Sky Dungeon

Chapter 349: Why Realize Smart Pets

"Brother Tian, ​​won't you hack into Tengyi's headquarters again?" Yang Miaomiao was stunned when he heard it. He didn't fully understand what Jing Tian said, but thought he was like a super hacker.

"Uh... how come, it was the village woman who told me, don’t forget that she is a GM game consultant." Jing Tian immediately pushed the source to Liu Yaya, she was the best shield, and she said anything about the game. And spoilers can use Liu Yaya's trump card.

"Oh? The official is right, but didn't the slave say that you can only tell the official you are alone, how can you just shake it out? How can you compensate the slave?" Liu Yaya was very cooperative and enchanting, obviously Is not willing to be used for free.

"You have to make up for it, Jing Tian, ​​you can find a handsome-looking, burly, and magnetic-sound duck for Yaya tonight." Zhao Jiaxue, the old dirty lady, can't stand it anymore, so she just fired the cannon. Mother, when you speak, you are completely speechless.

"However, there are naturally many people who play games to become stronger. Even if it is a very small gap, they will generously donate and pursue the so-called strength, satisfy their inner yearning for strength or vanity, and plastic surgery is the same." Jin Chengwu could see thoroughly.

“It doesn’t matter if others buy it or not. Anyway, we definitely buy it. Besides, it’s a smart plush toy. Have you ever played it? The key is to look cute and love it, which makes people love it.” Zhao Jiaxue feels that this question is completely unnecessary. As long as there are cute things in the world, you can buy them.

"Tengyi Company is not simply collecting money, they are opening up the world's factories, with a large layout, and you Chinese people are very powerful." Taurus seems to have a good vision and put forward a new view.

"Oh? It seems that you have a good understanding of Tengyi Company. You are right. These game peripherals are not produced by Tengyi Company. Tengyi Company has reached a contract with two domestic companies. These two companies and Toy manufacturers and smart hardware manufacturers from all over the world have reached OEM cooperation. The game peripherals purchased by players in each country are actually domestic products. If the country does not have relevant production conditions and production capacity, two companies from China China establishes a joint venture production base. This is also an important condition for why the game Sky Dungeon can be recognized by governments all over the world, and in the future, these manufacturers or bases will have more product output and involve The light of the industrial chain makes it difficult for all politicians to hide their hearts. It can be said that games have a considerable role in promoting the economic development and technological development of various countries." Liu Yaya said Jing Tian’s creation, but this is already Not an idea, but a reality.

"Sure enough, my Sacred Sword told me that despite the globalization of the world economy, countries are reluctant to see their countries always import foreign products, especially some high-tech products. If this game is greedy to make money, sell it After arriving in various countries, they have to export various peripheral products and wait for them to the countries of the world, so the governments of all countries may not be able to sit back and watch. No one wants to see China as the dominant family and eat the food of the players all over the world. The real world economic integration is the world economy Promotion, common progress, and unilateral greed and plunder will only make governments of various countries find ways to suppress. At that time, this game may be randomly selected for a few extreme reasons, and it can refuse Tengyi to continue to operate in various countries. The operation may also be attacked by governments of various countries, and may be suppressed by all walks of life. This is why many game companies nowadays are looking for an agency to share a piece of the pie with game companies in various countries, but Tengyi has no share. This cup of soup has unexpectedly won the support of countries all over the world." Yu Yan is also a sharp and quick person, after all, she is a genius who claims to be multi-degree.

"It's easy to say, but I really didn't expect Tengyi to do it. The difficulties are far more than the problems. Governments of all countries should put forward their own conditions and requirements, but even so, the world has taken a step forward. Stride. After talking for a long time, these have nothing to do with us. Let's go to the guild station to receive the guild mission. Now the guild station has been built, you can easily fly there by buying a meal ticket from the station in the Union City, and try it together. Give it a try." Jing Tian faintly turned the topic back to the game, although he was in the most excited mood at this time.

Sure enough, as Jing Tian said, there was a surprisingly more option for the guild station in the flight destination selection column of the post station in Alliance City. Within two minutes, everyone took the Dapeng and arrived at the guild station in the mass grave, Dapeng. Naturally, he stayed in the guild station, waiting to be fed and ridden next time.

Along the way, players around the world have mixed opinions on the game’s launch of smart peripheral products. Many people have also raised their concerns, especially whether the so-called smart pets will infringe their privacy or whether they will be affected by smart products. Surveillance, there are big question marks.

Of course, ID [Pine under the Snow] came forward and asked, "Does your smart speaker also infringe your privacy? Is it an infringement if you keep listening to your voice to distinguish if there are instructions?"

Some people are very concerned about the price of smart pets. After all, the price of VR sets is not low. If the price of smart pets is too high, most players will choose to give up. After all, the official announcement has stated that smart pets are not a must-have. Will affect the normal game.

So the emperors have stood up about price predictions, and some others have also made imaginations about how to train smart pets. Of course, most of them are mainly funny, and of course there are some strange speeches. .

Player A [Appreciation]: "Cultivating pets requires cultivating feelings. When you buy them, you can use them as pillows every day, and play games and sleep day and night!"

Player B [Shadow Maple]: "Does the smart pet run on its own? I have two people in my family. Maybe it will pull out the smart pet's hair."

Player C [Luoshan Xiong]: "Couldn't it be possible to set up a virtual training room to train pets directly in the VR game, why must it be actualized?"

Regarding the actualization of smart pets, Jing Tian is not only for commercial purposes, but also for the players’ health. If you are addicted to VR games for a long time, it will inevitably cause various degrees of damage to the players’ bodies. People bring happiness in order to bring untouchable experience in reality. If the body becomes unhealthy because of the game, it also violates the original intention of the game. Therefore, Jing Tian hopes that players can do more activities offline. The game is true. Interesting, but without a healthy body, the game has no future. Sky Dungeon

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