Sky Dungeon

Chapter 375: The correct posture for demons invasion

What, how could there be an air wall? Before attacking the resident of the Qiyun Guild, this situation did not happen, and the information I obtained from Huaxia, when the demons invaded the war, non-declared forces can also invade the guild resident of the Alliance, right?

But at this moment, what is in front of you is the air wall. Only players from the ruining moon force can penetrate this air wall, while other players cannot enter at all.

what the **** is it? Overbearing, the depression in his heart at this time is beyond words. When he attacked the Cloud Riding Guild last time, he clearly verified that it was possible to let other Demon players enter, but how did this happen now? Could it be that there are other special settings for the guild’s resident, and will it be a special guardian formation? If any mechanism is opened or a large formation is destroyed, all demons will be allowed to enter, otherwise the system will only allow the demon forces that declare war to enter? Huaxia people like to design a great array of mountains!

The overbearing mind was chaotic like a tsunami. At this time, he seemed to have fallen into a hunter's trap. He didn't know that it was a BUG that all demons could break into the guild residence. After all, only Jing Tian understood the reason. Moreover, someone deliberately passed the news that the first demonic forces invaded into non-declared warfare forces to overbearing, this kind of whistleblowing method is not without side effects, and now the side effects are effective.

The message is also lost during the transmission process. Although someone told the demons that the first demonic invasion is okay, they never said that the second demonic invasion was okay, but the overbearing mistakenly thought it was a normal setting. Not a perverted bug.

The correct posture for the demon invasion is: the demon force issues a mission to declare war, and the declared alliance guild will not be declared war by the second demon force at the same time, nor is it allowed for multiple demon forces to jointly attack the interior of a single guild. If you want to entangle the party members to invade the Blue Wolf Guild's residence together, you must allow the participating forces to declare war on each guild in the Blue Wolf Group at the same time period, so that they are eligible to enter the Blue Wolf Guild residence.

And even if all wars are declared, they are not deliberately destroyed after entering, but can only destroy the branch guild buildings and NPCs declared by their own forces. This is to maximize the balance of the game and make the invasion of the demons playable. Sex. If it is true that any Demon Race can invade the Blue Wolf Guild, wouldn't the Demon Race look forward to it in the future? Which guild wants to destroy?

The last time Jing Tian resisted the invasion of the demons, Jing Tian felt a little frightened. He was only skeptical. Considering that the rules may be revised, he asked Yinzhengjin for help. Even if the rules were not revised, the North Korea of ​​Yinzhengjin could still be used. The use of the army as a surefire way to cut the enemy’s back is not simply to use North Korean players to break into their own guild’s premises, close the door and kill the Demon players.

You know, if you follow the normal plan, even if you are overbearing to gather other Demon players, they can only be blocked by the air wall. At that time, Yinzhengjin can break the demon’s retreat and don’t let everyone go. Demon players.

However, Jing Tian still sadly discovered that the game settings had indeed been tampered with. After the gate was breached, anyone could break into the guild’s premises. This setting really made him wonder if there is still kicking Tiannongjing. What other settings have not been discovered by myself, although Yun Yiyi and Luo Xia have also discovered the inconsistency, the situation at that time was urgent and could not be discussed. Even Jing Tian didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately asked for help.

Afterwards, Jing Tian discussed with a few people and concluded that this might be a bug. Jing Tian directly fed back information about the bug to Tengyi Company. Unexpectedly, Tengyi Company's response speed was quite fast, so he gave Jingtian back on the same day. The email has also fixed the BUG. It seems that Tengyi Company attaches great importance to Sky Dungeon unprecedented in history.

The correction of this BUG completely caused the miscarriage of the overbearing plan. At this time, he had no intention of thinking about what was going on. On the one hand, he commanded the players of the Ruined Moon Guild to rush into the guild’s premises as much as possible, but faced the blue wolf. The guild’s number advantage, this team of less than 40 people is simply unable to move forward. After all, although the main force of the Blue Wolf Guild suffered heavy losses, their main healing legion has survived almost intact. Most of the people who died outside the city were just Reserve players.

With the support of the main healing legion, there is no way to increase the output power on the ruinyue side. Although the blue wolf guild has a healing legion, the MT army is basically destroyed, and the rest of the output professions have suffered heavy casualties, so the scene immediately stalemate When it comes up, no one can overthrow either.

At the same time, the Demon players outside the city gate regrouped. They turned their spear heads toward the outer direction. Everyone looked like they were waiting. Soon these people were taken by Yunluoxue, Stars, Food Alliance, Neptune Guild And the player team composed of North Korean soldiers surrounded.

In this encirclement, the demon player’s momentum immediately decayed by three points. Without waiting for the two sides to negotiate, Yin Zhengjin took the lead in leading the North Korean soldiers to rush up. He naturally saw the advantage in the number of alliance players, and the opponents were all The convention organization formed by players from European and American countries, he naturally wants to take the lead and rush to make contributions.

Although other Alliance players did not understand the idea of ​​Yinzhengjin, they moved the whole body. All Alliance players rushed up like hungry wolves. Jing Tian told everyone to just hit the periphery. However, this kind of head-to-head battle without a unified command does not have any technical content at all, and everyone does not pay attention to skill coordination. There is nothing wrong with it. In other words, Yinzhengjin seemed to advance and retreat freely, breaking up into parts, all players under his command, like an army with a clear division of labor, full of combat power.

The most active one is the sister who does not eat mice. She hardly needs to think about dodge. After all, there are too many players lying in front of the gun. She just carried the hidden weapon box and burst the shot, and the steel needle bullets passed through the air, still nothing. He hesitantly hit the head of the Demon player. The mask shaman was strengthened again after level 30, and even Jing Tian wondered whether he had designed this profession too much.

Of course, after he wants to understand that Yang Mimi is the original world-class FPS player master, he is still relieved that ordinary players can play this level, Yang Mimi cannot represent all mask shaman players, but she now calls it the head of mask shaman. I'm afraid no one will refuse.

Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi are not far behind. They are both mid-range and long-range attacking professions. With their skillful cooperation, they can also sweep away enemies at a distance, but their performance is naturally not comparable to the ultra-long attack range of the Unicorn Taurus. Occupation, the weapon in the hand of the alchemist was thrown out by the Taurus without hesitation as soon as he appeared, and every weapon was a shocking attack on the distant enemy. Sky Dungeon

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