Sky Dungeon

Chapter 316: The copy is not over

"'s a relatively special copy of the adventure fun gameplay. When the number of people in the guild increases, you will have the opportunity to go. Players like ours who pass the level can no longer enter. The adventures are also limited in the number of times, and we cannot be uncontrolled. Obtain the broken pages of the skill book." Jing Tian said helplessly. On the one hand, if he tells the plastic surgeon the coordinates of the Yonghan Palace and lets him go for it, then the news of the Yonghan Palace will be spread like wildfire. After all, he is not alone. If you are done, the news between friends and friends will be spread. On the other hand, Jing Tian was not alarmist and didn't want to waste time and effort to bring a plastic surgeon to get a skill book, but after graduating from the Yonghan Palace, everyone also took the time to try and enter again, but was ruthlessly rejected by the system.

"Like the plot, the dungeon that can only be walked once is still quite interesting. It must not be simple to pass the level, but with your experience, there should be nothing particularly difficult. After all, it is a fun game dungeon. It should not be relied on. Strength is a strategy method. Like irreversible cosmetic surgery, you are really amazing!"

Jin Chengwu's analysis was very good, and everyone was a little surprised and a little frightened, and the attitude of "you are not afraid of anything" made everyone feel a little annoyed with a little pride and annoyance. It is the strategy method that has been worked out so hard to give people such a hand. The proud nature is the trust and praise of Jin Chengwu, and the affirmation of their supreme strength. The key is, why is it the same as plastic surgery, what is irreversible plastic surgery, and why is it necessary to apply plastic surgery to everything? Is it an occupational disease?

"Oh? What happened to the blow just now, was it a BOSS skill or?" Liu Yaya was a little confused, yes, if the blow just now was a special effect of a skill created by an angel sitting in a well, why would his vision be affected as a teammate? So how to match this skill in the future has become a problem.

"Of course it was made by Jingtian." Zhao Jiaxue said without hesitation, her voice was full of triumph. It seems that she knows more than Liu Yaya and knows Jingtian better, as if Liu Yaya is not Jingtian at this moment. Fiancée, but became an outsider.

" is indeed me. I didn't want to use it. After all, this skill is a bit detrimental and self-interested, or it may make everyone confused. It is a skill that pits teammates. And the blue consumption is indeed too big, you see me Magic value." Jing Tian explained lightly.

It was empty! I don’t know how Jing Tian calculated it. He even kept such a hand deliberately, and his own magic power was just enough for that attack. It can even be said that his magic power at the last moment was not enough to activate the skill. At the last moment, after the system automatically restores a small amount of magic power, sitting on the well and watching the sky will have enough magic power to start! What a precise calculation, if it weren't a coincidence, the fat man would be amazed when he saw it.

"What's your name for this skill? It's really overbearing. Just like plastic surgery, the first time I see an excellent skill that will have a negative state for teammates." Jin Chengwu said with great interest. The point is how can this be the same as cosmetic surgery?

Although Jin Chengwu's thoughts are not a leap, but his profession is too professional, everyone really can't understand it without thinking. Thinking of the need to cut bones with a knife for cosmetic surgery, this unscrupulous self-harm behavior for the sake of beauty is indeed considered a lot of negative state. Some people even have to swell for a month because of this, and they dare not hide at home for the entire month. Go out. If you understand the beauty and physical health of a patient as a teammate, and a plastic surgeon as a guy who performs beauty skills, it is not an excellent skill that produces a negative state for teammates.

There is not a saying that is very popular in the medical cosmetology industry: If you want to be beautiful, you must become a ghost. What I'm talking about is the swelling of the whole face in the first few days after the plastic surgery, which is almost like a pig's head.

Of course, Zhao Jiaxue is the fastest to understand. She has studied plastic and cosmetic diary photos and videos before. She was obsessed with videos of surgical procedures. Although there is no bleeding in the scene, the knife penetrates the flesh, and the orange in the flesh The fat is clearly visible, and it really makes people feel like vomiting. We won't repeat it here.

Seeing Zhao Jiaxue operating the character and rushing towards the BOSS's body, she didn't believe that this time it was still an empty bag. She held it down. Sure enough, this time it did not fail. The system also popped up a burst of equipment: [Crystal Scepter].

I don’t know if the system saw that the plastic surgeon was a newcomer and gave the newcomer a big package of benefits, or if he was running around too hard and gave him errands? There is no doubt that this [Crystal Scepter] has fallen into his package. After all, only he in the team will use this tasteless orange weapon. The attack is so low that people can't bear to look directly at it, and no one will take power. The rod is used as a secondary weapon or a spare weapon.

Jing Tian is more concerned about how this dungeon will end up in the end, will it resurrect the protective beast like a dried water curtain hole? However, before Jing Tian could think about it, the entire small world created by crystals suddenly made a crisp sound. This kind of sound like glass breaking Jing Tian couldn't be more familiar with them. At this moment, they all looked and saw The road to the crystal below his feet was already full of cracks. In the next second, amid Zhao Jiaxue's scream and the cracking sound of the crystal, the entire space was shattered.

"Ah..." The girls couldn't help dubbing.

The VR field of vision became dim, and the special effect of the next blink of an eye appeared in the VR field of vision. Everyone suddenly realized that they had returned to the previous BOSS room. The jade door in front was still open, and there was still chaos inside. Isn't the copy over yet, there are BOSS to fight? What I entered just now is just a branch, can I reach a whole new small world after entering this chaos?

Jing Tian was puzzled. Did the guy kicking Tiannongjing still feel dissatisfied with the move to modify the final guardian beast, so why did the previous crystal world collapse completely? Perhaps, what you entered just now was just an illusion, and now the world behind the Jade Gate is where the real crystal tree is? In this case, it makes sense.

Sitting in Guantian, she immediately took out the medicine bottle and started to return to blue. Even if Yun Yiyi Zhao Jiaxue knew the situation here, she didn't ask aloud. After all, the chat room is open now, and the people in the chat room will see everything they say. After all, they are not game planners, so it makes no sense to ask why there are follow-up BOSSs. Sky Dungeon

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