Sky Dungeon

Chapter 344: The clever tongue makes right and wrong, and the iron chain chain takeaway plan

"Oh? That's right, this one was given to me by Jing Tian. As the so-called borrowing flowers to present a beauty, I naturally accepted it beautifully, right? Jing Tian?" Liu Yaya's voice suddenly became enchanting. , Making Jing Tian feel like an electric shock. Obviously, Liu Yaya threw this question directly to Jing Tian. Who made Jing Tian a good person? You don't want to protect others and frame your own fiancée, right?

"Uh..." Before Jing Tian hesitated to say it, Zhao Jiaxue interrupted: "Jing Tian has to give you my consent. After all, I am the master. Since you came to us for lunch at noon, then we Everyone will go to your place to eat dinner at night! Don’t say that I didn’t say it in place, and calculate the chopsticks. Even if we have a dog in the future, you have to prepare a dog plate or something."

Keep a dog? Dog dish? What and what? Zhao Jiaxue's thinking is too jumpy, why does it sound like she is cursing herself?

"Oh? So you still remember what happened yesterday, you have a good memory. Dog dishes and so on, now you can prepare them in advance." Liu Yaya said with a needle in Mianli.

Of course Zhao Jiaxue remembers that she is not a patient with amnesia! More importantly, Liu Yaya really took the dog dish to talk about it! If you dig the pit yourself, Zhao Jiaxue, just jump into it with tears.

"Huh, my memory is better than you. Jingtian's serving is definitely not enough, sister Lingxi, do you think you can go and buy one of Jingtian's favorite teriyaki chicken steak?" Zhao Jiaxue is serious, and she blinked at Nan Lingxi deliberately, and then said in a low voice: "This is a good time for you to show your good wife and mother. Compared with Liu Yaya, the vixen who grabs the man's job, who would Jing Tian choose? ?"

Having a good time to drive away the tigers, it is really: clever tongue is like a spontaneous, iron chain chain takeaway plan!

Liu Yaya curled the corners of her mouth with disdain, and as expected, Zhao Jiaxue still had something to do!

Jing Tian's favorite teriyaki chicken steak? She clearly showed off a handful of the dish she and Yun Yiyi made yesterday at noon. It can be described as a well-intentioned dish that hit Liu Yaya subtly. I don't know how Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking was able to perform supernormally this time, and the series of tricks he developed really surprised Jing Tian a bit, it was so natural!

However, Jing Tian was also prepared. Although Nan Lingxi opened his mouth and was ready to respond, Jing Tian was the first to stop him and said, "I don’t think it’s necessary. Since I ate the teriyaki chicken steaks made by you and Yiyi yesterday, I did it outside. It’s dismissive. How can they make the taste as good as you and Yiyi’s craftsmanship? These are enough. Didn’t I eat a lot of supper snacks, puffed foods and so on when we were discussing it last night? It’s just bad for the body, and I don’t feel that I have completely digested it yet, so I don’t bother Lingxi."

Nan Lingxi doesn’t think so. You must know that she still has a good impression of Zhao Jiaxue, and at the last moment, she even thought Zhao Jiaxue, a commoner, would be very troublesome. If she went to Jingtian and bought a separate meal, then There will definitely not be the mistake of sprinkling the soup just now, and Jing Tian will also be grateful to herself. Jing Tian will be happy from the bottom of her heart when she eats the meal she specially sent. In other words, this is probably the first time in her life to give a man a meal alone, and the first time for any woman is quite precious and worth cherishing.

What's more, what Zhao Jiaxue said just now was completely correct. Nan Lingxi wanted to show it to Jing Tian. Compared to Liu Yaya, who was delicious and lazy, he was his destiny lover. Liu Yaya kind of rude and unreasonable, full-brained woman, has been a woman since she was a child. The sad predator is really hard to change in nature. After so many years, it is too hateful to bully Jing Tian with superiority.

However, Jing Tian refused to export. Nan Lingxi didn't feel any kindness at all. Instead, she felt that Jing Tian was repelling people thousands of miles away, so she changed her expression: "No, people are iron rice or steel. Eating panicked, this meal is just enough for our women. As a man, you have to eat two servings upright!"

With that, Nan Lingxi left with Jing Tian's surprised and awkward eyes. Everyone seemed to have seen the unconcealable smile on the corner of Nan Lingxi's mouth when she left. It was really: Yangtian laughed and went out, my generation is a passionate lover. It's all the power of love...

The depression in Jing Tian's heart: Nanlingxi, Nanlingxi, I was pulling you, and you were jumping into the pit. Should you say you are stupid, or should you say Zhao Jiaxue is smart? Thinking of this, Jing Tian turned his surprised gaze to Zhao Jiaxue, and said in a earnest tone: "Senior goodbye, you should treat each other with admiration for three days. How did you upgrade from a dirty woman to a dirty **** woman?"

"Haha, women’s hearts are needles in the bottom of the sea. Only we women know the pain points of women, so the chance of our women’s same-sex love is actually greater than that of men. They are safe and reliable. They are also allowed by the gods and will not offend God and make us sick. I have practiced it many times in my heart, and I'm afraid of forgetting the lines." Zhao Jiaxue jumped with her tongue out.

"You..." After Yun Yiyi sighed coldly, he shook his head and stopped talking.

"Fatty, the teriyaki chicken chop will be half of yours in a while. I usually have one serving, and one and a half is my limit." Jing Tian said bitterly.

"Interesting enough, but you should enjoy it alone. The rich woman's eyes just now clearly said that whoever wants to grab the bowl of rice from you will have to fight the other person. I can see that you can gain weight, maybe It can also open the door for you to become When you get fat, don’t grab my Mimi, otherwise Fat Brother will never finish with you!" Luo Xia patted Jing Tian on the shoulder and said He walked back to his room, leaving everyone in the same place recalling the look in the eyes of Nan Lingxi.

Who wants to **** your Yang Mimi? She and Yang Miaomiao look like twin brothers.

" there any kind of look? Hey! Your lunchbox hasn't been cleaned yet!" Jing Tian rushed towards Luo Xia's room door depressedly, but Luo Xia did not respond at all.

"Oh? This lazy pig is very careful to observe." Liu Yaya agreed.

After more than twenty minutes, the door rang and Zhao Jiaxue trot to open the door triumphantly.

"Brother Jing, I'm back, and I added a braised pork ribs to you. It's good for men to eat more."

When Jing Tian heard Nan Lingxi came in and said that he had added another dish to Jing Tian, ​​he had the urge to faint. He wasn't a foodie. Isn't this trying to beat his own rhythm? And seeing what Zhao Jiaxue looked like when he was laughing aside, Jing Tian wanted to stretch his feet and kick a few times to relieve his hatred. Sky Dungeon

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