Sky Dungeon

Chapter 178: Red Fury Ha

This is a dark underground space.

Surrounded by a hard stone wall, there is a seven-eight-meter-wide passage in the middle. On both sides, there are some cells enclosed by iron bars. A few rays of sunlight shine in from the upper air vent, casting a twisted shadow on the ground, like a ghost. Ghastly.

"My lord has an order, you two won't have to work anymore, just stay here." The tauren guard waved his hand and threw Zhang Tao and Li Yao into a cell on the left side of the end.

Clang, the cell door closed tightly.

The two of them sat motionless on the ground like zombies and went offline.


Not far to the east of Hailan Town.

Whoops~~ Whoops! !

"The monster is catching up, run away."

Large groups of orcs in tattered clothes are running away in embarrassment.

Not far behind are thousands of monsters, red white butterfly, moon demon spider, earth cracker...

There are many types of monsters, the lowest level is only more than ten levels, the highest level is the Moon Demon Spider, which has reached level 75. Although these monsters are of different types, they all have a common characteristic.

His eyes were as pitch black as ink, revealing hysterical madness.

Most of the orcs fleeing in front are ordinary people, of which there are only a few dozen professionals, and most of these professionals are less than level 30, and their strength is limited. It is conceivable that once they are overtaken by monsters, they will immediately be slaughtered side by side.

The moving speed of the strange group was very fast, and in a blink of an eye they had chased behind these orcs.


Behind the crowd, a thin bunny boy fell to the ground.

The young man turned his head and saw that those terrifying monsters were about to catch up, he was a little panicked, and hurriedly wanted to get up from the ground.

"Ah... my legs."

As soon as the bunny boy was together, he fell heavily to the ground, red blood flowing from his left leg, looking closely, a sharp thorn in the palm of his hand deeply pierced the joint of his left leg .

This is the thorn of the iron thorn tree, extremely hard.

The orcs rushed past the teenager, and no one dared to stop for a while. They knew in their hearts that the monster was behind them, and if they stopped, they would definitely die.


The boy immediately leaned down, reached out his hand to grab the outer end of the thorn, and violently pulled the thorn out.

In this blink of an eye, the strange group has already caught up.

The Bunnyman boy hurriedly got up and ran forward. However, he was not a professional, and his moving speed was much slower than the monster behind him. At this time, it was too late to escape.

At the front of the team, a burly middle-aged bunny soldier was advancing rapidly.

He carried a bunny **** his left shoulder. Although he weighed one more person, the middle-aged bunny man seemed to be not low in strength, and his speed was still very fast. He moved away from the team behind in a blink of an eye.

"Father, stop, Allais is injured, he will be killed by the monster." The Bunny Girl struggled, tears in her eyes.

In the village, Alai is her only friend.

"Niya, I'm sorry, I can't save him." The middle-aged bunny man sighed without stopping. In the current situation, he can only die in vain when he goes back to save others. He is the only support for his daughter and must not die here.

"Alai, be careful!" Niya's face suddenly changed.



A huge blue silk net fell from the sky, enveloping the seven or eight orcs behind the team. The silk net shrank as soon as it landed, wrapping the orcs in the net into a ball, and the injured bunny boy was among them. .

"Ah, help."

A series of falling to the ground and calls for help sounded.

Not far away, a black spider the size of a house was rushing.

Level 75 monster: Moon Demon Spider.

Several people are at stake!

"How could this happen?" A look of despair appeared in Niya's eyes.

The Moon Demon Spider is a very powerful monster.

A few days ago, she and her father met once when they went out with the caravan. At that time, more than half of the people in the team were injured or killed. Even the powerful father was seriously injured, and they barely repelled the monster. How could Alai and the others survive?


call out-

A red phantom flashed by.

"What?" The middle-aged bunny man looked back alertly.

In front of the Moon Demon Spider, a figure of a tauren holding a huge sword appeared.


Copper wall and iron wall.

Soul pressure.

Cross Swordsmanship II · Gale Slash!

Barr waved his arms, and the Fearless in his hand instantly turned into a **** light and slashed away.

Brush, a light blue sword aura flashed.

The Moon Demon Spider gave a sudden stop, the blood volume quickly returned to zero, and the head the size of a water tank slowly slipped off, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"So strong!" The middle-aged bunny man widened his eyes. This man actually killed the Moon Demon Spider in one blow, his strength was amazing.

Could it be a second-tier professional?

