Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1814: Don't sell cute to NPC, okay

Sure enough, this Galantes is an open existence!

   The eyes of everyone looking at Galantes are not friendly anymore, and there is even an urge to report him directly!

  Actually, Galantes is already one of the most reported NPCs in history, and the system will not process him if he has been reported so many times.

  The key is that Galantes is not controlled by a real person, and all actions are carried out completely according to the system's own settings. If the rationality of these settings must be examined, then the report cannot be resolved.

   I am afraid that relevant opinions and suggestions should be formed and sent to the planning team for analysis and research.

   Besides, although this guy is special, he is definitely not the only special existence.

   Yes, NPCs that can voluntarily run to the player's side can also occasionally be encountered. Relatively speaking, Galantes is only activated under special conditions, and the number of activations is more.

   For example, Jing Tian's NPC companion Ralf, this guy sometimes suddenly appears in front of Jing Tian on a whim, which can be regarded as an active call.

   It's just that this great **** may be busy at work. He hasn't been online very much recently. Not to mention the active call, even if it is passively called, this guy will not respond.

   This gave Jing Tian the illusion of being abandoned at a critical moment, and he began to wonder if he should also change to a non-real NPC partner to be more practical.

   Although the real-life NPC companion is powerful, the online rate is a bit low. Isn’t it possible to invent a real-life NPC stand-in system by kicking the Tiannongjing?

   When Rafa is not online, it’s also very happy to let a substitute come on?

"Uh...everyone’s NPC companions can’t be summoned. Does it mean that Galantes is special? Can he guide us to complete the task? Why don’t you ask him about Jiuying’s restraint methods? This guy is not a comparison. Well-learned, maybe I have studied strange animals too!"

   Jing Tian had a clue, perhaps from Galantes, a demon wise man.

   However, this is also a crazy idea. What research can a traitor of the demon race have on alien animals? He is not an old antique, how can he be clear?

"Well, if you just ask, you won’t be struck by lightning! Honey, do you know **** Jiuying? As long as we can kill this guy, we don’t have to **** him so hard. I'm the baby!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Are you a baby?

   Jingtian has already vomited a river in his heart!

   Old witch, she's very old, don't be cute to NPC, okay?

   There are so many people, don’t you keep your old face red or hot?

Not to mention Jing Tian, ​​the eyes of the people next to the old witch are also unnatural. After all, after getting along these years, everyone finds that Jing Tian’s mother is indeed a bit princess fantasic, and seems to always think of herself as a dozen The year-old princess always plays cute and pretends to be stupid!

   really keeps a girl's heart for a long time!

   It's no wonder that Jing Tian will run away from home. This guy must be unable to face his mother properly!

   More importantly, who asked you to ask **** Jiuying?

   Even if it is a wise man of the Demon Race, it is impossible for this guy to know **** Jiuying?

   You know, God has no choice but to think of it now. As a small NPC, where does his wisdom come from to surpass God?

  Is there a problem with the brain circuit of the old witch, can I respect my intentions?

   However, Galantes did not feel troubled by this problem, and even said without thinking: "Yes, I know."


you know?

   Are you kidding us internationally?

   Things that God doesn’t know, you know, you’re an alien, can’t you?

  Has black technology surpassed love for marriage for thousands of years?

   Everyone's eyes are full of deceived eyes when they look at Galantes.

"Yes, Jiuying is a strange beast from another world. If you want to kill it, you just need to send it to another other world, and let Jiuying disappear from this world! This is probably the most effective method. Other methods are in vain."

  噗...We have to admit that what you said may be okay, but is this killing Jiu Ying?

   Are you not putting blame on another world?

   Send disaster-class guys to other worlds for destruction?

   Okay, maybe we are a little sick with Secondary Two. How could there be a different world outside the game? Even if there is another world, it is just a copy of the player temporarily transferred to the task?

   If you really want to be able to directly teleport Jiuying to another world, it can indeed kill the opponent!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   different world? Teleport space magic?

   No matter how you look at it, you are suggesting that I go to Ralfa!

   Maybe Ralf can bring Jiu Ying into her world, but will she do it?

It's not just Jing Tian that thought of this. At this moment, everyone looked at Jing Tian, ​​as if he could completely solve Jiu Ying as long as he did a summoning er ...Don't look at me with such evil eyes. That guy Ralf doesn't know what planning he is doing, he doesn't play the game at all, let alone summons... What do you mean by your eyes, blame me? Well, I will contact Lalfa again to see if she can make a move. "

   Jing Tian doesn't seem to have any illusions about Raerfa. If Rafa can move the dead Nine Infants to another world in a large space, will the system still set up such a complicated task process?

  Besides, this is related to the Cthulhu Tree. If it is so easy to skip the Cthulhu Tree to complete the task, wouldn't you miss some important game clues?

Although thinking so in his heart, Jing Tian must still contact Ralf seriously: "Dear Queen, I want to ask you clearly, can you directly exile the Nine Infants to another world through space magic? "

"Hehe! Your thoughts are still quite interesting! Let’s not hide it from my dear husband, I can indeed use this kind of space magic, but are you sure you want to do it? First of all, I will use my ability to trap Jiu Ying at the most. Teleporting to another world means that the archangel Vandora Kalsat will also be implicated in teleportation magic and exiled at the same time. In other words, your mission may fail. If you fail, you will never accept other missions. No. Unless, I also send you to another world, you are looking for a way to kill Jiuying in another world. But do you think this method really exists? Don’t say the harm, maybe you really want to delete The number is back."

   Jingtian directly forwarded what Ralf had said to everyone, and everyone's expressions became wonderful when they heard it, and some were as excited as aliens, eager to try to go to another world.

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