Sky Dungeon

Chapter 255: There are follow-up tasks in the Yonghan Palace

"It is true that the mental cold can only suppress Bifang’s fierce fire, and to the extent that it is not completely suppressed and extinct, it is simply wildfire that cannot be poured out, and the spring breeze is blowing again! I have indeed thought about many ways over the years, too. Many attempts have been made, but in the end they all failed. Even God cannot obliterate the twelve beasts, but I will not give up, because if the beasts are not eliminated, the continent of Aiyinsi will always be threatened by the beasts coming back. , Always on the verge of destruction."

"Of course, I haven't assumed other possibilities for so many years. I think the most likely way is for someone to go through the ancient gates to find a way to destroy them where the beasts come. Everything has mutual growth and restraint, and it may be in ours. They don’t exist in the world, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist in the original other world. Perhaps they are very powerful in our world, but when they return to the other world, they become weak chickens. The environment can change the strength of creatures. That’s right. , Don’t look at you being so powerful now, but if you are sent into the underwater world where there is only water, how long can you survive?"

Talking tuberculosis is really tuberculosis, saying so much in one breath!

"But this is my hypothesis. If you are destined to pass through the ancient gates, then I implore you to find a way to completely eliminate the twelve beasts, which can be considered as a benefit to the entire continent of Aiyusi. At that time, maybe You can get a bigger chance!" Seraphim's voice became sincere, and her tone even made people feel that she would really disappear between heaven and earth in the next moment.

Wait, it turns out that there is a follow-up mission in the Eternal Cold Palace, but this mission is too leapfrog, and now there is no possibility of 0.00000001 to complete. It's a different world, it's too far away!

However, in the next second, Seraphim calmed down his emotions and said: "Since you are so interested, I will give you all a fragment of an ancient skill book for insight. What kind of good fortune can be cultivated depends on your own. By chance, I have the opportunity to help me see other archangels. I am very worried about their situation. The twelve fierce beasts are actually constantly eroding our justice. I hope that they can maintain their eternal heart just like me. Of course, If they fall, they must inform God, hoping that God can remedy all this.” As soon as the voice fell, seven white lights burst out of the Seraphim's body, and they soared to the sky, drawing an exaggerated parabola. Entered into the body of the seven characters sitting in the well and watching the sky.

jingle! The system prompts you to have obtained the blessing of Seraphim Shetina, increase your experience, obtain a broken page of the ancient skill book, and obtain a token of Seraphim.

What is staggering is that everyone's level has been raised by half in the next instant. Everyone has been entangled with such a difficult and fun gameplay before. Why, no matter whether it is killing monsters or cracking the game mechanism, there is no experience reward. It turned out to be all by Seraphim. The blessings are distributed to everyone, which is equivalent to a one-time reward after this fun game is cleared. Jing Tian was surprised that the experience it gave was a bit too much, but if you think about it carefully, if you change this experience to the forty level, I am afraid it will only be 10% experience bar.

Before everyone opened the package to check what kind of ancient skill book fragments they got, Seraphim spoke again: "You can come down and meet with me, of course, thanks to Bi Fang’s fierce beast, if not for her deliberately and regularly Release the rising air current, you will fall to death when you jump down. Seeing that it is not convenient for you to go out, I will take you for a ride. I will use the space magic to send you back to the continent of Aiyunsi, but what happened here You must be cautious about everything you say and do, don't let people come here to die in vain. Not everyone can withstand such a huge temptation, if you tell others easily, it may just increase casualties."

Before Jing Tian could make any response, Seraphim performed space magic in the next instant. The white light completely enveloped the bodies of the seven, and the VR display became white and could not see anything. After a while, everyone's VR vision returned to normal again. A closer look revealed that everyone was already in a sea of ​​chaos.

"It's over?" Luo Xia felt a little unbelievable. She thought that the Archangel Tuberculosis was going to talk for half an hour just now. She didn't expect the gossip girl to find someone to chat, but she unilaterally explained her position and opinion. That's it.

"Why, you still want to spend the night with Bi Fang's little Lolita, so you can go back by yourself. Presumably Bi Fang will still welcome you to feed it. It's rough and thick, and it's still restricted meat. In reality If you want to eat it but can’t eat it, I’m sorry for your hard work if you don’t divide you into a dozen meals and taste it slowly. I really deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!" Zhao Jiaxue has no good manners, but she doesn’t like that kind of ancient cemetery palace. Although it's not scary at all, but in my mind, I always think it is gloomy.

"This afternoon is really not wasted, the experience is really a good harvest, everyone quickly see what ancient skill book fragments have been obtained, this thing is forbidden to trade, whoever gets the fragments that cannot be used can also be sold to the Adventurer League NPC , It should be possible to change to the broken pages of the middle-grade ancient skill book." Jing Tian has opened the package and saw that his character got the broken pages of the ancient skill book.

I don’t know At this sight, Jing Tian took a breath of air-conditioning. It turned out to be [Jifa·Yibatian]. Is it possible that I was so lucky that I got the lottery? However, Jing Tian was not happy to say anything. Others on the team could no longer sit still. Yang Miaomiao laughed and said, "Haha, what I got is the broken page of the ancient skill book of the magic stone staff. Good luck."

When everyone listened to it, they looked at the leftover pages of the skill book they got in their package, and they seemed to understand something. The leftover pages of the skill book presented by the system were all the weapon skills with the most proficiency for her character, and Yun Xueyi got a copy. Regarding the broken pages of the magic bow skill book, Natsuki Rai is a broken page of the double sword skill book, not to mention the others, they are all quite counterparts. It seems that the system is still very user-friendly in the rewards of this fun gameplay. It is not like some cheating games. It is hard to get a reward. It is still a weapon or equipment that you can’t use. You can’t sell it, you can only use it as a reward. Collection.

Everyone is naturally happy to learn the broken pages of their ancient skill books, but because the offline time is not enough, the comprehension skills after learning are just not useful, and they are still on the zero level. Seeing that the time is already 6 o’clock in the afternoon, I told Yang Miaomiao and Yu Yan that they might be online later in the evening, and everyone is going to hold a small party, but Yang Miaomiao said unhappily, “I also want to participate in the customs clearance of Yonghan Palace. Celebration banquet, my brother, you are too interesting, just celebrate by yourself, do you still have my brother Meow in your heart." Sky Dungeon

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