considering that it was too expensive, she would not accept it, so she chose a more ordinary jade bowl to show that she would not strongly reject it. So Jing Tian said in a low voice: "These are what I owe I will definitely pay you back if I have a chance."

After hearing this, Nan Lingxi pretended to be surprised and whispered: "Brother Jing, how come you owe this profiteer? Didn’t you say that it’s cheap to me? This profiteer thought these were not enough, or I would compensate some more. Others, it really doesn't work, so I have to pay for it." At the end of the talk, Nan Lingxi's face was like a red apple, and she was about to fall from the tree.

Meat compensation? how is this possible! Is he a bully who robs the girl? No, that's not right, it should be a bully who robbed the princess...

Jing Tian felt a little scalp numb. If Nan Lingxi played hard, she could treat it calmly, but she played with these soft methods, so Jing Tian really didn’t know how to deal with it, and three of hers were not on the same channel. His best friend, he sighed in his heart and stopped saying anything. However, Jing Tian had already remembered this feeling in his heart, and Nan Lingxi's arrogant image was weakened by a third in his heart.

That's right, these are the third steps of Nanlingxi's strategy for Jingtian, to buy people's hearts, especially those around Jingtian. Even if they don't appreciate it and feel right, Jingtian sees it thoroughly. As the saying goes, if you have a short mouth and a short hand, if Jing Tian's friend receives his own gift, it is equivalent to Jing Tian's receipt, and Jing Tian will be closer to himself by three points. Sky Dungeon

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