Sky Dungeon

Chapter 248: Scholars die for those who engage in basic surgery, while women have plastic surgery f

The village women acted the fastest. They had escaped from the battle and entered the ring of space to avoid this disaster. The others scattered and fled. They jumped out of the blazing fire pit at the moment when the flames were activated, except that they did not eat mice. It was because the legs were short or the reaction was not timely, and he didn't burst into the flames. Everyone has stared at the super flame array with extremely spicy eyes with silent eyes, and everyone seems to have smelled a grilled cat exudes the smell of roasted chicken.

However, Yun Xueyiyi still refused to give up and continued to attack the monsters in the sea of ​​fire. He did not know how Yun Xueyiyi managed to blindly sniper. The flames rising from the flames have completely obstructed everyone’s vision, and there is no flame at all. Among them, they didn't eat mice and four puppets, but Yun Xueyiyi's attack fell on the four puppets Bifang exactly one after the other, and she wiped out her skills in one breath!

However, what is even more shocking is that during the entire counterattack, Yun Xueyi could still get out of the fire without eating mice. Of course, it was because the effect of the flame array had receded that he had to get away, but When everyone saw his residual blood volume, they felt ashamed and annoyed that they gave him a cold sweat for nothing.

Do not eat mice and wear most of the magic stone equipment to increase magic attack and magic defense. In addition, he has randomly added a certain amount of wisdom attribute points. The magic defense is naturally much higher than the physical defense professions like sitting in the well and watching the sky. There is the first level of the professional passive skill of the guardian shaman [Guardian of Nature]. Nature will absorb 4% of his damage, and his blood volume has just passed 50%.

Maybe others didn’t pay attention, but Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi could see clearly. Before everyone jumped out of the flame array, they could jump out of the flame array without eating a mouse, but they stopped without hesitation. He cast a [Guardian Blessing] in the formation, he was naturally afraid that other people would not be able to escape the flame formation, and was scorched by the formation, so he thought of casting this group guardian skill.

Although Yang Miaomiao made a mistake in his judgment and underestimated everyone's ability to act, he remembered the comfort of his partners but infected Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue, so that Yun Yiyi broke out a series of precision attacks, even Zhao Jiaxue also operated Zhao Yun Xueer rushed up. Although she knew that her magic flute attack had no effect on these puppets, Zhao Yunxueer had obviously changed to a magic sword in her hand at this time, and she wanted to rush up to fight meleely!

This situation is precisely this situation: the scholar dies for the foundation, and the female has the plastic surgery for the pleasing one.

At the same time, the village woman in the space ring also came out, and a group attack interrupted the puppets’ singing. The next moment Zhao Yunxue’er’s magic sword was also smashed, Jing Tian and the others were still surprised. Why did Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi work so desperately? They should fly a kite to fight for the skill recovery time under unobstructed conditions. The King of Sword Cavalry also killed a carbine and slashed it regardless of whether they had the skill or not.

At this time, Jing Tian naturally had no reason to back down, anyway, the puppet has been interrupted to chant many times, and the remaining skills should and should require a certain cooling time. Although it may be very short, it is enough to give it a try!

After a frenzied melee, most of the bloodline of everyone was burned by the puppets, and finally the puppets couldn't resist the crazy attack of everyone, and eventually fell one after another.

Jing Tian shook his head in his heart. He didn't expect that just these four puppets would make everyone so embarrassed. If there were one more puppet, he might really be wiped out by the group. While everyone was recovering while drinking the potion, Jing Tian looked at the road ahead. There was still a distance from the active volcano. If it were still such a headless strategy, it would not be a wise move. Is there a way to bypass this hidden murderous colorful magma zone?

"Oh? The officials have been worrying too much, let the slave family take half of it for you." Liu Yaya seemed to see Jing Tian's concerns, and said as if she had nominated herself.

Yes, there are still villager occupations! This guy is a single master, no matter how many monsters, she can quickly get out of the battle! Jing Tian was secretly scolding himself for being a fool, and he immediately smiled and said: "Yaya, I think you really need to trouble you to clear the way. The four puppets are a bit difficult to get together. It's better for you to pull the blame, as long as two at a time, let us go Efficiency will also increase a lot."

"Oh? Let's start the slave house. Everyone backs away!"

Liu Yaya commanded everyone to step back ten meters unwillingly. After all, the women didn't want to see her stand out. There was enough buffer space, and then I saw the village woman rushing up with a strong wind. Sure enough, before she rushed forward a few steps, another wave of puppet Bifang got out of the ground through the rainbow of the fountain, and this time it turned out to be six!

Everyone is sweating in their hearts: The evil game's main strategy, this obviously does not want the player to pass normally! Fortunately, the village woman went up alone. If she is destroyed, she will lose one person. If everyone rushes up like before, I don’t know if they will be sent directly outside the volcanic space, so if you want to come in again , I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

The six puppets Bi Fang opened their beaks and chanted magic at the same However, in the next instant, the death war scythe in the hands of the village woman was thrown out. At the same time as one of the puppet's body was centered, the village woman's body Retreating quickly, the singing of the six puppets was also interrupted, but before the six puppets got back into the magma, the village woman had already carried a crossbow in her hands. This was exactly what she specially made at noon today. The purple crossbow, although they seemed to them to be a luxury in Luoxia, it was naturally not worth mentioning for this Miss Liu.

She shot two shots in different trajectories, and the two shots hit two puppets respectively. Since most monsters in Sky Dungeon have a certain degree of collaboration intelligence, the village woman could not only attract this blow. The attention of the two puppets attracted all the six puppets, but Liu Yaya did not show any panic. She quickly retreated to the side of sitting in the well and watching the sky, and the six puppets leaped behind and chased them. Just a long way from sitting on the well and watching the sky, the village woman suddenly stopped. She turned around and was not in a hurry to make a move. She seemed to be waiting for the six puppets to enter her trap.

Just after Liu Yaya felt that the distance was okay, she manipulated the village woman to make a bluff, and the orange crossbow flew out directly. After hitting a puppet, the puppets seemed to have received some order. Chasing again, turned around and started walking backwards. Sky Dungeon

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