Sky Dungeon

Chapter 269: It's not that the enemy doesn't get together

"Oh? It's wrong to say that. Increasing the normal attack of the weapon, and increasing the damage of the skill. If you increase the value of the skill damage every time you upgrade, it will definitely affect the balance of the game, and the understanding of the skill setting is originally for everyone There is no comprehension skill that you need to learn by yourself. If you upgrade your ranks to increase skill damage and normal damage at the same time, I think this proficient skill will definitely become a must-have skill in everyone's skill bar, which goes against the time of game planning. The original intention. The comprehension skill is to let the same profession play a different route, which is full of the fun of exploration. Why do you have to come up with some required skills?" Liu Yaya was a little unhappy. I have to say that as a GM, she said these words perfectly. To maintain the image of Tengyi and the game, Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi have already seen that Liu Yaya is maintaining Jingtian.

"That's right! My holy sword guides you... The fun of love thinking is to walk out of different lives from the same starting point. If the setting confines the mind, the swords in everyone's hands are exactly the same, then such a routine The life of the cloned soldier lost his longing for the future. Sooner or later everyone would be exhausted and unbearable because of the duplication of routines. They discarded the sword in their hands, and then chose to find a place to understand their life." Yu Yan unexpectedly gracefully On Liu Yaya’s side, the two were not at peace. It seems that Yu Yan is throwing an olive branch to Liu Yaya, but in reality, Yu Yan never favors the wrong side because of personal feelings. She always pursues the truth and strength. .

The point is, if you are so full of this, why do you have to use the form of secondary disease?

"Uh... Don't worry about the mouse too much. After your sister takes the position as Mask Shaman, I believe she will learn skills honestly. After all, most of the skills of Mask Shaman are to enhance normal attacks. I believe she is seeing skills. After the description, you can understand that it is just like changing a gun in FPS, and it is a real gun change. In addition, there are more tasteless attribute enhancements and range enhancement comprehension skills, which she can also learn, although the attribute value and range increase are fixed. It’s worth it, but it’s better than she doesn’t learn anything, and at least it can strengthen some basic attributes.” Although Jing Tian still thought of fusion and comprehension, he did not say it. After all, these things are even said now, to Yang Miaomiao It doesn’t help much with Yang Mimi, maybe it will lead them astray. The thinking of these two aliens is different from that of ordinary people. Let them study it. I am afraid all the points will be used up. Then I will learn a woolen yarn. Vocational skills!

The seven were discussing skills in a leisurely manner, and soon arrived at the 6th floor of the dungeon. This should be the most frequent place for players from the first echelon of the Mozu. Soon Jingtian saw someone on the World Channel. After a glance at the coordinates of the Mozu's activities on the 6th floor, Jing Tian commanded: "Go, there is a coordinate that is quite close, I don't know if I can stop them."

However, when the people of the Riding Cloud Guild arrived at the nearest coordinate, there was no trace of any players except the newly refreshed Beast Ghost Wolf. Jing Tian sighed: "Beware, I'll look for it again. "Opening the World Channel, Jing Tian continued to check the coordinates of the nearby Demon Races, but soon Jing Tian found that someone had sent another coordinates very close to them. Jing Tian even subconsciously affirmed that this should be the same Demon Race. Players, their combat power and level should be good, otherwise they wouldn't kill another squad in the Alliance in such a short time. After all, being able to level up in a place like the 6th floor of a dungeon is definitely not one or two skirmishers, at least it has to be a four-person crippled team.

"Go, they shouldn't go far this time." Jing Tianbian said, operating his character and rushed out in the coordinate direction. After all, even if the Demon players are strong, they are a mob that hasn't learned level 30 skills. Jing Tian naturally didn't pay attention to it. However, when he arrived at the coordinates and did not find the shadow of the other party, Jing Tian was puzzled. What kind of team can continue to look for the target attack after successively killing alliance players? Is it that the opponent is so confident that it does not need time to recover?

"Not far in front." Zhao Jiaxue said suddenly. Due to her professional characteristics, the character's hearing is better than others. She is like the ears of the whole team.

"Chasing!" Jing Tian wanted to see what kind of team was in front of him. However, just after the Demon player came into view, Jing Tian suddenly became enlightened. Sometimes it is true that the enemy is not meeting his head. The ID of the closest Demon player is: [Slag Pie Lobster]. Jing Tian vaguely remembered that this guy's profession was a corpse chaser, so he quickly approached from the back without saying a word, and knocked him to the ground with a fall!

If you live in the world as you wish, let’s make a dime tonight! You scumbags don't want to leave, can you stay and have a dick?

At this time, Jing Tian could really see clearly, where was a demon squad, it was clearly the advance group of the demon, and there were at least eight or nine people in front of the demon in the dark! However, Jing Tian naturally didn't pay attention to it, not to mention that they had not been promoted to level 30, even if they just entered level 30, they may not be their opponents. After all, everyone who rides the cloud is holding the high-level comprehension skills obtained from the Yonghan Palace at this time. If you have to ask what level these skills belong then at least it is equivalent to the king-level skills of NPC, any A comprehension skill thrown out is enough to dominate the king. Although some skills gather strategic significance and warfare purposes, they cannot be used casually under Jingtian's requirements. However, if there is any danger, Jingtian will allow everyone to directly throw out the baby at the bottom of the pressure box to open eyes to American players. Shocked their hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!

The demons in front of this group of players are obviously not a team, but a small group composed of two teams. Each team has a full-time healing profession like the priest Shennong, and their level is infinitely close to level 30. , There is not much difference between simply talking about their own attributes and looking at the sky. If it weren't for them to appear from the well, a small team like them could definitely run rampant on the 6th floor of the dungeon.

However, what they are encountering now is the first guild. They didn’t wait for Jing Tian’s command and had no worries, because in the eyes of everyone Qiyun, they were already lambs and calves waiting to be slaughtered. All the enemies were covered by the blue magic circle in an instant. , In the next second, condensed magic arrows like a shower of rain stabbed densely.

As the so-called arrogant soldiers will be defeated, this small team of demons did not expect that there are alliance players nearby that would dare to post them upside down by themselves. They were already in a new state of claiming the enemy without rest and recovery. They were attacked at the moment, There was even a slight smile of disdain on his cheeks. Sky Dungeon

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