Sky Dungeon

Chapter 389: Let me sacrifice

In the next second, I saw all the attacks of the demons hit the sword dance shield, but the sword dance shield is not absolutely harmless defense. Even if it can resist all the negative effects of the attacks, 30% of the splash damage is not Avoided, after all, Luo Jing Xia Shi has not yet upgraded to the skill of sword dancing and shielding, and he has been hurting for a while.

The 30% of the splash damage seems to have resolved seven out of ten attacks, but seven or eight magical attacks hit Xia Shi Luojing’s body at the same time, and his blood line also plummeted downwards. Fortunately, these long-range attacks Jing Xiashi still stayed in the attack. The key is that at this time there are demon melee players who are taking advantage of this gap to chase them at high speed. Seeing that they have revealed their weapons and used their charge skills to kill the wide body. Panda Man.

It’s really less hateful when you recruit, and you don’t have the skills to fight it!

However, at this moment, a black shadow flashed in front of Xia Shi’s falling well, and the black shadow’s agility turned out to intercept the demon players who charged up with just one blow. Obviously this shadow also used some kind of The charge skill unexpectedly collided with several melee professions of the demon players, and it was evenly divided.

This is too exaggerated. Skills can be understood relative to killing, but where can players have a charge skill that can kill their multiplayer charge, is there any balance?

When the Demon Clan fought in close combat, several people clearly saw Sombra's real body, and they were all angry. Wherever the Sombra was the player, it turned out to be a wolf clan hero! The wolf clan heroic hands each hold a very light and exquisite small shield with a unique shape. This small shield is a special weapon that the player cannot use. It is a unique weapon of the hero! On the arm of this wolf clan heroic spirit, the seemingly more defensive shield is more practical, but it contains murderous intent. The shield is equipped with a mechanism that will quickly eject sharp daggers, which can attack and retreat and defend.

Jing Tian also did not expect that someone would accurately release the heroic spirit to support at this time, and it was precisely this kind of warrior heroic who was good at charging. However, when it was clear that it was the wolf clan hero, Jing Tian had a count in his heart. This 80% was summoned by the one-armed Cancer. The one-armed Cancer itself is a werewolf, and the heroes summoned are naturally wolf clan heroes. Under the circumstances, only his own people can pay attention to the decapitation team. Other guild members may be waiting to see the jokes about the destruction of their squad. As the saying goes, everyone in the game will always look at the players who are in their early days with jealousy and onlookers. This somewhat helped Jing Tian's favor with the Constellation Party to rise again. It is important to know that Jing Tian is still very worried about the five members of the Constellation Party, and there are still questions about whether they can integrate into the Guiyun Guild.

This is the case. Although the Constellation Party did not participate in this beheading operation, it does not mean that there is no guild awareness on the Taurus side. He still pays great attention to the situation on the beheading team. When he learned that the domineering was killed, he immediately chatted privately. One-armed Cancer, let him try to summon new heroes to come out and help the beheading team break the queen.

After the hero breaks, even if the Demon player wants to stop the cloud riding team, they must be able to control the wolf hero. This wolf hero has excellent defensive skills and is agile. A few people in close combat make another blow. They couldn't even suppress the wolf clan hero, but fortunately, how could the long-range attack class at the rear stop. Their long-range attacks hit, and the wolf clan heroic spirit was inevitable and could not be moved. These demon players who were chasing after were very proud of themselves, and did not feel ashamed at all because they only hit the heroic spirit. I am afraid this is also common sense. They all like to squeeze the persimmon. There is no way to take the Qiyun team, but is it not a confession to take this heroic spirit Pinch it?

Not all players have a general view of the game consciousness. Most people first clean up the enemies in front of them, that is, the wolf spirits, but one person is obviously different. That is the blueberry of the evil spirit scum with a double sword. At this time, the wolf clan heroic spirits had already been bypassed, and they were approaching towards Luojing Xia Shi. She naturally concluded that Luojing Xia Shi had no defensive skills. After all, she was also a swordsman and knew nothing more about swordsmanship. But just when she was about to catch up, sitting on the well and watching the sky suddenly turned around. The square halberd in her hand was replaced by a crossbow. The arrow on the crossbow seemed to be waiting for the blueberry to rush up to deliver the target. The crossbow arrow whistled away from the crossbow. The machine shot at the body of the **** Pie Blueberry at a rapid speed.

Do not think that this blow is just a normal attack. This is actually the basic crossbow skill [Hundred Steps Chuan Yang]. The Blueberry didn’t expect to see his intentions while sitting on the well and watching the sky. It was even blocked by the plump Xia Shi. When he saw the flying crossbow arrows, he had no time to dodge, so he could only be shot in the chest by the crossbow arrows.

Slag Pie Blueberry is still depressed in his heart: **** it! I don't know anyone who shoots such an arrow casually, ruining his own good deeds!

She naturally didn't have time to think about whether this arrow was deliberately done, and she didn't have time to think about how she saw her when sitting in a well and watching the sky. After all, everyone was in the same line, and her vision was completely blocked by Luojing Xia Shi. Up.

Jing Tian doesn't have a see-through eye, and there is no plug-in Naturally, he can't see the scum-pie blueberries, but the cry of Luojing Xiashi's help has long been heard in his ears. Naturally, Jing Tian didn’t need the vision of the game, but he was sure, and he could also locate and capture the action of the **** pie blueberry, and use the crossbow to intercept the **** pie blueberry. Unfortunately, his crossbow only has such a skill, and then it is not what he can do. Intercepted.

Seeing Sit Jing Guantian turning around and shooting back, Luo Xia quickly manipulated the character’s side flash to give way to the attack route. He naturally knew that everyone’s skills were basically empty, and where there were any skills to help him escape, but even if he loses him alone, as long as It's content to let the sister who doesn't eat mice escape safely. I yelled from my mouth, just to increase the greatness of my sacrifice and the degree of pain he endured, so that Yang Mimi felt sorry for herself.

However, where the sister who does not eat mice needs his cover, Luo Xia seems to have forgotten at this moment, how she played with hundreds of demons players alone before! Even so, Luo Xia's heart tightened. He smirked in his heart, planning how brave he would be in front of Yang Mimi, and saying some touching farewell words, which must conform to the image of a hero to save the beauty and expand his masculinity infinitely. That's right, let me sacrifice...

When he was tangled in his heart, a gray magic arrow shot over. When Luo Xia found out, he was shocked. He was too familiar with this skill. Isn't this the petrified arrow that Yun Xueyiyi is good at? Sky Dungeon

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