Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1824: Encircle

"We can't help rashly. If too many people go, the area of ​​the Forgotten Falls will continue to expand automatically, then the Demon Summoner can summon more demons, and the scene may be more chaotic."

   "Yes, believe in the empress, long live the empress, the empress must have a way to do it!"

   "The female emperor is mighty, long live the female emperor!"

   is still a fanatical fanatic of the female emperor. These complicated problems can be solved by pure worship!

   "Frog, can you tell us now, how are you going to deal with them? Do you want someone to get rid of all the troublemakers?"

   Sure enough, women's hearts are made of gossip, and Zhao Jiaxue's curiosity does not know how many cats have been killed.

"Pack them? Get rid of them all? Haha, you think too much, but I didn't plan to do this. There is a simpler solution. Why do I have to work hard to make trouble? I don't bother to take the initiative to do something thankless. do."

   Simple solution?

   Don’t have to work hard?

Everyone immediately became interested. Everyone stopped carts and surrounded Jingtian without saying anything at all. The encirclement of the crowd gave Jingtian an invisible pressure as if to say. : If you don't say anything, you will be beaten into meat!

   Do you still want to eat these days?

   Believe it or not, we will shut you down!

   "Uh...Are you like this? Don't just pick it up, okay... What are your dissatisfactions to say... What do you mean by not talking? Well, I was defeated by you."

   Jingtian raised his hands to indicate his head, and everyone slowly withdrew their vicious gazes, temporarily bypassing Jingtian.

"Actually, it's really simple. In your live broadcast, you have released the news that a large number of players from the Blue Wolf Group went to the Forgotten Waterfall to gather. I believe that the Demon players should have seen it at this time. If we are the Demon players, and we If the wolf guild has hatred, what will it do?"

   "The stars know about Meow! They will immediately declare war on the Qinglang Group and catch them by surprise! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we should promptly inform the power masters of the demons!"

   The alien thinking really jumps! If you declare war, they won’t use guild skills to escape and return to the guild’s resident defense?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Do you think the people from the Qinglang Group will be here to fight with us?


   Yun Yiyi is the roundworm in Jing Tian's stomach, coldly spit out these two words.

  What surrounded?

   Sister, since you know, can you make it clear?

"I understand. The hero means that the demons may take the opportunity to surround the Forgotten Falls. You must know that the Forgotten Falls is a natural basin. There is only one route to and from the Forgotten Falls. That's why the soul of the green wolf thought of it. Arrange a large number of demons on the road to block our mission. However, the demon can also think of the things he can think of! Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

   At this point, Ji Yumian's mouth overflowed with crystal beads, like a hungry wolf seeing a little sheep entering his cave.

"Yes! If I were a Demon Race player, I would definitely not let go of this great opportunity to wipe out the Blue Wolf Guild. Recently, the Blue Wolf Guild is gaining momentum, and this battle can completely suppress the morale of the Blue Wolf Guild. A qualified leader People, will definitely smell the opportunities and strategic significance here."

"People from this star understand Meow! Brother Tian means that we must unite with the demons and rely on the demons to sweep away the Blue Wolf Guild and the BOSS! When I get stuck on the boss, I must let the BOSS give the members of the Blue Wolf Guild Come to a deep memory!"

   You should hurry back to meow star!

"Brother fool, have you forgotten that you are still a star on the Mozu Wanted Order? Do you think they will join you when they see you? Everything you did to the Mozu before, but the shame of the Moyu! How could it be possible to join you? , They can't wait to strip your skin off this time!"

That’s right, I don’t know who leaked the wind. Most of them were Fatty Luoxia. After they returned to the Soul of the Green Wolf, they often attacked their old friends. Even if they died later and stopped directly doing anything, they still occasionally spread it. Some news that was unfavorable to old friends came out, causing players around the world to hate Yuanqiyun Guild.

   Yang Miaomiao changed the world BOSS and ran to the Demon Card map. After the event of destroying the Demon City with a large move was made public, he became the most wanted criminal of the Demon Race without eating mice!

There are countless Mozu players who want to kill Yang Miaomiao for revenge, and some Mozu power owners have been blamed by players for their incompetence. These power owners who knocked their teeth down and swallowed even hired the dark guild of the alliance and issued For the reward for not eating mice, as long as you kill Yang Miaomiao once, you will get a lot of income.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Therefore, Yang Miaomiao is often chased by players, whether it is an alliance mercenary or encounter a demons player, now his first reaction is Be wary of whether the opponent will attack yourself.

Recalling the fear of these and then thinking of the scene of uniting the demons and being surrounded by demons, Yang Miaomiao immediately repented and quarreled: “Brother God, we are alliance players, we must not fight with demons. The clan wears a pair of pants, meow! How can you use demons players, I despise you!"

   Sure enough, aliens are very realistic!

"Hero, will the demons really come to besiege the Blue Wolf Group? So many players, I am afraid that they have leaked the wind before they have assembled? The Blue Wolf group is not stupid, they will hide in the Forgotten Waterfall and wait for the demons. Come to encircle and suppress?"

   As an intelligence gathering expert, Feng Ji would definitely not naively think that there is no spy arranged by the Blue Wolf on the Mozu side.

   "Yes, frog, what you think is too simple? Even if the encirclement and suppression is not discovered, the Green Wolf Guild can choose to collectively teleport back to the guild residence to avoid conflicts when the general attack is on!"

   Zhao Jiaxue is right this time.

  Even if everyone is not completely sneaking now, the character can still use the magic of returning to the city once a day.

  If the Blue Wolf Soul finds that things are not good, how can it be so stupid to wait for the demons to kill them all?

"Uh...the key point is that they don't know that the demons are here to besie them! I am afraid that the demons will come with a big fanfare this time, and on the surface they are coming towards us, saying that they are coming to destroy our mission. Do you think the Soul of the Blue Wolf will be on your guard? The Soul of the Blue Wolf now thinks he is a vicious wolf, and the enemies are just a few rabbits without fangs. How could he let everyone return to the guild and do such a shameful thing? What?"

   "Huh? Under what circumstances, the demons are coming to besieged and killed Meow?"

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