Sky Dungeon

Chapter 194: No kiss in this world can't solve the problem

"Can you stop thinking about boring things and boring people when your fiancee kisses you?" Liu Yaya's trembling voice seemed to have a sorrowful cry, especially when she said the words "fiancee", that kind of grievance And loss is burning to the top.

Jing Tian wanted to get angry, but after hearing Liu Yaya's question, Jing Tian realized how shameless he was. Everyone said that he was shameless. Although he accepted it, he never felt how shameless he was emotionally. I found that I was so despicable and scumbag. Because just before the slap fell on my face, what I thought of was: If three beauties can live under the same roof with me, what a wonderful thing it would be... Is it the woman I kissed? Do you have to take it for yourself? Is this the legendary possessiveness?

"Sorry, I……"

Before Jing Tian said anything, Liu Yaya blocked his mouth with one hand. Although Jing Tian understood that Liu Yaya wanted to silence herself, her lips had already kissed her delicate palm again without any suspense. , And Jing Tian was extremely depressed, and he cursed helplessly: I went, I was forced to kiss again, this time I was forced to kiss my hand, it's better to die if it is spread out.

"I don't want to hear you explain it, how I hope that all you think of in your mind is me, it's me!" Liu Yaya felt like a roar at the end, tears in her eyes, making Jing Tian feel a little guilty. Somewhat inexplicable.

"Uh... are you okay? I really hope you don't force it. I should know the pain of reluctance." Jing Tian didn't know what to say, but he had to say something, he had to ease Liu Yaya's mood, but As soon as he said this, Jing Tian regretted it a little.

Sure enough, the atmosphere was completely destroyed. Liu Yaya rolled over and sat on the empty seat in the back seat. Her pink lips were pursed and said, "It was not my first kiss just now, so don't care too much."

Well, it was not my first kiss just now. Jing Tian really wanted to say something like this, saying that this woman was fooling around with other men behind her fiancé. Isn't she a green hat? No, this marriage contract must be annulled! Jing Tian thought so in his heart, but he didn't realize that he had unconsciously entered the role of fiance at this moment, although he didn't want to admit the marriage contract.

"Do you think I am reluctant to be with you? If you say I like the feeling of playing games, if I like the Sky Dungeon you designed, I can't even extricate myself? You will re-examine Is the feeling between us?" Liu Yaya asked.

"No, if you really play games, then I will hold my thighs, you know, I am very poor now." Jing Tian teased.

"What are you crying about? The money you earn in the game is much higher than your previous salary. I told you that although my parents agreed with me to come to you, they said, you are responsible for all my expenses and let you do well. Raise the enlightenment of your future wife." After Liu Yaya finished speaking, she cheated on the side while watching Jing Tian's reaction on the side.

However, Jing Tian just swallowed a sip of water and said faintly: "Then let's sell your car first. It costs more to raise it than to raise you, and the money sold by your car is enough to feed you..." When Jing Tian glanced at Liu Yaya's angry eyes and the murderous look from his body, he was stunned to swallow all the things he wanted to say, and then immediately changed his words: "I'm just kidding."

"Oh? You go ahead and see if I can laugh." As Liu Yaya said, she stretched out her right hand and gently stroked Jing Tian's cheeks. Jing Tian's back instantly became cold, and her cheeks just receded. At this moment, the pain suddenly broke out.

"Uh...I'm a more serious person. I can't go on joking halfway through. I lack humor cells, humor bacteria, humor viruses, etc.... You won't really buy the right door to our house, right?" With a clever move, he immediately changed the subject.

"Of course, I'm afraid that you won't accept it, so I dress like this." Liu Yaya felt a little shy at this time. Although facing her fiance, she was somehow more nervous and shy than on the beach by the sea. .

"It's really lost to you, because you can think of this method." Jing Tian also wondered why his attitude changed so quickly. He was very disgusted with Liu Yaya over the years, but inexplicably accepted her to come to him. Isn't it because of rebellious psychology at all, but because Liu Yaya neglected herself? Or, there is no hot kiss in this world that can't solve the problem. If there is, then use wet kiss?

Jing Tian was a little frightened by his own thoughts, but after careful recollection, he had to admit that after he was in junior high school, he was indeed upset because Liu Yaya had too little contact with him. Later, after high school, he didn't even meet a few times. I ran away from home completely, and never met her again. These years of time have completely diminished my feelings for her. No matter what, Liu Yaya is my childhood reason for resentment in my heart She, neglecting her, isn't it because Liu Yaya started to neglect herself first in junior high school? There are some things that can't be avoided, so why don't you face them calmly, maybe they will change their minds if they get along?

"How about it, amazing? I have been fighting ideological struggles for a long, long time." At this time, Liu Yaya did not have the slightest breath of a warlord girl, as if she had returned to a childhood elementary school.

"Drive, accompany you to buy a VR suit." Jing Tian took the initiative to accompany Liu Yaya!

"Xiao Gu, I said that I like your games, don't you think I haven't played it before, my VR device is in the trunk." Liu Yaya smiled happily, Xiao Gu was a foreigner Liu Yaya gave Jing Tianqi in elementary school However, Jing Tian only allowed her to call herself that way. If she was another person, Jing Tian would definitely sneer. Liu Yaya also understood at this time: Jing Tian was willing to accompany her on the streets, at least it shows how much he has forgiven himself for alienating him, although this is not his original intention, it is really great!

"Unbelievable, when you were a kid, you only liked martial arts, and you never bothered to play games or anything. So how many grades are you, don't you have single digits?" Jing Tian knows best about Liu Yaya in elementary school. She is obviously a girl, but she likes to dance swords and swords. She is like a devil in school.

"Xiao Gu, why are you getting more and more stupid? Didn't you find me that I gave you so many hints yesterday?" Liu Yaya's words exploded like thunder, which immediately caused Jing Tian's thinking.

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