Sky Dungeon

Chapter 359: Win without fighting

"Oh?" Yin Zhengjin said noncommittal to Jing Tian's next move.

Yin Zhengjin only replied such a word, and still had a skeptical face, Jing Tian almost turned his back on his back with anger. Isn't he so untrustworthy? Don't you feel the slightest excitement and interest in your plan? However, thinking that Yinzhengjin actually cooperated with him may not be trusting himself, but an attitude of experimenting, just like ordering takeaways. If this store is good or not in line with your taste, you will know if you order it once. ? At the very least, it shows that Yin Zhengjin has a good feeling or value for him. Thinking of this, Jing Tian is relieved.

"Uh, you are expressing your attitude, don't put on a mysterious appearance, are you helping me as I said just now?" Jing Tian asked in a different tone, and he deliberately showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just bluffing and playing with the enemy's tactics? You know, we North Korean soldiers are best at this. You can give me one month's rent free, so I can guarantee that this drama is very realistic. "Yin Zhengjin has a face that he has suffered a lot, and his words are still far-fetched.

"Uh...can you not talk about money, so you are embarrassed to ask for money?" Jing Tian said helplessly. Although Jing Tian doesn't care about this little money, rich people are not fools. Yes, don’t you have to ask the rich for a thousand or eight hundred when you change to an LED tube? This is obviously inappropriate. It is the boss who gave you too much money and wanted to do some good deeds to disperse money and avoid disasters. However, next time I will definitely not deal with you, and no business will find you again.

"It's just a joke, I have ordered the people below to do it, and wait to watch the show. You guys, everything is fine, but the vengeance is a bit too heavy." Yin Zhengjin didn't talk nonsense, and took his own. The army discussed the matter of attacking the resident of the Blue Wolf Guild, and drove to the Alliance City.

Revenge? Maybe you are a Scorpio. If you have grudges, you have to take revenge. Can you still have a baby if you keep it?

Jing Tian guessed right, there are indeed fish caught today. After all, the Alliance also has the profession of Stalker. Although this profession can be attacked after being invisible, it can be attacked, but the premise is that the opponent is in a hostile state.

Presumably, those guys who became invisible early because of the bad situation had already changed their state to normal after the killing time limit. They were mixed in the North Korean army. Even if the voice was heard by Zhao Jiaxue, Zhao Jiaxue could not tell the truth. Who made the sound.

Although a person can be detected in reality by sound, after all, everyone's footsteps habits are different. As long as you listen carefully to repeated memory, it is not difficult. However, in the game, everyone’s footsteps can only be loud or heavy. The short character’s footsteps are lighter, and the character’s tall and plump natural footsteps are more heavy, but this alone is necessary in the crowd to determine whether it is the player’s voice. Voice, this is nothing short of a fantasy.

However, what Jing Tian hopes is exactly the same. As long as there are still living people in the Blue Wolf Guild, the good news will be behind.

I saw the North Korean mercenary marching in a neat pace while swiping the screen on the current channel: "Tread through the camp of the Blue Wolf Guild, and strengthen my riding on the Cloud Guild!"

"Tread through the resident of the Blue Wolf Guild, and strengthen me to ride the Cloud Guild's majesty!"

Looking at the uniform slogans from a distance, Jing Tian suddenly vomited dozens of old blood in his heart. Unexpectedly, Yin Zhengjin was so vicious and told him to pretend to attack the Green Wolf Guild. This guy actually counted the hatred on him. Come on, is your army planning to join our Cloud Riding Guild? Why does it represent our guild? It's really not a loss at all!

So afraid of things, but still like to make trouble, I hope the soul of the blue wolf will not be angry with any heart disease, otherwise the guild will never have peace. Well, what's the big deal, life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty spreads a fart, let the hatred come more coquettish!

It was these timid stalkers who sent the news back to the Green Wolf General Guild. The Soul of the Blue Wolf was full of anger and incomprehension on his face at this time. He did not expect that he did not assemble the players and kill them back Assembling the troops and killing them towards their guild station, what kind of trump cards do they have in their hands to make them confident. What are the five of them? Fortunately, I just asked the brothers of the guild to gather at the guild's premises. If the people were disbanded on the spot just now, I am afraid that the brothers of the guild will be scolded for playing.

Since he took the initiative to send it to the door, the Soul of the Blue Wolf decisively ordered the brothers of the Black Wolf and the Purple Wolf to rush back to the guild's premises, and notified the guild's reserve personnel that all those who could rush over online rushed over. With the lessons learned from the past, the Soul of the Blue Wolf will naturally no longer let the guild members start the killing mode rashly. He has already conceived in his mind the picture of how he would catch turtles in the urn when everyone in the riding cloud guild started killing. I didn't expect that there would be a chance to turn around so soon, this is simply a blessing bestowed by God!

Of course, these images can only be simply imagined, because more than an hour has passed, everyone in the Blue Wolf Group Guild has already been in place, and even the non-staff personnel have also rushed to gather in a secret place. , But the soul of the blue wolf can't see the shadow of half of the cloud riding guild player. At this time, he had to ask the guild leaders of the Black Wolf and Purple Wolf again, after all, the news came from their mouths to the ears of the Soul of Green Wolf.

"The news is stalkers in our guild have heard that they shouted slogans to attack the guild on the current channel, which is very arrogant." The chairman of the black wolf hunting group grieved.

"I heard it all? Then they, they haven't come here for so long, do you think they are fools, they will siege the city with great fanfare, and still make a big announcement on the current channel? Are they the kind of people who are fighting upright? Where's the person?" The Soul of the Blue Wolf wanted to understand at this time, or to think about this issue at this time. He had been arranging personnel deployment before, and he did not consider the reliability of this news at all. When he finishes his work now, he just finds the tricky after just sorting out his thoughts!

"Didn't you order everyone to assemble, and the people who followed also copied the trail and rushed back, and didn't follow."

"President, what should we do? Did we get the trick?"

"What else can we do? Tell everyone that the other party sees our powerful platoons and retreats without a fight. We are united and extremely strong and indestructible! This is a victory that is won without a fight!" The soul of the green wolf bite. Ya said, but everyone really admired this guild leader, who was able to take advantage of the momentum to inspire the military at this time, even though he was tricked, he was still thinking about increasing the morale of the people below. Sky Dungeon

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