Sky Dungeon

Chapter 196: You can't be succumbed to lewdness, this is called a great eunuch

"Well, if you are good, you have found a blind spot in the design of me and Luo Xia. I have always admired the village woman very much, but I didn't expect that the person I admired was actually your game blind." Jing Tian shrugged. The shoulder seems to be saying that he feels regret and sad for his random admiration.

"Oh? Don't you think I have a talent for playing games? Should I kneel down and worship? This is the first game I played." Liu Yaya raised her fist and said clearly: If you dare to speak If you irritate my old lady, see how my old lady cleans up you!

"Uh...that's really the case, you might be the legendary game genius." Jing Tian said in a sigh.

As the saying goes: Wealth cannot be licentious, cannot be transferred, and lewdness cannot be succumbed. This is called a great eunuch. Jing Tian doesn't want to be an eunuch. You have to know: castrates under the peony flower, you can only suffer as a ghost!

"It's pretty much the same. Xiaogua, will you live with me?" Liu Yaya pursed her mouth, as if she was struggling for a while before she said it. When she was speaking, her right hand subconsciously helped the cylindrical blue and white porcelain hairpin on her hair. The shape of this hairpin is very special, and I don’t know what the principle is. It sticks to her straight hair so firmly and firmly. A bunch of special tresses.

"Uh... or not. I guess you must have bought a house right across the door. Isn’t it just across the door? I really like my current colleagues. Although we were both resigned, everyone decided to play with me. I will take them out of the sky. Moreover, I don’t want them to know that I have given up the status of a wealthy and young man. If I can, I choose to completely cut off relations with that family forever." Excited.

"Oh? My grandfather doesn't mind you being married." Liu Yaya smiled charmingly.

Fortunately, Jing Tian didn't drink water or eat anything at this moment, otherwise he would definitely choke or vomit. He took care of his emotions and said: "Don't be kidding, it's better to go to my own house than to go to your house, I'm afraid you think so too."

"Oh? You don't want to return, it's just what I want. Anyway, I am a fiancee who is waiting to be married. I will follow you wherever you go. I don't have to pretend to be a cold-blooded soldier all day long. It's very comfortable." When Liu Yaya spoke, there were two blushes on her cheeks.

"At this point, we have quite a common language. If you have nothing to do, just give my former **** dad a blow, saying that my life style is correct, my life is positive, and I am thinking about how to win glory for the country. , Show your prominence in front of the world." Jing Tian said lightly, it seems that everything he said happened in reality, and he did not realize that he no longer contradicted Liu Yaya's fiancee status.

"Puff... I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." Liu Yaya smiled into a flower, making Jingtian a little embarrassed.


"Oh? Your life style is correct? It's also considered to be in the same room with two women?" Liu Yaya laughed with thorns.

"Are you monitoring me?" Jing Tian said angrily. He knew that if Liu Yaya wanted to monitor him, he could even install that kind of micro-monitoring equipment in his bathroom.

"This also requires monitoring. When you are in the game, you don't shy away from talking, especially that Zhao Jiaxue, who is chirping, knows you are in the same room as you hear it." Liu Yaya vented unabashedly in her voice. Out of her anger, she even wanted to tell Jing Tian that she almost couldn't bear the anger in her heart a few times. If she hadn't forcibly drank a few iced drinks, she would definitely kick open the door of Jingtian's room. There is a big scene in which the palace takes the small three and four in the bed.

"What about Yun Yiyi?" Although Jing Tian knew he was wrong, he had to figure out this matter.

"Oh? Did I come out of Kanu? Zhao Jiaxue is a loyal woman. She won't be in the same room with you unless she pulls up with Yun Yiyi." Liu Yaya seemed very confident in her reasoning, and from Jing Tian's mouth Such a question naturally confirmed her guess.

"Yaya, don't be angry, I just don't like being watched. The two of them did lie in the same room with me, but I was lying on a folding bed, and they were both on the bunk. Nothing happened between us. "Jing Tian chuckled.

"Oh? Did nothing happen?" Liu Yaya's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, as if she was very disappointed with Jing Tian's words.

Is she looking forward to what will happen to herself and the two?

"Yes, nothing happened." Although Jing Tian noticed Liu Yaya's strangeness, for the purpose of protecting Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi, Jing Tian still felt that this was a white lie.

Xiaogua, in fact, I can accept you to tell the truth, after all, I am sorry for you all these years! Liu Yaya thought so in her heart, but chuckled softly on her mouth: "Oh? If you lied to me, I forgive you. However, on the contrary, if you find that I lied to you one day, then you have to forgive me. "

what? Jing Tian's heart is a little confused, what exactly is Ya Ya talking about, is there something deceiving herself? Isn't she a virgin anymore? Jing Tian shook his head abruptly in his What kind of mess is he thinking about? Do you want to refuse? Is it only allowed that the state official set fire to not allow the people to light the lamp? Jing Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Well, if you lied to me out of being kind to me, then I accept it."

"Oh? This condition is very good, so let's make an agreement." Liu Yaya felt the whole body relaxed, and it seemed that some heavy pressure was released.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. I'm going to buy an early one. You haven't eaten yet. Let's eat together after buying it." Jing Tian didn't know why he was a little distressed. It was really hard for her to come to guard at the gate of the community early. Of course, Jing Tian didn't know that compared with Liu Yaya's experience over the years, this kind of squatting thing was too easy.

"Oh? Okay, have you figured out how to introduce me to them? Fiancee?" Liu Yaya asked as she got up and climbed to the driving position, seeming to slow down deliberately, exposing her full buttocks to the sky. Before the vision, Jing Tian's eyes unconsciously picked up a big deal, but subconsciously, the gentleman's temperament forced him to move his vision out of the window.

"How is it possible? I said not to reveal my identity. I just said that you are a neighbor who moved here this morning. I happened to meet to help you move, and I accidentally found the VR device of the game Sky Dungeon in your gift. For the suit, I asked your ID curiously. If you don’t ask me, I’m surprised when I ask. The world is so small. Yesterday’s friend is today’s right neighbor! How?" Jing Tian made up one in one breath A novel-level encounter.

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