Sky Dungeon

Chapter 378: Bi Wing Double Flying Sword

When this skill was used, all players who saw it stopped their actions. They didn’t have seen the skills of various professions, but no one had seen this skill. After all, those two didn’t know where they were. The sword wheel that spun quickly under the influence of some magic was so gorgeous. One red and one basket of cool Hot Wheels light and shadow special effects, especially the two one-handed swords turned into Hot Wheels, and they continue to rotate and rub against the air to create exaggerated sparks. It is not unspectacular, not unsightly, at this moment. , Luojing Xia Shi is like blooming fireworks, attracting everyone's attention.

"so cool!"

"Good brewing!"


"What skill is this?"

"Jian Hao, he is Jian Hao!"

"Sword Hao's professional skills are too strong, right?"

There are even players around who blurt out compliments and discussions. As the so-called curiosity kills the cat, many players don’t care about the moment of success or failure. They want to pursue the strength and truth in the game and encounter some incredible things. First The reaction is to watch and discuss the research. Even if their operations become mechanical and slow as a result, they must first see this miraculous skill.

The tears in the hearts of all the swordsmen present were squeezed out. I would like to ask which swordsman does not want to have a sprint skill. This is a dream skill for a melee career like a swordsman. Some people still imagine that this skill is level 30. His professional skills are full of inexplicable confidence and enthusiasm for Jianhao's profession.

[Biyi Shuangfei Sword] It is the double sword comprehension skills obtained by Natsui Natsuki from the Yonghan Palace. The body of the character will float in the air when the Biyi Shuangfei Sword is used, and after the character floats in the air, the whole character will be transformed into two wind wheels. His one-handed sword turned into a chariot looking towards him, rushing into the enemy's hinterland.

The double swords are turned into sharp sword wheels that rotate at high speed to open the way, just like the character holding a high-speed rotating logging wheel saw in each of the left and right hands, except that the blade of the wheel saw is not horizontally forward, but vertically forwards. The hostile target causes powerful damage and will cause a certain action interruption effect.

At this time, Luojing Xia Shi suddenly became a hot wheel lawn mower, and directly rammed into the Mozu healing team. As soon as his skills ended, he used the continuous attacks of Whirlwind Slash and Falling Sakura Slash to cooperate with other alliance players. Before he could recover his blood, the Mozu treatment team was unable to move.

The village woman had already rushed into the enemy's formation at this time, and a series of skills were played. Many Demon players who tried to chant magic were interrupted by her. Yu Yan dropped the sentence "Continue to brush my blood" and rushed straight to the demon. Among the clan therapy team, she used a very gambling skill in the next second: [Magic Sword·Fengxing Tianxia]!

Before, the King of Sword Cavalry had used this suicide attack skill that killed 1,000 enemies and hurt 800, but the players who had not seen such earth-shattering skills were a hundred shocks in their hearts. As the saying goes: At the beginning, Xiyun started to make big moves, and the rain was about to come and wind all over the building. I saw the wind and clouds suddenly change, the color of the sky became darker, a powerful black whirlwind miraculously formed on the body of the king of swordsman, the black whirlwind was like a sickle of death quickly scratching a few. The body of the priest of the demon tribe, their blood line is slid extremely fast, the plastic surgeon and the one-eyed Aries dare not neglect at all, their healing skills are constantly falling to the king of swordsman.

This situation is true: I am not afraid of being broken into pieces, I must leave the legend in the world!

Although it does not stop, the number of healing skills is always limited, and it is a big adventure to throw them all on the King of Sword Cavalry!

Jin Chengwu has seen the popularity of the world, and he also knows that this skill will cause a powerful backlash to himself, so he adds blood while reminding Aries to cooperate with him. Fortunately, Aries does not only follow the small group consciousness of Taurus. The time is also perfect, and the two's healing skills barely preserved the bloodline of the King of Sword Cavalry within the four-second attack effect of the popular world.

During these four seconds, Luo Xia was not idle. He operated Luo Jing Xia Shi to aim the Demon Clan Healing Group around the body of the King of Sword Cavalry. This is a more risky one in group PVP. Skill, after all, it takes two seconds to draw a shadow. After this skill, he deliberately said that he was a living target to be slaughtered. However, Luo Xia knew better that everyone's eyes were focused on the King of the Sword Cavalier during these four seconds, and he wouldn't attract much attention even if he closed in 2 seconds.

Sure enough, at the end of his retreat, there was no hostile player hitting him and attacking him. Instead, some Demon players used their single skills to lock the King of Sword Cavalry to attack. Facing the unknown strength, the Demon players naturally responded by focusing on fire and destroying them. This unknown threat, if left unchecked, will definitely cause big trouble. However, Jing Tian has already reminded everyone in the chat room to ignore the attack of the King of the Sword Cavalry. He knows that the King of the Sword Cavalry is completely immune to all attacks within four seconds. She will only lose blood due to the backlash produced by the magic sword. , As long as she has enough blood, she can achieve first-class achievements.

Living up to expectations, the [Magic Sword·Fengxing Tianxia] of the King of Sword Cavalry has produced a perfect output with the cooperation of the players of the alliance. After four seconds, there are already six more corpses of the demons on the ground. I have to say that this is deep. Shocked every player present. Although it was not a move for Priest Shennong, it was incredible to be able to kill six priests Shennong in such a short period of time!

There are already less than ten Shennong priests left by the demons with less than a hundred Although there are other healing assistant occupations, there is such a strong recovery force as Shennong priests, these six Shennong priests 'S death directly heralded the fall of the resident Mozu player's position.

At this time, the overbearing stalemate with the Blue Wolf Guild in the guild resident had already learned of what happened outside the city. It was such a brief hesitation that seemed to ruin the Demon players outside the city.

However, if you rush to help the demons outside the station at this time, it is definitely not a safe place outside the station. The people of the Green Wolf Guild will definitely take the opportunity to regroup and fight back. The key is the time of regrouping, whether you can get out of the battle circle in that time gap. , It is a very severe test. If they do not rush to the Demon Race outside the station, then they may not only destroy the entire army, but the stalemate in the guild on their side cannot be broken at all, and they have lost the Demon Race interception outside the door, and the Blue Wolf Group Guild that has been resurrected one after another. The members will be the straw that crushes the camels.

Thinking of this, the overbearing gritted his teeth and commanded: "The whole army withdrew from the station, reunited with the brothers outside, and swept the despicable players of the alliance outside the city!"

As soon as the order fell, the entire Moon Destroyed Guild moved out slowly in an orderly manner. The Meat Shield profession became the main force after the break, and with its own skills, it still stubbornly withdrew from the Blue Wolf Guild. Sky Dungeon

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