Sky Dungeon

Chapter 341: Red notebook

"Uh... why are you here?" Jing Tian's first reaction was curiosity. He watched Nan Lingxi, the eldest sister of the Nan family, was carrying big bags and small bags. He thought she had just returned from shopping, take a closer look. The plastic bag turned out to be a fast food box swaying around. Jing Tian had a dumbfounding feeling, and he quickly reached out to pick it up.

Just like this, Nan Lingxi unintentionally sent forward. Jing Tian's hands were just on Nan Lingxi's right hand. With just such a light grip, Nan Lingxi's face turned red. After coming down, the whole body seemed to have a warm current running through, and the previous hardships and grievances were wiped out. Although the business of Chi Cheng is like a pediatrician, she rarely participates in activities in the circle, and refuses to embrace other people's physical contact such as dancing, and she has always kept her face and heartbeat when dealing with business partners, but she was just like Jing Tian. Contact, but the heart is like a small deer receiving a birthday present, bumping around excitedly and happily.

Although Jing Tian noticed the strangeness of Nan Lingxi, he still took the bag in her right hand along the way, and her delicate jade hand had several distinct red marks on the ten knuckles. Fortunately, the food was fairly light. Yes, if it's a bit heavy, I'm afraid it will be more dazzling bruises to pull out these innocent hands, that will make people more distressed.

"Why are you going to buy food for us?" Jing Tian was surprised, but the next second he remembered Zhao Jiaxue. This guy went out to buy food and has not returned yet. Isn't it related to her?

"It was the profiteer and commoner Zhao Jiaxue who went to buy it together. She suddenly had diarrhea, and the profiteer had to bring it back first. You must eat while it is hot. The profiteer is slow, don't mind." Nan Lingxi didn't want to take responsibility. The meaning of pushing to Zhao Jiaxue, the simple explanation still shows his disdain for Zhao Jiaxue.

Jing Tian snorted in his heart: Zhao Jiaxue's feelings were not pitted to Liu Yaya, and Nanlingxi was pitted! How does this fellow Liu Yaya avoid harassment and trouble Zhao Jiaxue?

"Uh...then you sit in the living room and take a rest." Jing Tian naturally didn't want to say much, and put the batch of lunch on the dining table, watching the overflowing soup, Jing Tian secretly shook his head: Nan Lingxi, Nanlingxi, you have been tricked by Zhao Jiaxue for so many years after you have been in the mall. Zhao Jiaxue must have a back hand. I don't know if you can go on smoothly.

At this moment, the anti-theft door was knocked suddenly, and Jing Tian's heart was stunned: Could it be that Zhao Jiaxue is back? Isn't she completely exposed after being so close? Are there other conspiracies? After hesitating, Jing Tian still opened the anti-theft door nonchalantly, but the person outside the door was not Zhao Jiaxue, but Liu Yaya!

"Oh? Why don't you call me for dinner, I'm still hungry, you are so..." Liu Yaya deliberately swallowed the last words back into her stomach, as if giving people full imagination, and she seemed to know that the living room is right. Sitting in Nan Lingxi, he deliberately showed off his posture and told the other party about the incomparable relationship.

Sure enough, Nan Lingxi stood up directly and walked towards the entrance. The character she has cultivated in business is that she never bows to the enemy, and love rivals are naturally also enemies. But before she could get close to Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yaya took Jing Tian's arm and walked to the living room, as if she hadn't seen Nan Lingxi at all.

Ignore? Yes, just ignore it!

Nan Lingxi was angry, her face was fierce, her eyebrows stood upside down, she took out a thing from her bag in the next instant: "Liu Yaya, you let go of the husband of the profiteer, or I don't blame the profiteer for turning his face!"

Husband? Moreover, at this moment, Nan Lingxi was holding a small red notebook!

Let me go, what's the situation? Isn't this small red book a marriage certificate?

Jing Tian feels like being struck by lightning, and his brain has begun to mess up: I thought Liu Yaya was bold and open enough, and now his feelings have led to a hard-married Nan Lingxi, this woman would not secretly take pictures of herself Use yourself as the background canvas, cut out her own face directly, PS onto her own photo, and print the photo on the marriage certificate, right?

Did he get married somehow? As a common citizen, there is such a bad thing, you might get married directly. Whatever freedom of marriage, as long as Nanlingxi takes care of everything, even if you are not present, the marriage certificate will still be issued correctly!

Jing Tian once said: As long as there are people, no matter how perfect the settings are and how strict the constraints are, there are bugs to go. Unexpectedly, this sentence is now working for me!

"What are you holding in your hand?" Liu Yaya naturally looked straight, and her eyes were filled with red blood for a moment. From time to time, she turned her surprised eyes on Jing Tian to see how Jing Tian reacted and changed, and then assessed the authenticity of the marriage certificate.

"Do you know what it means to be strong first? We are now a legal couple. You are just an expired fiancée. Wouldn't you want to be a lowly and shameless woman to seduce someone else's husband? Of course, this profiteer does not object to you doing this , But what would your old man think?” After speaking, Nan Lingxi put the red book on her hand into her bag. Unexpectedly, Liu Yaya just grabbed it at random and took the red book from Nan Lingxi's hand. .

So fast! Jing Tian even felt that he hadn't seen Liu Yaya's action at all. The marriage certificate was already in Liu Yaya's are you doing! Respect the privacy of others! "Nan Lingxi severely rebuked.

Glancing at the skin of the red book, it's really a marriage certificate! Liu Yaya will not return it to Nan Lingxi anymore. She is the one who stepped sideways to **** Nan Lingxi, and at the same time she opened the red notebook. At first glance, Liu Yaya was really shocked, but she saw the photo on Jingtian Liu Yaya laughed at her appearance: "Oh? This photo was taken yesterday, don't you want to tell me that you got married yesterday? Can't you tell, you, the queen of businessmen, will forge your documents, letter If you don't believe me, I will catch you now?"

"Really, how sure are you to be sure that this profiteer and Brother Jing didn't register their marriage yesterday? Couldn't you be by his side all day?" Nan Lingxi said calmly.

"Of course, Jing Tian has eaten and played games since meeting you yesterday. We have been staying in Sky Dungeon. Now that you know this game, you should know the identity verification system of this game. Do you want to say that Jing Tian found a clone to play the game, and the deity accompanied you to the civil affairs department to register for marriage?" Although Liu Yaya has more direct evidence, she can’t tell it, but Sky Dungeon ) "This game provides perfect evidence in the game. Sky Dungeon

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