Sky Dungeon

Chapter 176: Qin has a friend, Yu Boya, and every opponent robs someone to marry!

"Oh? You got the right answer. It seems that compared with you, it is really easy to get hurt. So, do you want to continue guessing, what is the specialty of my non-professional? Don't give a small report! "The village woman also deliberately manipulated her role to look around the team, as if she were silently warning, especially to sit in the well and watch the sky.

"The strategy BOSS is mainly interrupted by your skills. You should have special skills for continuously casting skills, and the number of skills is amazing. Otherwise, you will not be content with the villagers."

"Oh? Although I didn't fully answer it, it is not wrong. I do have the skill to cast skills continuously, and I have a number of skills that none of you can match, but can you see how I achieved this step?" The village woman seemed to want to stump the king of swordsman in front of her, and took the opportunity to humiliate this multi-degree doctor. After all, this question was never answered even by Jing Tian and Luo Xia who knew the game well.

"There is no way to learn a lot of skills without a job. This research club has carefully studied it. Then, the only possibility should be the inherent skills of the equipment, but there is no information showing that the player has equipment other than weapons. Carrying active skills. So there is only one answer, that is, you villager can switch weapons at will, and use the inherent skills of weapons by switching weapons. However, this method of switching weapons is obviously very special and should be obtained by accident. "

Hearing that Yu Yan said so far, there was a clapping sound in the VR headset.

"Oh? I'm really sorry, the slave needs to press the voice button with one hand, and the other hand can only slap his butt, forged applause, don't mind the official." The village woman suddenly got to the topic again. Jing Tian's body seemed to be deliberately photographed for Jing Tian.

But the kind of applause just now was indeed not created by two palms. Everyone can't think with contemptuous eyes: Does the village woman really abuse her **** with her own hands, isn't she trembling M?

Jing Tian was sweating profusely, thinking: Why do you have to say it when you pat your ass? Isn't it clear that it is attracting my attention and making me go to that strange place to fill my imagination? If you are not a GM, then you are the widow in the deep mountains and old forests. It's so shameless... well, I admit that you defeated. For a moment in Jing Tian's mind, he has automatically made up the appearance of the village woman slapping his butt. The key is to produce such a sound effect. There must be nothing on the butt. What kind of posture are you playing the game?

"Oh? No wonder you dared to use the insignificant role to transfer the demons to kill the Alliance players, and there was a rumor in the forum that the demons NPC appeared in the leveling area and the dungeon, killing multiple Alliance players continuously. You are right. There are many people who call you the Necromancer. You used female evil spirits when you transferred to the Demon Race. The skeleton man with long hair is indeed quite bluffing."

No one thought that Yu Yan would know so much!

"Oh? It turns out that your reasoning is based on the rumors in the forum. If you don't say this, I am afraid I will care about you very much. After all, smart women are easy to seduce men. What you just showed was extremely smart. But what I said at the end disappointed me a bit," the village woman said inexplicably.

Yu Yan feels fortunate that this village woman is definitely not an ordinary person. Yu Yan seems to feel a breath similar to her from her. This village woman is the kind of wise and foolish woman who hides her secrets, but she accidentally makes Yu Yan I have a feeling that I will be seen through. Although I deliberately concealed the content in the forum that the village woman used continuous skills to kill the alliance player, the alliance player has no power to fight back, but obviously the village woman’s heart is the same as Ming Spiegel. Clear.

The battle between the two women can be described as: Qin has a friend, Yu Boya, and every opponent grabs someone to marry!

"Uh...After you talk, the village woman will look at my private chat messages." Jing Tian awkwardly contacted the Constellation Party.

When Jing Tian interrupted, Yu Yan didn't say anything anymore, she had already got the answer she wanted, although the answer was mostly from her own mouth. This also shows from the side that the village woman is very difficult.

After checking the voice message sent by Jing Tian, ​​the village woman was lost in thought. When she was alone before, she had never considered changing weapons like this. In a sense, Jing Tian’s method is indeed possible. Unlimited weapon exchange.

"Oh? It's not a shame that the slave family looks after, the slave family is going to prepare weapons now!" Abandoning this sentence, the village woman became busy with the NPC selling weapons.

"When the Alliance City is commissioned to build, I will buy the cheaper materials directly. Let's go and buy the others below 100 gold coins. Taurus has also replied to me. They will rush to the Alliance City for smelting. The hall converges with us." After Jing Tian ordered, everyone started to take action.

Before long, the group returned to the Alliance City on the Dapeng. At this time, there were already five more players outside the gate of the smelting hall. They were members of the Constellation Party. Jing Tian gave the king of sword riding and the village woman to the five. People made an introduction. The Constellation Party has naturally heard the name of the King of Sword Cavalry After all, they are the second-ranked player in the Cavaliers World, and they have also been on the headlines of the first kill of SSS before, but where is this [village woman] It came out, after all, she had the logo of Xiaoyun with sunglasses on her head, and her level was obviously not lower than 30, but several members of the Constellation Party turned the world rankings upside down and couldn't find the village woman's ID name.

"Is this the ID name that has just been changed, so it is not displayed on the leaderboard?" One-armed Taurus tentatively asked in a very surprised tone. Obviously he believed his own words, after all, there are no items in the game to change the name.

"It's really authentic Russian." The King of Swordsman suddenly interrupted the topic of One-armed Taurus. However, this interruption did not make the One-armed Taurus feel unhappy because of the rudeness of the King of Swordsman, but was surprised. He looked again at the blond Bai woman in front of her.

"You can speak Russian?"

That's right, Yu Yan was speaking in Russian just now. What she said not only attracted the attention of the five members of the Constellation Party, but even Jing Tian's curiosity was mobilized. But when I think about it, I’m relieved. This Yuyan is a doctor. It’s not normal for Cambridge to know a few foreign languages. After all, it’s not only Chinese people in Cambridge who can go to study abroad. They don’t have to be proficient. Some students should be able to speak some everyday language, but more professional terms are naturally not so easy to come by. However, Jing Tian noticed that what Yu Yan said in the translation was "authentic Russian". If he could tell the authenticity from the authentic, would it be a conclusion made by people who casually know a little Russian?

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