Sky Dungeon

Chapter 278: Andrology University Examination

Yun Yiyi's words were not emotional at all. The icy voice made Zhao Jiaxue's back and heart chill. She never expected that Yun Yiyi would say such words of grace and righteousness. Sure enough, in the face of love, friendship seemed so incomplete. value.

So, Zhao Jiaxue immediately stopped and got up, her eyes were full of fear and guilt and said: "Of course not, I just let him pay a reciprocal price for his mistakes, Yiyi, you see that he is very normal, don’t believe me. Let me check it out and make sure it’s stronger than before."

As an old filthy lady, she thought of giving Jing Tian a check-up at the University of Male Science and Technology!

Jing Tian's face turned green. He was attacked by Zhao Jiaxue just now, he was really not sure if he still had the functions of a man in his life, so he took off his pants and tested it! Zhao Jiaxue was twisted out of the purple and blue all over her body. This woman was simply a sadomasochist. There were still tears in Jing Tian's eyes. As a man, he was holding back the tears that did not turn around.

"Check." Yun Yiyi answered these two words coldly, and it sounded like he was sentenced to death in Jingtian.

However, the next moment, Zhao Jiaxue’s eyes were full of devilish luster, and she turned over and sat down on Jing Tian’s body again, only this time her buttocks were pressed against Jing Tian’s chest, regardless of whether her casual pajamas could As if something was exposed, he stretched out his hand to pick up Jingtian's beach shorts, and Jing Tian clutched his waistband with both hands, preferring to die. If he was taken away by the old filthy lady for the first time, he would definitely be laughed at for a lifetime by the fat man, so it's better to die!

However, the next moment Yun Yiyi took off the VR device and participated in the prank. She used her cold hands to firmly control Jing Tian’s arms, and the cold breath came into Jing Tian’s mind, making him Thinking a little clearer, in the next second, Jing Tian called out for help: "Lao Xia, save me, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue want to..."

However, before Jing Tian could say it, a group of inexplicable cotton items had been stuffed into Jing Tian’s mouth. This action was quite skillful. Jing Tian’s eyes were staring at those long fingers like green onions. Jade hands, those are definitely Yun Yiyi's hands. Could it be that this woman used to be a female gangster, who often did the dirty work of robbing the house and kidnapping boys?

Jing Tian could only lock his beach pants firmly with his hands, but unexpectedly the next moment the two cold feelings covered his wrist again, and his arm was pressed back again. At the same time, Zhao Jiaxue had already untied the straps on Jing Tian's beach pants, and in the next second she had already grabbed Jing Tian's beach pants to her knees.

"Cut, I didn't even bring Nei Nei down, but the Nei Nei of your two-headed bear is pretty cool!" It feels like the old dirty woman Zhao Jiaxue seems to have drooled, and her voice has become filthy. What is a two-headed bear, a big bear two? I didn't expect Jing Tian to have such a hobby!

Hearing that Jing Tian immediately tightened his legs with all his strength, as much as possible to cross and overlap his two thighs, as far as possible not to let Zhao Jiaxue tear them off.

"Believe it or not, I used scissors to cut it for you. I don't understand the structure of a man. In case something happens, can you afford it? You should just follow it, or you will feel better. Besides, we are also for you. Well, if you have any problems, we can also call you an ambulance right away. Send it to the Andrology Hospital, where you should be checked and undergone surgery, and you can rest assured that you will be cured." Zhao Jiaxue found that Jing Tian was struggling so much. She was a little bit helpless, so she tried to trap Jing Tian's psychological defense line, as if she was wrong with Jing Tian.

When Jing Tian heard this, his body trembled slightly. He was really afraid that Zhao Jiaxue would be mad at him with scissors. Maybe he would really become a **** in this life. If you know that the peony is castrated, you can only suffer as a ghost. That definitely can't be solved by going to the men's hospital! Jing Tian slowly let go of his legs, and he has given up somewhat. Zhao Jiaxue's face showed a successful conspiracy smile, and the smile was mixed with a dirty smell.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart...

"Boom, boom, boom!" Just at this moment, the security door outside was slammed.

"Who?" Zhao Jiaxue asked impatiently.

"Hurry up and open the door for me, and if I don't open the door, I'll kick it open!" Liu Yaya's angry voice came in. She was ready to break in. Although she had a key in her pocket, the origin of the key was naturally It is not glorious enough, and if it is used, it is not easy to explain it herself. This is the last killer that she has to use.

"What are you doing, do you want to take a kick? Let's do a health check for the frog together?" Zhao Jiaxue didn't have a good air, and obviously only the last step, they could take the first **** in Jingtian first, but Liu Yaya did not expect Seems to have learned something, could it be that the voice from one's side is too loud to reach the other side?

"I just want to take a kick. If I count 10 and don't open the door, I really kick!" Liu Yaya's voice was full of violence, and Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi could hear that she was definitely moving.

"It depends on whether your little feet can kick away? I'm not afraid of kicking my leg broken. It's really a mess. If you break it, you have to call an ambulance." Zhao Jiaxue muttered softly.

"Are you doubting the strength of the retired special forces? I can destroy your door with one kick!" Liu Yaya didn't know whether it was eavesdropping, or he could see through the hearts of the people.

"Oh my she has a downwind ear, what should I do?"

"Open the door." Yun Yiyi obviously calmed down. After all, if the trouble continues like this, Jing Tian may really be leaving home.

So Zhao Jiaxue stepped down from Jing Tian reluctantly, while Yun Yiyi turned around to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Liu Yaya rushed in. Yun Yiyi didn't mean to stop it. Even if it was to stop, she didn't think that her thin body could stop the special forces of the past, not to mention Liu Yaya had just retired.

Seeing Jing Tian hurriedly dressed and standing on the bed, Liu Yaya's hanging heart was completely relieved. The next second she turned and reprimanded: "Yun Yiyi, didn't you ask you to stop Zhao Jiaxue from being foolish?" Why did you accompany her to fool around? Are you afraid that you will lose Jing Tian? Will Jing Tian still have a face in front of you in the future?"

For some reason, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi felt like they were being reprimanded by Zheng Gong’s maidens at this time, but it was even more unpleasant in their hearts if they just thought about it: it was clear that she was an outsider's mistress, so why should they be blamed with confidence? Sky Dungeon

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