Sky Dungeon

Chapter 328: The rhythm of the down town

It didn’t take long for the world to usher in cheers and boos. It was not Jing Tian and the others waiting for the declaration of war of the demon invasion, but the sister who did not eat mice successfully upgraded to level 29. The empress fans around her were It is clamoring to create a new era in history, and some people even say that the empress will become the world's first.

Of course, many people who dislike the Empress have stood up and condemned this cheating upgrade method, and accused the Empress of seeking hundreds of fans of foreign aid. In fact, the fans surrounding the Empress are only ten or twenty at the same time. After all, there are How many people can keep up with the female emperor's speed, let alone help the female emperor clear the strange?

As a result, a long-running battle between red and black fans kicked off. The scene was exactly: the boundless fall, the endless drool.

"What's so good about it? By hiring so many people to buy experience, all Alliance players can start a new career: training side by side." The Demon of Xiyuan fired.

"You know the wool, the empress didn't pay a dime, everyone just voluntarily followed!" Obviously the empress's fan.

"That is, the empress does not send monsters to our side at all. The route is very random. Where can I follow, everyone just runs around behind the ass, and even the shadow of the empress is not seen." It turns out that the stalker is not so good. Right.

"I'm doing it! I can prove that I am not a fan of the Empress, and have been killed by her several times!" Dimet Heng said in depression, obviously there is a shadow.

"That's right, so many fans of you, don't run around to give away monsters, go around us ass." Ai Xiwan said angrily, and the people were angry.

"The Empress is mighty!"

"The female emperor is mighty!" As if the female emperor is the truth, power is everything.

"If you don't want to pay homage to the female emperor, you should fly to other cities and get down to the dungeon by yourself, and let the place out, don't hinder the female emperor from upgrading." Is this the rhythm of going down the city?

"Affiliate players are cheating. Does Tengyi also control it?"

"That is, the level is all flying, and other players are still playing a fart! Retreat! Retreat!"

"Don't pretend, don't your demons also buy heads? The alliance here specifically sells their lives to kill you, isn't it cheating?"


If you can’t eat grapes, say grapesao, but this phenomenon is really bad. In the future, Tengyi had to move Jingtian’s emergency response plan into the underground city. Of course, it was not Yang Mimi who made the determination of Kitian Nongjing. It's another woman.

Looking at the time, Zhao Jiaxue was a little impatient and said, "Frog, do you think the people of the Demon Race don't know how to upgrade the mission hall, so there is no way to launch the Demon Race invasion mission."

"Yu Yan, your intelligence network should be relatively broad, do you have any news?" Jing Tian threw the question to Yu Yan.

"My Holy Sword knows everything. Ruiyue has completed the construction of the power mission hall, but it is not clear why it did not launch the invasion." Yu Yan replied with Zhong Erbing very elegantly, and she seemed a little surprised in her voice. the taste of. But as for the omniscient holy sword, your way of secondary disease is wrong!

"It should be that they feel that the people are not there yet, fighting, it is best to gather enough people, and then come to a quick fight. After all, they are also the first time, I don't know that the invasion task still needs a declaration of war." Luo Xia mixed herself. Thinking about social experience.

Everyone continued to upgrade, but after an hour, there was still no movement on the Mozu side, and Jing Tian was a little confused. At this time, Yang Miaomiao said, "My God, they won’t be afraid of us. Meow, why don’t we take a nap this afternoon?”

Jing Tian's mind passed like lightning: Yes, the people of the Demon Race are afraid of us! For this reason, we should be offline and sleep at this time, but we are still online now. They want to wait for everyone to go offline before doing it! If we are not online, what is the point of intrusion? Jing Tian couldn't figure it out, so he ordered: "Everyone is offline for half an hour, eat supper, and see if you can get the snake out of the cave."

However, when everyone came back after eating and going online, there was still no movement from the Demon players, and even the World Channel seemed to have forgotten the existence of the Moon Destroying forces.

"Oh? I see. The other party is fighting fatigue. They want to wait for us to launch the invasion mission when we are most tired. I guess they will wait another hour or so before they declare war. Even if we are still online, we cannot reach the sneak attack. In effect, the starting time in a few hours is also four or five in the morning of our Chinese time. This is the sleepiest and most exhausting time for Chinese players under normal circumstances. If we only rest for half an hour, I’m afraid we will still be in the middle of our arms, mental torture. It's quite cruel." Liu Yaya said very vigilantly.

It's not a shame that he is a special soldier who has a unique insight in the military field! That's right, maybe the leader of the ruining moon force is also a soldier!

"Uh...Even if we stay up until four or five o'clock, I am afraid that we will be a little sleepy and tired at that time. It is better to rest first. The mouse asks your sister to help keep an eye on the world news. We all sleep for 3 hours first, and then we get up and play together. If the Moon Destroying forces will post tasks immediately after we go offline, let your sister notify you. You are responsible for calling me. My phone number is 1709088xxxx. Everyone should also remember. If you have any urgent matters in the future, please contact by phone instead of in the game. Waiting, remember to add 86 when you call from Jing Tian finished talking and was about to go offline. As a result, I received a voice message from a village woman. I opened it and saw that it was a string of mobile phone numbers. The village woman added another sentence: "Oh? You never want to knock on my door in the middle of the night when there is news? Then I might not be able to control it. "

If you choose private chat voice, you can only send the message to the private chat partner, and it will not affect the normal use of the chat room, and there will be no voice messages for people who should not hear it.

Liu Yaya, this female vixen!

Jing Tian patted his head, why he was so careless, although he could contact Luo Xia and the others at any time, and even knock on Liu Yaya's door in the middle of the night, but what about Jin Chengwu and Yu Yan? Jing Tian immediately added: "Everyone send me a text message to explain their identity, so I can save your information, and I will notify you of changes tonight. Of course, it does not rule out that the moon-destroying forces deliberately not launch tasks today. It's possible. After sending the message, everyone first sit on the Dapeng back to the Alliance City and go offline on the Dapeng."

Offline on the Dapeng, this method can save online time, but relatively speaking, the system will still count the game character as offline after Dapeng arrives in the Union City, otherwise some people will get offline points for speculation. It’s not fair to do this every time. Sky Dungeon

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