Sky Dungeon

Chapter 382: Sun Moon Church

"It's so powerful, Sister GM can still summon Meteor Rain Meow?" As a result, Yang Meowmeow really believed it, and the jumping thinking of aliens began to play out again. How does the military air support and carpet bombing connect? The meteorite rain, although puzzled, it really made everyone shake their heads and laugh in their hearts.

"Although it's glorious to die, how about letting us have a good time in the fight, and it's not in vain to get to know each other?" Although Yu Yan's words of the second disease are like the martyrs who are about to die in the battle, her voice is still so elegant, as if very Enjoy the upcoming intense collision.

"The conclusion is early." Yun Yiyi said coldly. It seems that she is like an ice queen with powerful strength. Is there any hidden sky-defying skill that she can't achieve? Yes, she did, but someone would not let her use it!

"Yiyi, you don't want to sell it anymore, just make it clear." Zhao Jiaxue asked quickly.


frog? Is there any coup that Jing Tian has at this time? Isn't it right? Is Yun Yiyi seeking Jing Tian's consent? Yun Yiyi actually threw the problem to Jing Tian? For a moment, Jing Tian asked all the people how many minutes he could last. Did he pretend it? This pretends too much, too realistic, right?

The embarrassing thing is that Jing Tian doesn't have any good strategies, and he is unwilling to let Yun Yiyi expose his skills at the bottom of the box prematurely, not to mention that the skills may not have amazing results now. Even if Yiyi was asking for instructions, Jing Tian would not agree.

Everyone looked at Jing Tian with spiteful eyes. Although Jing Tian couldn't see their eyes, someone had already given him an ultimatum in reality. If he didn't say anything, his VR host would suffer.

It's true: Jinwu Cangjiao will stop at everything, and cry first!

That's right, when Zhao Jiaxue turned off the voice, she threatened and warned Jingtian very loudly. Women really have a gossip heart! Her curiosity did not know how many cats were killed. So Jing Tian had to explain afterwards: "I just made a joke with everyone just now. By the way, I tested everyone's overall outlook and foresight. I didn't expect Yun Yiyi to dismantle my station."

Jing Tian actually pretended it!

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhao Jiaxue was just three words, Jing Tian swallowed what he wanted to say, and then summed up the language in only one third of a second, and said: "We followed the Star Guild all the way to the primeval forest, but we didn't enter the dense forest. The virgin forest of the country is naturally premeditated. If we say that we are going to run away, then we don’t need to stop and fight a wave of fugitives. If we organize our counterattack here, there must be backup! That is the back hand I asked before. , There will be a good show later."

After speaking, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth raised a strange arc.

If you live in the world as you wish, let’s make a dime tonight!

"That's not to say that the demons are over! It's over! Sahua Meow..." Yang Meow Meow really jumped fast, ignoring the process and jumping to the result. Aliens are efficient, they are not interested in the process at all.

However, after the two of them said that, everyone’s faces were already full of confidence, not at all the grimness of going to death in the last moment, and a subtle sense of security rose in their hearts, as if it was not because of back-up support. It's because there is a good sky in general. This is the power of the leader?

Time cannot allow Jing Tian to explain too much, and the facts will become the best evidence. When the Demon players collided with the Alliance players desperately, they only heard the footsteps in the virgin forest, and the branches of the forest swayed. Dozens of Alliance players jumped off the trees and directly joined the melee.

That's right, although Sky Dungeon can't fly with swords, can not fly freely, can't fly over walls, but can climb trees! However, the process of climbing trees is quite slow and cannot be used in battle, and attack skills cannot be used on some small trees. They can only jump down and display them in mid-air, which requires higher player operations.

Why can't I use skills while standing on a small tree? The main consideration is the balance of the game. After all, if the remote player is okay, he will first go up the tree, and then ambush the player below, but can't get close in close combat. How to maintain the balance of the game?

When someone saw the person clearly, they were surprised to find that the person opposite turned out to be a guild composed of Pakistani players. Of course, Jing Tian, ​​they didn’t know it, they only saw that the players who killed out of the virgin forest had a sun and moon on their heads. The logo pattern of the guild, which is exactly the same as the flag of Pakistan. However, in Jing Tian's view, he thought it was a big guild in China that loved martial arts novels, because the players in this guild were all the names of characters in martial arts novels.

Afterwards, Jing Tian heard that the name of the guild formed by Pakistani players was indeed called Sun Moon God Sect, but they only named it after reading Chinese martial arts novels, and their guild leader turned out to be very good in battle. Active [Ren Yingying]!

Yes, this is a female player. Although it is rare for a female player to be a guild president in an online game, it is not uncommon. The key is that it is the first time Jing Tian has seen such a high-end female president of the game~ After all, she may not be as good as any female player around her when it comes to fighting solo, but she commands the guild, but she is calm and organized, even better than the overbearing demon and the spirit of the alliance. It was nothing less than that, but she was able to see her extraordinary from the first step of letting everyone kill instead of putting cold arrows in the forest.

If it is overbearing or the soul of the blue wolf, it may not be the strategy of the whole army to attack at this time, but the long-range attack and the method of melee clearing. The virgin forest is used as a cover, and the demons cannot attack from the range. Occupational strikes. However, if you don’t show up, the enemy will inevitably be suspicious or even fear the players in the virgin forest and choose to retreat quickly. Even if some manpower is lost, they will definitely not stand in a stalemate here. After all, know yourself and know that the enemy is not dead, and even the opponent does not know about it. Who is fighting, this is a taboo of military strategists!

However, at this time, Ren Yingying ordered all players to rush out. Although his strength was exposed, he made the Mozu domineering side hesitate and began to weigh the odds of the battle. After all, the Mozu players had already lost the previous number. Advantages, the two parties are evenly matched.

It was just such a hesitation that all the players of the Demon Race entered the battle circle. Even if they wanted to retreat, it would probably cost half of them, because at this time, they were overbearing and surprised to discover that the composition of the Sun Moon God Sect players was actually very high. Strangely, this is one of the reasons why Jing Tian admires Ren Yingying. Sky Dungeon

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