Sky Dungeon

Chapter 223: Count you can sophistry

"My wife, please forgive me. The little girl next to me is ready to take pictures for us. Let's buy other things. You can also go back to online shopping for these private items. Those are enough for a few days. The current express delivery is so fast, some local warehouses can receive it on the same day, and online shopping is cheap, so you can save money.” Jing Tian pretended to look like a pitiful Qin family.

"Oh? Husband, what are you afraid of? If she dares to take secret photos, I will hack her mobile phone and promise to change her to a brand new one." Liu Yaya smiled mysteriously.

Are you a special soldier? How can you know how to hack, are you an electronic commando? No wonder the body is fair and tender, without traces of training and fighting. Jing Tian quickly passed this thought in his mind, but he honestly said: "My wife, go back and buy it, even if you let me pick it with you, it's uncomfortable to stay in that area for a long time."

"Husband, it's a matter of talking, then let's buy other things. However, when that time comes, we must continue to pretend to be house wine!" Liu Yaya seemed to be very happy as if she had gotten a sword.

Jing Tian felt relieved, but when he arrived at the next shopping area, he suddenly had the urge to return to the underwear area!

It turned out to be a sanitary napkin! Jing Tian's face felt pale and blushing. He really hadn't observed the sanitary napkin shelf so close. Which animal invented those dazzling sanitary napkins? Jing Tian has already cursed in her heart. You must know that if there are only one or two types, it will not be troublesome to choose. However, in the face of many brands and different types of sanitary napkins, girls will often fall into a short-term entanglement, especially When new products are constantly updated, just like now, the entire shelf is full of sanitary napkins with new products!

"Husband, which one do you want to buy? Normal daily use 240mm, mini daily use 180mm, and widened daily use 265mm? By the way, there are cushions 155mm." Liu Yaya actually asked again.

"Wife, do you think I have used this thing?" Jing Tian said in a bad mood.

"Husband, you can also use it. This thing can be used on the insoles to quickly absorb the moisture in the shoes. Why don't you buy a few bags of thick and widened ones for the night and use them. Do you want 410mm or 355mm? What about?" Liu Yaya said very seriously.

Damn, how come there are so many types for day and night use? What exactly does this millimeter mean, is it length? The key is to do so long, why not make it smaller and thicker? He slapped himself in his heart, Jing Tian glanced at the woman who was snickering next to him, and felt a sense of collapse. If he bought a few packs of sanitary napkins and went back, I wonder what Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue would think of themselves, maybe I think I am an idiot thinking this is toilet paper! However, what Liu Yaya said is not false. I have seen this aspect of life before. At that time, I didn't deliberately remember it. Liu Yaya said that she was only impressed.

"Wife, you should buy it yourself. I really can't help. Look at the slippers I usually wear. It doesn't work if you stick them?" Jing Tian grinned, causing the woman next to her to cover her mouth and laugh again. .

"Husband, you are really humorous. Who used to steal my sanitary napkins as toilet paper, and said that this is good absorbent, I really don't know how your body fluids are so much." Liu Yaya said in a contemptuous tone, no doubt, she Another pit was dug for Jingtian. After listening to this, the woman next to her looked at Jing Tian with a shocked and greedy look, as if she was looking at a Choli-horse stallion, maybe she was already thinking about contacting herself!

Jing Tian knew that the woman next to him no longer treated him as a human. How could he bear this kind of shame, so he immediately explained: "My wife, it's me that is wrong. I keep running out of nose when I catch a cold. It absorbs water without hurting the nose, pure cotton is good!"

Not to mention, **** brand sanitary napkins are really pure cotton!

After listening to Liu Yaya, he immediately returned a look of "you can quibble", Jing Tian looked embarrassed, his eyes seemed to beg Liu Yaya to buy and leave.

Liu Yaya was also considerate, and did not embarrass Jing Tian any more, but Jing Tian suddenly found that Liu Yaya deliberately avoided the set of shelves in front of him. However, when Jing Tian swept his gaze over there, he immediately understood something. There are indeed few people patronizing the shelves, even if they are patrons, most of them choose the night when there is an urgent need. However, at this moment there are a few middle-aged women wandering there, but Jing Tian has an idea, and a strange curve rises from the corners of his mouth. He has already thought: Liu Yaya, Liu Yaya, if you are to blame, I will blame you for doing me badly. , This time it was my turn. I really didn't expect the opportunity for revenge to come so quickly that I was so happy that I wanted to kneel and thank God.

"Wife, go there with me to see, I have something to give you." Jing Tian said lightly, pressing the joy in his heart.

At first, Liu Yaya was also happy with what Jing Tian It is rare that Jing Tian wanted to give her something, but when she looked in the direction of Jing Tian’s eyes, she swiped it. Two peach blushes appeared on Qing Guo Qingcheng's face instantly.

"Husband, don't do it, you will regret it if you go." Liu Yaya still had a coquettish tone in the first half, but the second half became a warning tone.

"Wife, I don't think I will regret it forever if I don't go." So Jing Tian grabbed Liu Yaya's hand and walked to the special area for couples. Jing Tian seemed to find that he was holding Liu Yaya's hand. , She behaved very obediently.

If you live in the world as you wish, let’s make a dime tonight!

Yes, this is the special area for couples! The dazzling array of various husband and wife supplies, as if a hot flame was ignited in the air, and the surrounding air was a bit hotter than other places, making people short of breath. Jing Tian had never bought these items before, and when faced with a box of high-quality chewing gum, he forgot to say something.

However, the corner of Jing Tian's mouth still showed a harmless smile in the next moment. He took a peek at Liu Yaya next to her. At this time, her face was flushed even more, her eyes blurred, and she was still staring straight at the various items on the shelf. The cool packaging box, as if something is going to happen to Jingtian tonight. Jing Tian first coughed, and then asked seriously: "Wife, do you think it is the stimulation of the **** brand thread or the comfortable bump? By the way, there are any wolf teeth, it is better to try a wolf Tooth?"

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