Sky Dungeon

Chapter 258: Basic love is like a thin paper, love is like a new chess game

"That's natural, I show my identity, the boss of this city has to kneel and beg me to leave." Luo Xia put on a proud appearance, it seems that he is really the king of the underground world, not ashamed!

"Yes, don't talk nonsense. I'll let Yaya help with this matter. After all, she can get the moon first near the water platform. She is the most convenient to take action. What's going on with Yang Mimi? Didn't you turn the dungeon upside down?" Jing Tianzui The above said, but my heart is clear like a mirror, and the voice is full of jokes.

"Many newcomers in the dungeon are shouting that they want to die and not eat the mouse sister, and there are many clamoring to report this bug, saying that she has opened a plug-in, an accelerator or something. Isn't it true, one person pulled hundreds of monsters? Flying a kite in the dungeon, and besides weapons, it is simply fruit run. The attributes are so low that it is jaw-dropping. The monster is too mentally retarded to touch her, and even long-range attacks are also cleverly avoided by her. I can bear it. I couldn’t help but curiously asked her how she did it. After a long time, she replied to me and asked me to go to FPS games to practice dodging bullets and then I would understand. Feelings, this girl can hide even bullets! I don’t know how many demons she spawned. Nuclear, the level 15 organ box is already orange." Luo Xia said of Yang Mimi with a face of happiness and pride.

"Yang Mimi is going to play Ping A to a new height. This kind of person is either a genius, or a lunatic, or a genius among lunatics." Jing Tian said with emotion, his voice was full of excitement, and Yang Mimi changed his FPS. The gameplay is performed to the extreme!

"Of course it's a genius. Are you jealous? I dare say that you play Ping A absolutely without her coquettish position." Luo Xia was a little unhappy when Jing Tian said that.

"Oh, before you pass the door, Fatty, your elbows started to turn out?"

"I'm doing it! I'm telling the truth, I'm the successor of materialism. You have a kind of single-sided A with Yang Mimi, let you have a level advantage, and see how many hits you can hit!"

"The truth in this world is: basic feelings are like thin sheets of paper, and love is like a new chess game! Our boat for so many years has been turned upside down."

At this moment, the doors of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi finally opened at the same time, and the two walked out at the same time as if they had negotiated. Before they heard their voice, Zhao Jiaxue teased in the room: "Yo Yo, Frog You are actually talking about base love and love, then tell me, the base love between you has sublimated into love, or is love sublimated into base love?"

Uh... Zhao Jiaxue's thought jumping power is really strong, and the questions asked are also puzzling.

However, seeing the dressing of the two beauties in the next second, Jing Tian and Luo Xia both left Zhao Jiaxue's problem behind and swallowed a big mouthful of water in their stomachs.

It's not because of anything else, but the two beauties in front of you are really amazing!

I saw Zhao Jiaxue wearing a **** cheongsam-like dress with mid-sleeves. The skirt tightly wrapped her plump buttocks. The length of the skirt was just right to cover her beautiful buttocks. Just one centimeter short would reveal that mysterious and so beautiful The sensitive area that people yearn for. The collar of this dress is also inlaid with diamond-like crystals. The neck without a necklace is more eye-catching than when wearing a necklace. More importantly, the dress is still a strapless design. Zhao Jiaxue’s pink is glowing. The shining shoulders were completely exposed to the air at this time, which really made people feel the urge to put their hands on them.

What kind of feast is this tonight, is it a feast for the human body? What are you eating tonight, cannibalism? Then we have to cover the night!

Yun Yiyi is still a pure white dress, but at this time, this one on her body is very special. There is a vertical gap on the left and right sides of the waist and abdomen. Through the gap, you can vaguely see the daily life. Fair skin that has never been exposed to outside air. It can be seen that Yun Yiyi's cashews are really slender, without a trace of fat. It seems that Yun Yiyi's choice is a very open one-word off-the-shoulder dress. Compared with Zhao Jiaxue's clothes that just show off his shoulders, it looks more generous. The two clavicles under her neck are full of bones. The taste of beauty.

Seeing the greedy eyes of Jing Tian and Luo Xia, Yun Yiyi smiled coldly without shyness. Although this smile was a bit unnatural, it was extremely cold and beautiful.

"Hehe, have you seen enough? Is it just that we are full just by watching our two beauties? If we are full, it is better for us not to go. Sit down and let you see the dark and the old!"

Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi had a purpose in dressing up so gorgeous! As the so-called beautiful and delicious meal, Zhao Jiaxue wanted the two men to immerse themselves in the beauty of themselves and Yun Yiyi, so that they could not eat. Then this cooking showdown is a complete victory, an absolute victory!

"Uh... of course not enough. If you wear this way every day, Lao Xia and I would be worth starving to death." Jing Tian naturally agreed against his intentions, although it is against his intentions, but whoever loves beauty in the world , If he can be so beautiful, he is naturally willing.

"Calculate your acquaintance, let's go, get out of the palace." Zhao Jiaxue naturally did not really expect that the two of them would really be unable to get out because of their beauty. Anyway, this is the most basic etiquette Zhao Jiaxue’s life experience taught her a truth: she can’t be good, and what she promises to do is what she can do, and trustworthiness is far more important than being good, and everyone likes it better than good people who are not trustworthy and ordinary people who are trustworthy. the latter.

Ringing the doorbell, Liu Yaya just glanced at the situation in the visual display, and then opened the door. I have to say that the anti-theft system of Konghaijiayuan is still in place. Although there is a property on duty downstairs, every visitor People also need to get the approval of the homeowner through the video doorbell system downstairs to enter, and the display of this video doorbell system also corresponds to the monitoring at the door. Of course, this monitoring is also signed a very important confidentiality agreement. The property company Do not provide monitoring data to any individual. If there is a problem, you must first call the police and a public security officer will come to retrieve the video.

After all, no one wants the facts to live under surveillance. Even the situation of visitors at the door of the house is an important citizen’s privacy. Even if the husband wants to ask someone to visit his wife while he is not at home, the public security officer will not get the video of the community because of such absurd suspicion.

"Oh? Come in quickly, the last dish will be ready soon." Liu Yaya didn't ask everyone to enter the house, so she ran back to the kitchen, maybe because she was afraid of burning the dishes, everyone didn't say anything. Sky Dungeon

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