Sky Dungeon

Chapter 319: Offend all women

"You!" Zhao Jiaxue stood up with anger.

"Don't think about it." Yun Yiyi's voice suddenly became cold, and the gaze looking at Jing Tian became a bit weird, making Jing Tian immediately recall the incident of Yun Yiyi Senene's kidnapping in his mouth before, the woman's eyes were full Naked threat!

"Yes, even if I'm tied up, I won't let him be alone with you, don't even think about it!" Zhao Jiaxue was even more direct. She was going to kidnap Jing Tian, ​​and she unabashedly glanced at it with wretched eyes.的井天.

Jing Tian looked at her like this, and his heart trembled. He felt that Zhao Jiaxue was not trying to kidnap herself, but to forcibly tie herself to the bed. What kind of nasty binding method, Jing Tian, ​​like everyone else With. More importantly, this reminds Jing Tian that he was almost pulled off his pants before to verify whether the man's ability is normal. This incident is definitely a nightmare in Jing Tian's heart!

"Oh? Is this something you planned, so frankly, just want them to be together?" Liu Yaya asked suspiciously in Jing Tian's ear.

This scene is somewhat ambiguous, I did not expect Liu Yaya's counterattack to come so quickly, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi's eyes went straight!

"Uh... why?" Jing Tian said noncommittal, the abacus in his heart naturally couldn't escape Liu Yaya's fiery eyes. I naturally don’t want to go to Liu Yaya’s house alone every day. Even if Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue agree, but if this kind of thing goes out, I really want to have the marriage contract with Liu Yaya, let alone Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue will definitely not agree. , Just the two of them can't get through this level by themselves, and they can't fool them every day to say that they are going out to eat. Isn't that naked face slap? If the two open fire again, is it to say that the food for the two is too unpalatable? Besides, going out by yourself, wouldn't the two of them follow? What a way to hide it!

Although the lunch at noon didn’t have the cooking taste of Jing Tian’s mother, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi also had ulterior motives, especially the teriyaki chicken steak. They didn’t know where they learned it. They rarely use the convection oven. I must have used it today. This teriyaki chicken chop is made with honey. Although the taste is a little bit heavy, it is offset by the sweetness of honey.

Liu Yaya ate the same dishes at this table as last night with disdain. Of course, she was very happy to eat, because every time she ate one, she was sure she had won, but when she ate this teriyaki chicken When it was time to row, her expression of disdain and arrogance was obviously restrained. Although Jing Tian’s mother's taste is definitely not inferior to this taste, compared to the single taste, it seems that this has the taste of honey-marinated chicken steak. It's more delicious, and it seems that there is something special in this chicken steak, which everyone can't think of for a while. Liu Yaya had to admit that Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue were really self-taught, and they came up with a very competitive dish.

Seeing the increase in the frequency of chopsticks in Jing Tian and Luo Xia, Liu Yaya was determined to make some dishes that Jing Tian hadn’t eaten. After all, she didn’t believe that it was just a few dishes learned from Jing Tian’s mother. Can hold the sky tight for a lifetime, after all, people always get tired of eating.

"How is this teriyaki chicken chop made? It seems that there is something special besides honey?" Jing Tian asked for Liu Yaya, because he found the doubt in Liu Yaya's eyes last moment.

"Business...industry...mechanism...secret." Zhao Jiaxue said every word, the expression on her face even more vividly interpreted the sense of mystery.

Where are the commercial secrets, as if they were developed by her. In fact, it was the wine that Zhao Jiaxue accidentally added. I didn't see it clearly at the time. Zhao Jiaxue treated the wine as olive oil. After pouring a little bit, I found something was wrong. This is not to blame Zhao Jiaxue. After all, the appearance of domestic olive oil bottles is exactly the same as that of red wine bottles. The red wine was originally a flavorful decoration for lunch. I did not expect that it would become the protagonist, turning decay into magic, let this The dish was surprisingly successful and won unanimous praise from everyone. Even the fat guy is arguing about eating tomorrow...

After the meal, everyone returned to the room for a nap according to Jing Tian’s instructions. It seems that everyone has forgotten the feeling of nap these days, but today they must get enough sleep and sleep, because everyone knows that tonight the Mozu Ruiyue will definitely be there. There is action, and this action must be directed at them.

Everyone does not have the vigorous energy that Yang Mimi has to fight for 72 hours in a row. You must be well prepared for the challenge tonight!

When she went offline at noon, Jing Tian also left a message to the King of Sword Cavalry. Yu Yan naturally understood what Jing Tian was thinking after reading the information, and she also thought about her own work and rest, and made preparations for fine-tuning.

Time quickly passed by at five o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone at this time had all woken up. Although everyone had stayed up or even all night at work before, after all, considering that it was a long time ago, everyone may not be able to be energetic now. For a full and long game, the most reasonable arrangement is naturally a lunch break. When you are young, it seems that you should not take a lunch break at all. As you age, a short lunch break can make the whole afternoon full of energy, and a deep lunch break can ensure that you are full of energy at night.

However, everyone was not in a hurry to go online. Before Jing Tian told everyone to go to the supermarket after waking up, buy some ingredients, prepare dinner and supper, dinner is naturally the responsibility of Liu Yaya, and supper needs to be arranged by everyone, especially It was Luo Xia. As a big stomach king, if he didn't prepare enough snacks, the night would be quite difficult.

"Is it necessary to prepare supper?" Zhao Jiaxue is still a little reluctant. After all, supper is even more taboo for her who does not eat dinner. She wants to lose weight.

"Uh...Be prepared. After all, there is a time difference with the United States. We don't know if they upgraded the mission hall in the first place. If you push back an hour, the battle will start at more than three in the morning. The invasion mission The duration is another two hours. Lao Xia will definitely not be able to hold it without a midnight snack. He ate all the snacks at home." Jing Tian said lightly.

"Well, the key is to be with Liu Yaya's woman. It's really uncomfortable." Zhao Jiaxue muttered, she was still full of hostility towards Liu Yaya.

"Haha, you don't have confidence in yourself. Going out with Liu Yaya may be a very inferiority thing." Luo Xia completely ignored him. Since Yang Mimi, his courage has grown stronger, as if offended. It doesn't matter to all women in the world. Sky Dungeon

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