Sky Dungeon

Chapter 355: Which way is it empty?

"Damn it, it turned out to be an empty city plan!"

What kind of emptiness is this? Can't Kongcheng beat Baiwei's disgusting trick?

At this time, the eyes of the Azure Wolf Soul were a little gloomy, and he muttered to himself depressedly: The situation that was originally inevitable was lost by himself. This sitting on the well and watching the sky even deliberately reminded himself that he was clearly giving himself a set, let I was wasting my time in vain, and now this slap on my face is really loud and painful!

However, since he has done this now, he naturally can't immediately retreat, and he has to finish shooting the promotional video no matter what.

Therefore, the Soul of the Blue Wolf pretended to be calm and said: "Ahem...I think the brothers of Blue Wolf, Red Wolf, and Silver Wolf can withdraw first. The promo is almost done, and the rest is handed over to Black Wolf and Brothers of Purple Wolf show up more!"

The Soul of the Blue Wolf is really good calculation. The strength of their guild group should be the strongest of the Blue Wolf, Red Wolf, and Black Wolf, but if these three are removed at the same time, it will obviously make the brothers criticize it. It is better to leave the best of the top three. The weak black wolf, as well as the lower-strength purple wolf, it also seems that the soul of the blue wolf is not because of not wasting the time of the main guild, after all, he let the silver wolf battle group at the bottom of the strength also dispersed.

Sure enough, no one of the following branch guild presidents raised any objections to the guild boss’s proposal. After all, everyone here can only waste their upgrade time. Don’t forget that everyone is the first tier player. The upgrade time is very long. valuable. The three guild armies withdrew from Ranma Hill separately, and the remaining Black Wolf Hunting Group and Purple Wolf Corps continued to take pictures of various smashing doors.

Twenty minutes later, the time to watch the killing mode was about to end. The presidents of the two branch guilds were still waiting to turn off the killing mode. How to mix the members to record videos, but at this moment, two guilds suddenly emerged from both wings of the guild. Although most of the members of these two waves are not at level 30 and their combat effectiveness does not seem to be strong, they act like a regular army. Yes, it is the mercenary in North Korea!

"Quan Zhilong!" The magic flute in his hand was lifted, and Zhao Yunxue's charming lips pressed on the magic flute. The harsh flute sound destroyed the communication system of all Blue Wolf Group Guild players.

At the same time, the gate of the Cloud Riding Guild flicked, and dozens of figures flashed. Sitting Jing Guantian and the others actually sent out the door by themselves. The members of the Black Wolf and Purple Wolf made countless boos and curses, but their voices were already there. They couldn't pass it out, they were just the second-order deafness of Zhao Yunxueer.

However, Jing Tian had no plans, and no idiot thought that the experience of the Black Wolf Hunting Group and the Purple Wolf Corps could not be passed back. On the contrary, he was more like seeing the expression of the Soul of the Blue Wolf after hearing the current situation. Although this time, he was hit by the old fox Yin Zhengjin because he had not yet settled in Chaos Demon Post and was unwilling to make enemies with the Alliance Grand Guild. However, how could Jing Tian care about it? With three months' rent, how could this shame of the Blue Wolf Guild die well or swallow?

However, Yin Zhengjin can be considered measured. After all, he had already verbally agreed to form an alliance to fight against foreign enemies. Although he made excuses just to negotiate business with more bargaining chips, even if Jing Tian refused, he still had to help and must not be tarnished. The reputation of North Korean soldiers. Therefore, he also asked for a three-month rent-free agreement, which can be regarded as being affectionate.

Besides, since the alliance, it will be a matter of jointly confronting the enemy. If you ignore the Guild Riding Cloud and be humiliated, if you have any difficulties in the future, even if the Guild Riding Cloud comes to help, I am afraid that you will not be wholehearted. What's more, I have to thank the genius sitting in the well for the last time I have achieved the results. It is impossible to have a permanent foothold in this world.

However, Jing Tian had already taken the vaccinations this time, telling the opponent that his opponent was from Huaxia, and don't make any claims about resisting US aid to China. Naturally Yinzhengjin agreed to such a request that was not a requirement. Although Jing Tian is not a patriot, he still wouldn't do things that humiliate the country.

What surprised Jing Tian at this time was that Yinzhengjin brought a lot more manpower this time than last time. Could it be that Yinzhengjin still retains its strength? Or is it that North Korea is continuously increasing its personnel input on Sky Dungeon? We must know that the game is open. Even if these people do not communicate with the world players on the surface, it is inevitable that they will have a private chat or something. Are they afraid of defectors?

Jing Tian couldn't make a conclusion so easily, so he had to put the black wolf and purple wolf in front of him first. He was using the halberd to watch the sky while sitting on the well. It was a halberd. After all, this skill ignored the enemy and allies and would cause widespread chaos. Skills, if you wait for the North Korean soldiers to get close before using them, they might not know what they are wrong.

Therefore, Jing Tianqiu made this blow before the North Korean army entered the affected area. A member of the black wolf who was not far away from sitting in the Jingtian was naturally the most unlucky. This skill did not deviate and hit him. Not to mention, Jing Tian has been attached to his body along with the effect of the skill, and after the continuous skill shot, he actually hit the bottom of the blood line in an instant, it is incredible!

What he didn't know was that at the same time that the Jingtian skill was activated, the other members of the Cloud Riding Snow Guild naturally launched an offensive. When the group attack fell, how could he not be affected? When the shady disappeared, he was the first On the other hand, Jing Tian still underestimated the scope of the solar eclipse effect produced by Yi Tian, ​​and the North Korean mercenaries were still short-termed by the dismissal to the members of the Blue Wolf Group Time deprived of vision.

However, fortunately, Jing Tian had notified Yin Zhengjin in advance and ordered the army to move forward if its vision was hacked. Therefore, the North Korean players who were deprived of their vision did not stop at this time. Instead, they hired under the cover of this tyrant. The army arrived at the attack position, and they launched a violent long-range attack without hesitation. Under the cover of long-range attack, the close professional rushed to the enemy line.

How can the Guild of Riding Clouds be polite here? Everyone has nowhere to vent their anger. If they hold back, they will have a few pimples on their faces, and they will bite the enemy crazily like a wolf and a tiger.

At this time, the most active one is no longer the sister who does not eat mice. As an alchemist, the unicorn Taurus has thrown out the weapons refined in his hand one after another, and the attack distance is one of the best.

In the next moment, the king of swordsman and the village woman, Luo Jing Xia Shi rushed into the enemy line, facing these poorly equipped black wolf and purple wolf army, their attack damage can be described as quite good, sitting on Jing Guantian’s Fang Tianji They danced wildly like a dragon, and under the cover of Yun Xueyi and Zhao Yunxue'er, they were eye-catching. Sky Dungeon

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