Sky Dungeon

Chapter 260: White scales? Fine wine, red tail shrimp fragrant dinner

Without competition, lack of motivation, lack of support, lack of communication, the more you live, the more lonely, the family sometimes becomes very indifferent, the husband and wife share different dreams, and sometimes treat each other as tools to vent their desires, or as just a dog that they raise.

I can’t communicate mentally at all. I can’t get any help or support for what I want to do. Sometimes I even feel desperate for my family. I think it’s better to live alone in the future. It’s better to find someone of the same sex. Together, they may be able to understand each other better, save a lot of troubles, stay away from endless quarrels, and stay away from abuse and accusations. There may be such a reason for being a base...

Monogamy is not happy, so the divorce rate is so high, isn't it? In the parallel world Jing Tian is in, the relationship between men and women is impetuous and desire is erosive. As long as you feel it, you can go out and open a room. There are even many married people who get lost in other people's beds. If monogamy is really satisfying, why should they choose to embark on this ethical path of no return?

The purpose of forming a family is happiness. As long as the family members agree and science allows, the establishment of a scientific number of polyandry and polyandry families may also become an important topic for exploration and research in the new era. After all, this may be the case. Let everyone have a lively home.

Imagine that if multiple members of a family play different roles, some are responsible for working to earn money, some are responsible for housework, some are responsible for children, and some are responsible for fitness and massage. Perhaps such a family can be more happy and last longer. Harmony, I can always find someone to talk about when I’m tired, there’s always someone next to enlighten me when I’m tired, happiness can be shared, pain can be borne together, I’ll be taken care of by someone when I’m sick, and I won’t get lost in society and I can’t find friends because I have Everyone. It may be difficult, but there are already people in several countries in the world living so happily.

Even if you just play a housewife every day, it is much happier than dying alone without a place to live!

The topic returned to the dining table. Luo Xia had already come out of the bathroom. He was the last one to take a seat. First, he glanced at the crowd, and found that Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi's eyes were filled with shock. When he fixed his gaze on the food on the table, Luo Xia suddenly understood that the food made by Liu Yaya not to mention the taste, but the use of tableware and the color of the dishes are very particular. The color of each plate is The difference is that the colors of the meals clearly have a clever matching and foil effect. Game art engineers Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi, who are good at color matching, have never considered it.

Although the food has not yet been eaten, the bright color of the food has made him salivate. I have to say that Liu Yaya has already won out in terms of the appearance of the dishes.

This situation is exactly the situation: white lepidoptera finely offered wine, red tail shrimp fragrant for dinner.

"Uh... you made these?" Even Jing Tian was a little unbelievable. He even began to wonder what special means she used to bring such a table of food from which six-star hotel. She was just in the kitchen. It's just a bit of a pretense. After all, there is no way to connect a special soldier and a beautiful chef!

"I don't believe it, it's incredible. It's definitely not made by you. Did you order the takeaway?" Zhao Jiaxue said that she didn't have any confidence in her heart. After all, she had eaten all takeaways in this city. Can this level be achieved?

"Oh? It's natural for you to suspect. I was not retired from the cooking class after all, but the pots and pans in the kitchen, the food waste, I think it can prove that this was at least made in this kitchen." Liu Yaya smiled lightly. Tao seems to have presented decisive evidence.

However, Jing Tian instantly smelled the other flavors in her words, and he made it in this kitchen. The key is not to do it. In your capacity, let the world’s top chef cook this meal. It definitely works.

Liu Yaya seemed to see through what Jing Tian was thinking, and continued to explain: "Of course, you can suspect that I hired a chef to run for a while, but I can cook in front of you until you believe it. And, Nujia I believe the officials, after eating, they will no longer doubt."

After eating, you won’t doubt it? What's the reason for this, can you taste a unique taste? Does this meal imply your body fragrance? Jing Tian recalled what Zhao Jiaxue said at the beginning that the body scent of her and Yun Yiyi was preserved in the meal, but it was just a narcissistic joke. The hand-washing water was not bath water. How could there be any body scent?

"Yes, it's useless to look beautiful, but it depends on the connotation and taste. This time it won't work, you can try to improve it next time, but some connotations can never be changed. That's what the ingredients are born with." Zhao Jiaxue obviously misinterpreted. After reading the implied information in Liu Yaya's words, I thought that Liu Yaya was saying that the food she cooked was unpalatable, and he could taste the difference from the restaurant food. So Shunpo went down to comfort Liu Yaya proudly, and there was something in the words.

Liu Yaya naturally understands the meaning of Zhao Jiaxue’s words, she is a little happy, at least Zhao Jiaxue is a little self-aware, she is indeed much more beautiful than But in terms of connotation and taste, she is even more like a proud girl of heaven. And Zhao Jiaxue is just a superficial generation. Of course, Liu Yaya understands better that the taste to be seen at this time is still the taste of the dishes. Everyone has raised their chopsticks and immediately landed on a table of various dishes.

Liu Yaya did not actually cook many dishes. There were only five dishes, one for each person, and a pot of soup. The color of the soup should be something like meat soup. Most of the people chose the dishes closest to them. When they held their chopsticks in their mouths, the indescribable fragrance and deliciousness instantly spread to every cell of the body. It seems that every cell in the whole body has eaten the food in person!

However, Jing Tian stood up even more reflexively. His eyes were full of excitement, and his eyes were trembling slightly. The next moment he rushed into the kitchen without a word. Everyone stared at Jing strangely while savoring the food in his mouth. Tian's actions are all wondering if he is going to determine the situation in the kitchen, Bacheng doesn't even believe that this delicious food comes from Liu Yaya.

Before long, Jing Tian walked out of the kitchen slowly, his complexion was a little pale and ruddy, he felt a mixture of excitement and loss.

"How is it possible? Is it true?" Zhao Jiaxue didn't forget to ask, she didn't want to face failure. Sky Dungeon

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