Sky Dungeon

Chapter 235: There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, but the blame is i

Such a setting is a bit of a contradiction. The depth should be filled with molten lava. Although Jing Tian thought about it from another position, he could not figure out why this small piece of water was set to the player. To explain, for the first time Jing Tian had a strange interest in the game he designed. It seems that the main strategy of Tengyi's game is also a personal talent. It is also full of such a hidden underwater area for players to explore. Surprise and surprise.

But at this moment, a shadow flashed across the water. Before Jing Tian could see clearly, he was shocked by the monster's attack and flew upside down. Fortunately, he was in the water. He did not go backwards fast and was not far away. At this time, Jing Tian can also carefully see the appearance of the monster. When he sees the figure of the monster and the name on the head of the monster, Jing Tian seems to be struck by lightning. He instantly understands what the puddle is for. That's right, isn't this used to cheat the seven of them?

As the saying goes, there is nowhere to find if you pierce through the iron shoes, but the blame is in the dark. Jing Tian began to admire the planning of the guild’s mission. For a mission, Jing Tian dug a special underground space for Jing Tian. If it were not for luck, I am afraid that the seven of them would not find it here after looking for a day. His curiosity, he directly surfaced, I am afraid that he would not be able to find the monsters pursued and killed by the guild mission hidden in such a small water hole. Moreover, the Seven had never thought that Warcraft would hide in an underground space set to be full of molten lava, although there was no drop of molten lava here!

It's worthy of a seven-star mission, the game's main strategy really doesn't play cards according to the routine! Isn't this putting the monsters to death and reborn?

If you ask why Jing Tian knows that this monster is the target they want to kill, it is naturally the name of the monster. The name on the top of the monster's head is unexpectedly written with the words Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild. Naturally, the Alliance Guild will not raise monsters. This mark is just for the convenience of searching for Warcraft after there are more guilds in the later stage to avoid confusion. If it's the goal of other guilds, it's not that it can't be robbed, but there is no reward for robbing it. It's just a waste of time. And even if the monster is killed, the new mission monster will be refreshed, and it will not affect the mission of other guilds.

But at this time Jing Tian couldn't take care of that much anymore. He kept floating upwards, fighting the Sky-Swallowing Snake underwater, that would be asking for trouble, and the player’s fighting power in the water would be greatly reduced. Many skills cannot be used. Sitting and watching the sky while floating upwards, while observing the movement under the water, after a glimpse, Jing Tian found something strange, but at this time he had no way to verify what he thought. Now this situation is the most important thing to escape. Fortunately, the Sky-Swallowing Snake itself is not a water monster, and it is not good at accelerating and floating in the water. It just bites the speed of sitting on the well and watching the sky, and has not been able to perform any more attacks to stop the sitting on the well.

At the moment Jingtian rushed out of the puddle and climbed out of the ground, he jumped up on the spot without hesitation, facing the mouth of the puddle, it fell from the sky. As soon as the sky-swallowing snake appeared, he was smashed by the Fang Tianji in Jingguantian's hands. After a straight face, its body sank again in an instant. It has to be said that this state of falling to the ground will produce a special accelerated sinking state in the water, which makes the sky swallowing snake want to rush out of the puddle again. A few seconds.

Naturally, when Jing Tian saw the monster clearly, he immediately posted a coordinate on the team channel. Although he didn't say a word, everyone understood what was happening and rushed over to this coordinate.

Jing Tian felt a little fortunate, but fortunately, in this puddle as wide as one person, if it was a vast water surface, the ghost would know where to guard it before it could hit the monster. When the sky-swallowing snake exposed its head from the puddle again, the sky-swallowing snake was stabbed back into the water as soon as the dawn broke. Because of the monster being in the water, the effect of breaking dawn also became a special acceleration. In the sinking state, the sky-swallowing snake's body quickly sank underwater, and only a few seconds later did it break free of the sinking inertia produced by the knock-up effect and float to the surface again.

Almost all skills will have a certain sinking effect when they hit the sky swallowing snake. This allows sitting in the well to watch the sky more time. Sure enough, when the skills of sitting in the sky are not yet empty, the village woman will The first one arrived, and the little flying dragon with purple radiance beside her turned into the purple-black death sickle in her hand in the next instant. With the sound of breaking wind, the death sickle in the hands of the village woman was heavy in the next moment. Hit on the skull of the Sky Devouring Snake, this is the basic skill of the sickle, Mountain Strike!

However, this basic skill also has no special effects. Only two seconds later, the head of the sky swallowing snake bursts out again. However, the skills of the village woman can be described as unlimited, especially in this wild area. After throwing out of the battle, go into the space warehouse and take out all kinds of weapons. What's more, because the sky-swallowing snake will be attacked and sink, the skills do not need to be seamlessly connected. This puddle has become a cage for the sky-swallowing snake~www It tried to break through this cage countless times, but was sank back by village women and Jingtian countless times.

In fact, the beast of Sky Devourer is not so weak. It can even be considered to be a level of 31st dungeon BOSS. It is just that this time the monster inexplicably fell into such a puddle, which caused most of its skills to fail. Especially its housekeeping ability to devour the world. If this skill is not avoided in time, it will have a mortal effect on the players affected by the skill, and it can only be resurrected back to the city. Even the priest at full level cannot resurrect it, because the player will Being swallowed directly by the sky-swallowing snake and quickly smelted into its energy, it can be described as a very tricky BOSS-level monster, and his attack power is no less than that of the world BOSS of the same level.

When other people rushed to the puddle, they were also a little excited by the scene in front of them, especially Yang Miaomiao, who directly quarreled: "Brother, you are getting stuck in the puddle, you This card monster technique can be called a work of God, if you change to a boss, it is probably razed to the ground."

Yang Miaomiao has been longing for the special card boss settings mentioned by Jing Tian and Luo Xia before, but he can also see that it is only a monster at present. If you want to activate the setting of razing to the ground, they may already watch the sky. When he was sent back to the city, where would he stay outside the puddle to play Warcraft Sap.

As a result, everyone completed the killing of the Sky-Swallowing Snake almost unharmed, but before everyone picked up the task item [Sky-Swallowing Snake Head] that fell from the Sky-Swallowing Snake, the Sky Swallowing Snake sank directly. Underwater.

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