Sky Dungeon

Chapter 395: Imagination of a friend

Who is special, eldest sister, do you know how many times the number of ordinary people is than the local tyrants? Why did you say the word "common people" completely again, and why did God forgive you so quickly?

"Do you think you are sleeping until you wake up naturally? I really don't understand why you nobles cultivate such strange habits. Let's stop outside. You knock on the door, I can't hold it anymore." Zhao Jiaxue couldn't understand. She didn't want to stand here to understand the world of Nan Lingxi, after all, all she could mention was breakfast. However, my mind has already begun to jump: Shouldn't you wait for yourself to marry into a wealthy family, and you will be cultivated all kinds of strange habits?


It was Jing Tian who came to open the door. Jing Tian thought it would be Liu Yaya when he came back. He naturally knew that Liu Yaya and Zhao Jiaxue had gone out together. After all, he knew Zhao Jiaxue and she would never stop making such a big move. But then I thought about how Liu Yaya could be the master of compromise. It is not easy to get out of Zhao Jiaxue’s control with her skill. I am afraid that Zhao Jiaxue lost Liu Yaya on the way, otherwise she should eat the fruit and carry more. Just come back for breakfast.

Of course, Jing Tian's inference must be wrong, but there is also his own reason, but he neglected Liu Yaya's counterattack, and even underestimated Zhao Jiaxue's cleverness.

However, when Jing Tian saw Nan Lingxi behind Zhao Jiaxue, Jing Tian's face sank. As long as Nan Lingxi appeared, he would not have a good life, especially Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue called themselves " "Husband" didn't show him a good face afterwards, and he was quite afraid that the plague **** Nan Lingxi would stick to him.

Nan Lingxi hid behind Zhao Jiaxue after knocking on the door. After all, this is Zhao Jiaxue and the others' house. Even if they are desperate to see Jingtian, Nan Lingxi feels that it is better not to do things like the master.

"You are here." Jing Tian said indifferently, neither welcoming nor displeased.

"Well, I waited at the door for a long time. I don't know if Brother Jing is up or not, so I don't dare to talk casually." Nan Lingxi naturally felt Jingtian's attitude, and she immediately waited outside the door. Of course, I wanted to win Jingtian's sympathy after I said it.

Although Nan Lingxi is not clear about Jing Tian’s current character, she can feel from Jing Tian’s attitude towards friends around him that he has become very kind now, cherishing everyone around her, and she has come out in the business world. Her character, likes step by step, likes to play games, this is naturally her first strategy: hard work, you must know that she thought about how to break into the circle of the sky last night, but also integrated the business methods.

Sure enough, when Jing Tian heard Nan Lingxi say this, his heart was tight. Although he knew that Nan Lingxi might not have waited long outside the door, Nan Lingxi could actually put down his identity and wait outside. It was obviously different from her princess's sick and arrogant attitude before.

Therefore, Jing Tian still replied with great concern: "Write down my mobile phone number, call me if I have something to do, don’t wait outside in the future, don’t you feel sultry outside? Besides, we might not go out for a day. Do you have to Will we knock on the door until we go out or make some earth-shattering movement? If because of this, you have heatstroke or some shortcomings, we can't bear the responsibility."

Nan Lingxi was overjoyed, Jing Tian said as expected, she naturally took out her mobile phone unceremoniously, and exchanged mobile phone numbers with Jing Tian. This scene naturally made Zhao Jiaxue secretly unhappy. After all, she was carrying breakfast at this time. Instead of coming up to help, Jing Tian and Nan Lingxi started to kiss me. Zhao Jiaxue naturally pulled her face off. After squeezing in, I put the breakfast on the table, and said in a polite tone: "Lingxi, can you help me get some bowls? I need a bowl for these soups for breakfast. Let go, you are a distinguished guest, and you must not neglect you."

Nan Lingxi was taken aback for a moment. She hadn't been so called before, and even a commoner asked herself to get the tableware. Isn't the way of hospitality among common people like this? He is indeed a distinguished guest, but he says he can’t neglect himself, but he asks himself to help arrange breakfast? Is this a way for common people to show closeness?

That's right, it must be like this, isn't it that Zhao Jiaxue didn't regard herself as an outsider? Friends should depend on each other and help each other! friend? It's a very subtle feeling, I didn't expect I could make friends too! My friend, it's amazing, I look forward to it!

Besides, there are only three of them here. If Jing Tian is a man in the kitchen, it doesn’t seem appropriate. In Nan Lingxi’s heart, Jing Tian’s identity is more noble than herself. She would rather wrong herself, and she would not let Jing Tian suffer. What's more, Nan Lingxi is now silent in the imaginary of a friend, and can't extricate herself from it?

Therefore, Nan Lingxi was ready to step forward to help with joy.

"Let me come." Jing Tian turned around and walked towards the kitchen. He naturally knew that Zhao Jiaxue had deliberately disarmed Nan Lingxi, but after all, he had already let Nan Lingxi wait outside the door for so long. Let her sit down and take a rest. After all, in his impression, Nan Lingxi’s physical fitness is not very good, and she has been dodging since elementary school, let alone participating in outdoor group activities, giving Jing Tian the impression that she is sick and delicate My eldest lady, this kind of rough work must have never been done by Nan Lingxi.

"Brother Jing, you are a male host, how can you let you go?" Nan Lingxi took the initiative to hold Jing Tian's clothes, and his eyes were full of indignation. After all, from Nan Lingxi's point of view, this hindered her. Your beautiful friendship!

This somewhat surprised Jing Tian, ​​and Jing Tian sighed in his heart: I don't go into the kitchen less often. Nanlingxi, Nanlingxi, I'm helping you, why don't you appreciate it every time?

As soon as Zhao Jiaxue heard it, she immediately followed the boat and said: "Yes, frog, how can you go to the kitchen, that is our woman's place, which is similar to the boudoir, you are definitely not allowed to go without my permission!"

The corner of Jing Tian's mouth twitched in a visibly embarrassing way. He couldn't believe that this came out of Zhao Jiaxue's mouth. Jing Tian only hated that he didn't use his phone to record it. Later, when she dazzled him and let him and Luo Xia go into the kitchen to do mischief , Be sure to play it at the maximum volume for everyone to listen to, so that it will beat Zhao Jiaxue in the face. No, how can it work once, it must be a hundred times! Sky Dungeon

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