Sky Dungeon

Chapter 331: Bet

This skill is exactly the broken page of the ancient skill book that the King of Sword Cavalry obtained from the Yonghan Palace: [Magic Sword·Fengxing Tianxia]!

Although this skill is powerful, its attack range is very limited. As a group attack, it only has a range of 1 meter around the body. After all, the target that such a group attack can affect is very limited, but the duration of the skill makes Yu Yan very satisfied. For 4 seconds, the King of the Sword Cavalry will be invincible within these four seconds, but his blood will still be affected by the magic sword backlash as the skill damage occurs. If you attack too many targets, the greater the amount of damage, the magic sword backlash The higher the damage, I am afraid that the king of swordsman will not last for 4 seconds at all. If you can't see all the enemies fall, you have to sacrifice first. This is one of the reasons why the attack range is so small.

At this time, the magic sword in the hands of the swordsman king no longer seems to be a sharp weapon, but a staff. The magical damage really makes Jing Tian a headache, but the damage caused by the skills of Fengxingtianxia is definitely not only magical damage. It's physical and magic double damage!

As soon as Jing Tian's qi and blood had fallen for more than half, he began to regret using the continuous misfortune so easily and unscrupulously. If the continuous misfortune was used to resist this blow, he would not lose the horse.

"Blood kill!"

The King of Sword Cavalry has lost nearly 15% of his vitality, but at this time the opportunity of the King of Sword Cavalry is obviously here, the next blow has been hit as soon as the King of Sword Cavalry skills are released, and three consecutive slashes have been made. Falling on the stiff body of Sit Jing Guantian, there was a note: [Bloodthirsty Killing]!

"Evil wind!"

What Yu Yan has to do now is to exchange blood with blood. She doesn't care about the loss of the Demon Sword to her, because his skills can also draw the blood of Jing Tian for her own use. After the bloodthirsty slaying, the King of the Sword Cavalry played the evil spirit. Wind, a mini black storm appeared on the forehead of Sit Jing Guan Tian, ​​don't get me wrong, this is not a stun, but the special effect of the evil wind with a dark magic attack. The anti wind blow is even more powerful on the weak magic defense of Sit Jing Guan Tian. Moreover, the special judgment of the skill took effect, the group damage skill was converted into a single damage effect, and the king of swordsman used the magic sword, the vitality of sitting in the well and watching the sky suddenly dropped by a lot!


"Drink blood!"


"Magic Shadow!"

"Bing Xin!"

Of course, this is not over. The ordinary attack skills of Phantom Thorn and Demon Sword greet Zuijing Guantian unceremoniously. What made Jing Tian desperate afterwards was the four consecutive heavy blows of the Dark Knight’s sturdy skill, Blood Moon. After hitting Jing Tian, ​​he was a little bit ashamed. Under the last blood line, Jing Tian finally ushered in a glimmer of life, but in the next second he completely gave up resisting, because the king of sword energy suddenly used a [Magic Sword· Bing Xin], the sword tip of the magic sword was inserted into the heart of Zuijing Guantian, and 100% of the slow state was activated. Under the double negative state of interruption and slowing, Zuijing Guantian could not attack at all, and was replaced by the king of sword riding. The sword fell completely after two more blows.

If you live in the world as you wish, let’s make a dime tonight! But at this time, Yu Yan was not in the mood to jump to the show.

"You are letting me? Don't forget, you promised me that I would never cheat!" Yu Yan asked gracefully, apparently she thought it was too easy for her to win this duel.

Jing Tian smiled bitterly and said, "Uh...I don't have the habit of pitying Xiangyu, but I didn't expect you to still have such a hand. I was caught flat-footed before losing to you."

"Then why did you keep your hands in the first place?" Yu Yan continued to question.

"Not everyone has the same personality as yours, so you don't leave any room for action. Of course, I only use the assassin when I consider variables. It's not that you hide too deeply and have never used that...that abnormal skill." Jing Tian said indifferently, he almost said the name of the skill. In fact, Jing Tian had already guessed the name of the skill, but he was so crowded that he chose not to name the skill directly.

"This is popular all over the world, why, there are things you don't know in this game encyclopedia?" Yu Yan's doubts on her face have dissipated at this time, and what is left is her faintly relieved smile after victory, she finally won back. Although it has been a long time to wait for this moment, it is definitely worth it. This joy is better than reading a few subjects.

"Naturally I won't let you succeed so easily next time. This time I just lost on the asymmetry of intelligence." Jing Tian said lightly. Although losing to Yu Yan is not shameful, it is so much. Human face has to find some face, but Zhao Jiaxue directly instigated: "What are you waiting for next time? Let's have another one now. See if you can win. If you can't win, you can just give up the position of the first knight. Yu Yan, you really have won glory for our big women. See what arrogant capital the frog has in the future."

What is a big woman? Is there a little woman?

"That's what I meant, now it's just one win and one loss. I didn't win." Yu Yan also got serious, as if she had to win a winning streak to make her truly satisfied.

Jing Tianzhen was a little speechless about this aggressive woman. He didn't say anything yet. As a result, Zhao Jiaxue had already started activities that surprised him even more. He only heard Zhao Jiaxue excitedly say to others: "Come here, bet Yes, one thousand game coins at a time, I will defeat Yu Yansheng."

Gambling is wrong, gambling is illegal! Even if you want to bet, is it necessary to support an outsider so blatantly? Has the friendship between our colleagues for so many years been eaten by dogs?

Before Jing Tian's exit was stopped, Luo Xia spoke: "I'm doing it! Xiaoxue, how can you do this, gambling is I also suppress Yu Yansheng."

Let me go, fat man, you don’t feel well if you don’t hit me for a day, right? The ship of friends for so many years has been overturned when it is said to be turned over!

"Oh? I naturally suppressed our family officials." Liu Yaya also joined in, making Jing Tian froze that he had wanted to stop.

Anyway, you have also been trained by the country. How can you not resist the temptation and fall so casually?

As a result, everyone placed their bets, and there were even more people supporting Yu Yansheng. It seems that Jing Tian has aroused the people's anger these days. Yun Yiyi wanted to kill the well, but Zhao Jiaxue was all down on Yu Yan. The sisters had no choice but to follow the pressure, after all, Zhao Jiaxue would inevitably complain and be suspicious if he kills the well at this time.

"Uh... I feel that the burden on my body is a lot heavier at once. If I don't win such a round, I'm sorry for those who don't support me." A strange arc rose from the corner of Jing Tian's mouth.

"Let's pretend to be less garlic. Are you overwhelmed now? You have only two votes to support you. You should just follow the public opinion and lose." Zhao Jiaxue said directly, sarcastically. Sky Dungeon

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