Sky Dungeon

Chapter 185: Forever and forever, this female enchantress has no end

"Beauty Scorpio, the ancient battlefield has a lot of broken pages of ancient skills. After learning a lesson, there are high-grade comprehension skills that cannot be exchanged for points. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of gold coins. Maybe even the city! After all, there is no shortage of local tyrants in the world who originally intended to give generously. In their eyes, money is nothing more than a symbol and a bunch of numbers. "Luo Xia is very enthusiastic about the twin-tailed Scorpio, it seems that she is the only one. Luo Xia found some comfort for the woman who had a bad attitude towards Jing Tian. After all, all the women she met now were sitting around the Jing and watching the sky, which made Luo Xia feel inexplicably sad.

That's right, both men, so why are the circumstances so far apart? It's true: I can hear the spring light across the window, so close to the horizon. The most painful but single Wang...

"So, sitting on the well and watching the sky, you want to sell it, quietly exchange for gold coins to steal it?" The twin-tailed Scorpio suddenly laughed, his eyes sharpened, as if he had discovered a heinous bad guy.

"Uh...what's a joke, do you think anyone buys this kind of thing now? The use level is limited to 45 or higher. I just think this is a trivial reward." Jing Tianbian said as he sent the props to the team. Channel, meanwhile, a drop of cold sweat slipped on his forehead.

After seeing the name of the item before, Jing Tian really thought about selling it for the first time. Now this key fragment is definitely a rare item, maybe it can be sold at a high price. However, after Jing Tian carefully read the description of the props, he tragically discovered the problem of using level restrictions. He knew that even if the item was sold, he would have to wait until level 45. At that time, how many fragments would be on the market? Good prediction. I have to say that the villain heart of Scorpio can really save the belly of a gentleman.

"Since there is the assistance of North Korean soldiers, the five of us will continue to level up. We have to upgrade to level 30 as soon as possible so that we can join the guild without delay. What if we don't get into the guild first?" Double-tailed Scorpio The plain words are full of glitches.

"Well, thank you for coming to help, but even if you don't go online for a month, the guild will have a place for you, don't worry." Jing Tian called the Constellation Party people, naturally, it is indispensable. Although there are more Korean soldiers than the Constellation Party, their combat effectiveness can only be described by tofu dregs. There is no bright spot in either level or equipment. Most of them may only be around level 25. It seems that they have more A lot of energy is spent on earning gold coins. After all, it is quite time-consuming to attack BOSS, and the level is naturally a certain gap compared to the first echelon of league players.

After bidding farewell to the members of the Constellation Party, Jing Tian and the seven of them diverted to the next leveling area where the next wild BOSS with explosive demand was located. They had to be Korean soldiers. Others might not work. The execution ability was quite strong. Not long after arriving at the leveling area, the mobs were wiped out. It may be that the monsters in the leveling area here are relatively low in level, and they don't have to fight hard.

After 3 minutes, [Yinzhengjin] sent a voice message. There was no nonsense in it, only a clear coordinate, which seemed to be the location of the boss. When I went to a place, Jing Tian understood that these North Korean players were keeping a certain distance from the BOSS. It was clear that they were waiting for Jing Tian to go up to fight the monsters. However, after just looking around for a week, Jing Tian found that the number of these North Korean players was definitely different. No fewer than 20 have been added.

I really don’t know how many players there are in this batch of North Korean army players, but compared to those relatively open countries, the number of players seems so pitiful and pathetic. In addition, the North Korean army will choose to send more manpower after making money. After all, this person is far from enough to support a future guild that symbolizes the country. Even if others don’t say anything, the North Korean habit of swollen faces and fills up fat, as long as If you continue to participate, you will definitely not be content with such a small population and such a small amount of strength.

Although Jing Tian thought about it this way, he didn't ask anything. He understood that even if he asked, he might not get a real answer. However, this mercenary-like existence is a good ally. Make a good relationship, and at least brush BOSS in the future and no longer worry about the lack of thugs. Thinking of this, sitting Jing Guantian no longer complained in his heart that he was called by someone as a shield. He carried Fang Tianji and rushed towards the boss. Needless to say, six figures followed him firmly.

The cooperation with the North Korean mercenaries went very smoothly. Even if there were good people who wanted to make trouble, they honestly joined the army of the bosses when they saw their uniform formation. Of course, this kind of boss rubbing is not disgusting. After all, BOSS belongs to the world. Everyone has their share of the drop. One more player has one more output, and the efficiency can be a little higher. Work more to get more material, less work to get material, this is also the basic life principle in reality, so there is no behavior of robbing the boss, but the behavior of smashing the boss is absolutely indispensable. Leveling players will join in more or less, and sometimes there are people with good things shouting in the world, attracting all nearby players.

As a result, there are many people with mixed eyes, and some things can't be wrapped in paper, especially the dazzling star of the village woman. Anyone who observes it casually will find that she is superior to humans.

Jing Tian didn't care that the hidden profession of villagers was exposed. Whenever the boss was killed, the village women would definitely perform the tricks of the weapon spectrum without fear. The eighteen kinds of weapons were played like a fish by her. Up. However, Jing Tian could be regarded as keeping a hand, deliberately asking the village women to stop using the space ring to change weapons. After all, this kind of escape into the space ring, if the pressure of public opinion is too great, Tengyi may really block it.

"Oh? Officials are really the most intimate to slaves..." The voice must be more enchanting and enchanting, forever and forever, this female enchantment has no end!

Jing Tian regretted it decisively, regretting that he was talking too much. If it weren't for the value of the village woman, he would not eat carrots and worry about it. But now listening to the voices of two beautiful women around him grinding their teeth, Jing Tian really hopes that Tengyi Company will directly block the villagers' occupations. Forget it!

Of course, many people directly recorded the amazing feats performed by the village women, and they soon spread to the official forums, and even the major game media rushed to report them. Even if the title was let Jing Tian see it, it had to be opened up. Mouth dumbfounded, looking straight for a few seconds: Sky Dungeon Female Soldier King 300 Skill Combo Hand Blade World BOSS.

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