"Alai is okay, great." Niya smiled and looked at the tall figure who killed the monster, "Hey, this figure from the back...I feel like I've seen it somewhere."


These crazy monsters didn't know what fear was, and roared at them.


The ground shook suddenly.

A transparent wave of air shot away from Baal’s feet. The dozen monsters in front of him suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. Following the monsters behind, they couldn’t react for a while, and they slammed into each other. Into a ball.

Barr rushed up instantly.

Fight all directions!

The round blood-colored sword light flew around, and immediately tore a large number of monsters in front. The strands of life force were absorbed by the Fearless, and then passed back to Baal's body to replenish his lost blood.

In the face of Barr's overwhelming strength, these first-order monsters have absolutely no power to fight back.

"Hurry up, keep up!"

The sound came from the front, and the escaped orcs looked up.

At the top of the hillside not far away, several rapidly moving figures appeared. Following them, a group of orc cavalry rushed straight over from the other side of the hillside.

Hundreds of cavalry in front glowed with a faint red light, their moving speed soared, and they rushed past the refugees in a flash, like sharp knives, straight into the strange group behind.

The cry of killing sounded.

"Come here." Barr's face was indifferent, and he slapped a groundbreaker that rushed forward.

boom! boom! boom!

The magicians and archers following behind attacked at the same time, and immediately a storm of flesh and blood blew up among the beasts. Large swarms of monsters were torn to pieces by their group skills, and the progress of the group was stagnant.

"It's the lord's army."

"We are saved."

The escaped orcs stopped one after another, with a relieved expression on their faces, and many of them slumped directly on the ground. These days, in order to avoid being chased by monsters, they dare not rest all the way, and are on the road day and night, physically and mentally exhausted to the extreme.

Jingle bells, Kerala.

In the open space on the right, hundreds of goblins took out a large number of mechanical parts and quickly assembled them. In a short while, hundreds of weird ballistas exuding faint magical fluctuations were successfully assembled.

The ballistas are divided into two rows, front and rear, arranged in a staggered position.

"Storm Liannu prepares."

"The first team is loaded, the second team is loaded."

"A small team, launch!"

Huh hoo...

The machine frame rotates, and the densely shining crossbow arrows shoot forward.

Tuk tuk, crossbow arrows are deeply inserted into the monster's body under the action of strong kinetic energy, and the incidental elemental damage effects also come into play. Some monsters are burned into coke, and some are frozen into ice slag.

These Storm Repeaters, which were successfully transformed through the Alchemy Lab, not only increased their attack power sharply, but they were able to fire 25 arrows at the same time. They were amazingly powerful.

"Second team, launch!"

The dense crossbow arrows fired again, and a large swarm of monsters fell to the ground.


Among the refugees.

"Come, everyone together."

Allais and the others tried desperately to tear them, trying to destroy the web that trapped But the threads of the Moon Demon Spiders were so tough that they could not damage a single bit with all their strength.

The orc next to him rushed over when he saw it.

Several professionals pulled out their weapons and tried to cut the spider silks, but the strength of these spider silks was beyond imagination, and even swords could not damage them.

"Everyone give in, I can save them."

The crowd stepped aside, the middle-aged bunny man walked in, and Niya followed suit.

"Uncle Vince, Niya, it's great that you are all okay." Looking at the two people who came by, Alai wanted to stand up in surprise. The spider silk around him was very slippery. He fell down as soon as he moved. Ground.

The spider silk shook a few times and continued to shrink, tying them tighter.

"Heh..." Niya covered her mouth and smirked.

"Wen, Captain Vince."

The spider silk became tighter and tighter, and the several orcs trapped inside had some difficulty breathing.

"Well, everyone, don't move. Moon Demon Spider's silk is very special. The more you move, the tighter these silks will tighten." Vince said.

As soon as several people heard it, they quieted down.

Vince nodded, squatted down, and took out an odd machine about half the size of a palm from his backpack.


Gently pressing the button next to it, a blue-violet flame appeared from above.

"The spider silk sword of the Moon Demon Spider is hard to damage. The only weakness is the flame, but ordinary flames are useless. Only magic flames can burn them." Vince said, placing the machine in his hand under the silk.

Phew, the light blue flame ignited violently, but it extinguished in an instant, and the seemingly tough spider silk was all turned to ashes, revealing a few dark shadows exuding a scorching smell.

"Woo~ I'm bald." Allai wanted to cry without tears.

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