Sky Dungeon

Chapter 352: Locking skills

With this calculation, Jing Tian and the others are now facing five guilds, not one guild, and the number of each other is definitely not less than two hundred!

"Huh... it seems that things have become interesting, can I kill them?"

Yang Mimi said this abruptly, and it really made everyone’s foreheads sweat at the same time. Feelings, this alien is a female murderer who is fearless and fearless. Just now, dozens of people were completely ignored by her. Now that she was surrounded by more than two hundred people, it aroused her interest!

"My god, I just wanted to say it. We promised them that it would be fine too? If you don't want to hang up, I can do it for me. If I die dozens of times, I don't have to work hard to collect the rent." Yang Miao Miao also jumped out to make trouble at this time, as if she didn't want the limelight to be taken up by her sister alone.

Is it so hard to dismantle the second-generation charter house? It feels hard to collect rent. Isn't it the ultimate coolie for the majority of office workers?

"Smelly mouse, how long will your weakened state last for dozens of times? The weakened state can be superimposed within 24 hours. If you die 30 times, you will have a penalty of 100% of all attributes drop for 300 minutes, but you need to visit 5. Are you sure you can endure the hours of the street? Besides, are you very hard to collect rent? Don’t exploit the toiling people in front of the landlord and still cry and open your eyes and talk nonsense, okay?” Lao Xia was not angry, thinking Thinking that I worked overtime day and night, it was really hard work.

"Collecting rent is already very hard, okay? You haven't done it before, don’t know, the fart inside is so heartbreaking. Every other way is like a mountain, such as an old Lai renting my house in my house, or a The tenant damaged the house and ran away, so it would be very hard to prosecute the police, time-consuming and long, unpleasant efforts, and at most recoup a little loss." Yang Miaomiao also solemnly defended himself, which made everyone right. He only rolled his eyes, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything in the game.

"How do you do now?" Yu Yan gracefully interrupted the chattering of several people. She even wondered why these people were not nervous. It was clear that everyone was completely surrounded. The other party had planned and secretly planned. Deploy, just wait for everyone to come back. And why everyone's whereabouts were exposed, this is also a question worth considering. I have to make people suspect that there is a ghost in the guild! Who is the inner ghost? Plastic surgeons and the Constellation Party were involved in the guild, and the biggest suspicion would naturally fall on them.

"Uh... the killing mode is divided into team mode, team mode, and guild influence mode. The team now only has 25 members open. They must use the guild killing mode, and there is no alliance between the guilds. It is inevitable to kill. There will be accidental injuries. Everyone pretends and retreats. When the two forces in the direction of the guild converge, let's kill the carbine and go directly to the left side of the Green Wolf Guild." Jing Tian explained and directed lightly.

That's right, the game's main strategy Ki Tian Nongjing is full of hatred for the PK of the same camp, and obviously does not advocate large-scale infighting killings.

"Great, I saw that werewolf was not pleasing to the eye just now, and we will record a video for a while. We must take down the first level of the soul of the blue wolf!" Zhao Jiaxue seemed to be full of dissatisfaction with the soul of the blue wolf.

After a while, the men and horses of the Blue Wolf and the Red Wolf Legion really gathered together. Under the command of Jing Tian, ​​the people of the Riding Cloud Guild instantly turned their guns, and rushed towards the people of the Blue Wolf. This is indeed out of the blue. Wolf Soul’s expectation, after all, he deliberately left a gap in the encirclement, but there was no deployment in that direction. He had already mobilized all the stalkers of the guild to go to ambush, waiting for everyone in the riding cloud guild. Cast the net.

However, everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild seemed to have heard of the wind, and they did not choose to continue to flee toward the gap, and seemed to have given up running away. They wanted to have a dead fish with the Green Wolf Guild and the branch guilds. This was undoubtedly an egg smashed. , The egg liquid splashed the stone all over, although it can't hurt the stone, it can also disgust the stone. Of course it's disgusting. The Soul of the Blue Wolf is already thinking about whether there is a traitor in his own guild, and has revealed the wind to the Cloud Riding Guild, otherwise how could the other party suddenly rein in the cliff?

While the members of the Blue Wolf guilds were thinking about how to tear the people of the Cloud Riding Guild to pieces, Jing Tian operated and watched the sky and walked quickly. Seeing that the distance between the people of the Cloud Riding Guild and the people of the Green Wolf Guild was so two steps apart, the attack range was reached. Jing Tian yelled out without reservation: "Batian!"

That's right, the angel sitting in the well has his comprehension skills: [halberd method·yibatian]!

The next solar eclipse effect took effect, and the AR vision of the surrounding players became dark. Everyone subconsciously began to wonder if there was something wrong with the game or if there was something wrong with their VR equipment. I have never heard of Neng Nei. Screen skills!

Not surprisingly, Jing Tian has already informed everyone in the guild to continue to rush forward, and don’t stop the operation. All the group attack skills can be played to the people of the Blue Wolf Guild, although it is only a few seconds. By the time, all the members of the Blue Wolf Guild were hit by the group attack. When the VR equipment returned to normal, they were already in various negative and could not control themselves.

However, at this time, Jing Tian and the others did not stop their operations. Before the members of the Blue Wolf guild had recovered, they directly interspersed and ran into the crowd of the Blue Wolf guild, while the soul of the blue wolf was chatting. Indoors command everyone to attack, but the soul of the green wolf also sees the drawbacks of the killing mode. In the chat room, he strictly requires everyone to use locking skills or single attack skills to avoid accidental injuries.

But with such an order, the Red Wolf Legion, which is the closest to the Blue Wolves, was a little depressed. They found that their lock skills could not lock the people of the Cloud Riding Guild at this time. After all, the skills lock in Sky Dungeon It is locked by the auxiliary scope in the VR screen, but at this time, where can the auxiliary scope be accurately aimed at the people of the Cloud Riding Guild, the target in front of them is the people of the Green Wolf Guild. If you use the locking skill, you must Hit his own person.

Everyone in the Red Wolf Legion screamed in their hearts: Use the lock skills of the wool thread, and the lock skills can't let your mind lock on the target. You monkeys have a different kind of jumping up and down!

This was naturally Jing Tian's conspiracy. He deliberately asked everyone to rush into the Blue Wolf enemy formation from the left, while the Red Wolf Legion was on the right at the time. Naturally, they couldn't directly target the members of the Cloud Riding Guild. Sky Dungeon

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