Sky Dungeon

Chapter 295: Sword flying sword

"Flying sword!"

However, the smile on the corner of Luo Xia’s mouth did not retreat at all. The next moment the onlookers all shouted in exclamation, and saw that the blue sword in Luo Jing Xia Shi’s left hand was knocked out by the red sword in his right hand. The body of the sword hit the hilt of the blue sword heavily, striking a dazzling spark, and the blue sword produced an exaggerated thrust, like a cannonball equipped with a rocket propulsion device, with broken The sound of the wind rushed out at high speed, and the next moment was naturally hitting the sister who did not eat mice.

Yang Mimi did not expect that Xia Shi Luo would make such a blow. The mechanism box in her hand was still launching a normal attack. Even if she wanted to hide, it was too late. After all, the distance between the two was not far, and the blue one-handed sword was heavy. The ground pierced her shoulder, causing a pink wound, and the pink mosaic of blood blossoms exaggeratedly scattered all over the ground, which shows that this blow has done a lot to the sister who does not eat mice.

What was even unexpected to Yang Mimi was that this blow caused her to be dizzy for several seconds. What kind of skill was this, so unreasonable, that she played Flying Sword?


Before Yang Mimi thought about this question, Luo Jing Xia Shi had already posted it, needless to say, the combo of Whirlwind Slash Luo Yingzhan decayed her blood line unceremoniously.

"Draw a shadow!"

After linking up the basic attack skills of a pair of swords, Luojing Xiashi unceremoniously used the shadow! The five consecutive sword qi attacks did not hit all at all. The sister who did not eat the mouse had already fallen to the ground, and the outcome was also settled with the 2 second exaggerated closing action of the shadow!

Almost a win? The people around him took a deep breath. They didn't know that Jian Hao had such a sharp long-range attack skill, so wouldn't the Jian Hao profession be delicious? How do you feel that the players of the Riding Cloud Guild are all perverts, and perverts emerge in endlessly!

Of course, they didn't know that what Xia Shi Luojing used just now was not the professional skill of Jian Hao, but the double sword skill that he learned from the broken pages of the advanced skill book from Yonghan Palace: Jian Feijian!

First-order sword flying sword: Double sword skill, use the sword in the right hand to force the sword in the left hand to fly out, causing physical damage to the mid-range target, and stun the opponent for 3 seconds.

Such a powerful low-level comprehension skill, of course, is not without price, and the price is very high! It can be said that the [Sword Flying Sword] skill is not casually usable. After the left-handed sword flies out, the character will have one less sword in his hand. The target player’s ground will be inserted with the sword that he flew out, only close to the ground. The sword will be re-equipped into your own hands. Of course, this sword cannot be picked up by others. If the character dies, the sword will also return to the equipment slot and will not be lost.

At the last moment, Luo Jing Xia Shi just launched an attack after he picked up the left-handed sword. Otherwise, the damage of his skills would be reduced a lot. If you are not 100% sure in normal times, you definitely cannot use the sword flying sword casually. In a sense, Jian Feijian is only suitable for use at critical moments, such as killing players with residual blood.

However, Luo Xia had already calculated in his mind that even if the left-handed sword was lost, the character's set of skills attacks were enough to defeat the sister who did not eat mice in the end, so he had no worries at all.

"Pretty, it seems that Luo Xia understands a good skill. If it weren't for this skill, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with the sister who doesn't eat mice." Jing Tian praised the truth, and he gave Yang Mimi's face by saying this. After all, people nowadays regard face as more important than life. Sometimes they would rather lose their lives and earn face. This is why some people always do nothing wrong.

"Stupid, it's me careless. It doesn't matter. You lose or you lose. It's fine to win back next time. I also see a very important problem. When I buy a new weapon, we will have another round."

It seems that Jing Tian is overwhelmed. How could Yang Mimi's game experience, the goddess of the gun, be frustrated because of a temporary defeat?

Under the eyes of everyone, the sister who didn't eat mice ran into the smelting hall alone, why the duel was endless, or did the mermaid want to change weapons and fight again? Isn't this guy looking for an excuse to escape? The onlookers naturally wanted to see what the outcome would be like, and they all stopped and waited.

Luojing Xia Shi was stupidly in place at this time, the joy and excitement overflowing after winning just now are completely gone.

"Mimi, what are you doing, let's say if I win, you will marry me? My bride, you can't regret your marriage!" Luo Xia asked in the chat room with some confusion , The spectators around nature are totally unaware.

"Yes, that's what I said, but...but I haven't figured out when to marry yet." Yang Mimi's voice was mixed with sly.

"Sister, you can't make a fool of yourself, otherwise I'll tell my parents Miao. What else do you think, shouldn't you want to win two games in three games, Miao?" Yang Miaomiao even said that he wanted to tell his parents this kind of thing. Did the parents eagerly expect Yang Mimi to marry? How much dinosaur this woman is, it is daunting.

"You're really smart, dumb brother, but I won't be fooling around and say that I won two games in three games." Yang Mimi denied.

Luo Xia let out a sigh of relief after listening to it, he didn't want the cooked duck to fly away like this. However, the next moment, he almost vomited a mouthful of old blood in his heart. Because everyone only heard Yang Mimi say in a mischievous tone: "What I want to say is... three wins in five games are counted!"

"I'll tell my parents to go to You are playing tricks in the game, hurting the heart of the future brother-in-law." Yang Miaomiao can't wait to marry her sister earlier, I really don't know if Yang Mimi will affect his inheritance Those own houses, or have they affected his rent income? Could it be that the rent received by their family is distributed like dividends, and if Yang Mimi married out, she would no longer enjoy the dividends?

"Okay, then let's follow the stupid brother's three games and win two games." Yang Mimi said aggrieved.

"Uh... Mimi, or if you marry Luo Xia, how many times you want to learn from him, he will accompany you, okay?" Jing Tian's words awakened everyone like a thunderbolt in the sky. Is this Yang Mimi to be able to learn from others? The proposed win-loss bet?

"Really, Luo Xia, then you can't go back, if I marry you, you have to fight with me every day." Yang Mimi is really feeling for this! And she still uses the terms in FPS games to secretly exchange concepts, and the challenge has become a battle.

"Of course, I will never regret it!" Luo Xia categorically cut the railroad, and his mood finally improved at this time. Who can understand the depressed feeling just now? Sky Dungeon

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