Sky Dungeon

Chapter 169: Castrate the peony, you can only suffer as a ghost!

"You are not bad too." Yun Yiyi said coldly.

Although Jing Tian wanted to say something, he suppressed it. He thought it was better for him to have less interaction with this village woman, but with her, Jing Tian felt that he was relieved a lot. If the king of swordsman was there, most of them Sometimes Jingtian will come to make up for the mistakes and loopholes in the team. At those times, Jingtian will feel very tired. However, now, with the village woman in a group to clean monsters, he feels comfortable and a kind of worry-free feeling. I have to say that from this moment on, this village woman successfully attracted Jing Tian’s Note that this kind of attention is a recognition, a feeling of sympathy for heroes.

The happy monster spawning lasted until lunch time, everyone said goodbye to offline, Yang Miaomiao asked the village woman very enthusiastically: "Sister God, what time do you go online in the afternoon, do you want to go to the level 25 dungeon with us? Maybe you can kill Meow with SSS for the first time!"

"Oh? It depends entirely on the mood. I'm not interested in the first kill of the dungeon. Besides, don't you already have a good team? Unless the official asks the slave family what to do, the slave family can't say anything." The previous sentence is still normal. It also makes people think that she knows the world. After all, after everyone has used it for so long, she suddenly kicked in, and she must replace someone. Yang Miaomiao will naturally not be replaced as a treatment, but it is not appropriate to replace anyone. , After all, today is the last three copies of level 25. However, the last sentence of the village woman was suddenly full of ambiguous taste, like a concubine waiting for the emperor's favor, and successfully stirred up the hostility and dissatisfaction of everyone.

"Split up for dinner!" Luo Xia was not in the mood to watch them chattering, and she went offline first. She was not in a good state this morning. Naturally, she was affected by a PK with a village woman and lost to a woman. Let him This kind of former society person has no brilliance on his face, and he is even more brooding in his heart.

Jing Tian and others also went offline one after another, but at this time Jing Tian was full of thoughts, because what was waiting for him was a life test like purgatory!

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Jiaxue scolded angrily.

"Uh...I've been holding back for a long time. I went to the bathroom first, and kissed you with the feeling of pissing. Isn't it disrespectful to the beauty?" Jing Tian got Zhao Jiaxue's consent after saying this, and Zhao Jiaxue also asked: "Hurry up, Don't let us wait too long, or you will wait for me to **** you and call you a lifetime gay!"

This is the legend: castration of peony flowers, you can only suffer as a ghost!

Jing Tian went to the toilet in a cold sweat. He even hit Luo Xia when he went out to wash his hands. Luo Xia asked Yun Yiyi why they still didn't come out to cook, but Jing Tian replied indifferently, "They insisted that I beat them back. I was only willing to cook. My life is hard, a dog slave, and served the two masters."

"I'm doing it! Then you're not good at asking, I'm starving to death, and be a happy quick shooter." Luo Xia didn't have a good air, and seemed to want to whip Jing Tian with a whip behind her back.

Pushing the door back to the room, Jing Tian had already sorted out his thoughts, and asked calmly: "Uh...who will you kiss first?"

"Of course... First kiss Yiyi!" Although Zhao Jiaxue was tough in her mouth, she was still shy about this kind of thing in her heart. Most of the time, she was just pretending to be aggressive, and she was a bit excited and timid when she encountered it.

Jing Tian looked at Yun Yiyi with inquiring eyes. Yun Yiyi only nodded slightly, and a little blood suddenly appeared on her cold as frost face. The cold-spoken ice beauty is absolutely different in normal days, and it seems that there is a cloud in her heart. The fiery flame is melting her ice cave-like body.

After getting permission, Jing Tian stretched out his hands and held Yun Yiyi's slender right hand. Yun Yiyi's hand was also very cold, like the wine in the ice cellar, which made people feel intoxicated. Jing Tian's face was solemn, as if he was about to make some important oath and said, "Close your eyes."

Yun Yiyi did it without thinking. In the next instant, something soft and moist stuck to her hand. She suddenly opened her eyes. Although Jing Tian moved quickly, Yun Yiyi's sight still caught him kissing. The movement of his right hand.

Jing Tian raised his head and looked at Yun Yiyi affectionately, pretending to be a gentleman, and said in an unnatural tone: "Kissyou, myprincess!"

be quiet! A few seconds later, a pillow was smashed on Jing Tian’s head, only to hear Zhao Jiaxue pretend to retching first, and then angrily said: "What kind of knight, or princess, you have already made us doubt your love orientation. , Pseudo-mother! Less ink, kiss on top!"

Kiss up? Jing Tian's gaze followed Yun Yiyi's snowy arms and stayed on her two slightly raised mountains. The next moment Jing Tian slapped himself in his heart. He knew that he wanted to crooked. , Immediately moved her gaze upward again, but only for a short pause, and she could not escape Yun Yiyi's eyes. She muttered to herself in a very small voice: "Like breasts?"

"What?" Jing Tian couldn't believe his ears, Yun Yiyi was thinking about such a problem in his heart?

"What, hurry up!" Zhao Jiaxue sat on the upper bunk, and did not hear Yun Yiyi's sound like the vibration of mosquito wings.

Jing Tian swallowed and said, "Close your eyes."

This time Yun Yiyi not only did it, but also raised his face slightly, as if to make Jing Tian easier to complete this kiss. Jing Tian did not flinch, his moist lips just pressed against Yun Yiyi's forehead! At the moment when it was posted, Yun Yiyi's eyes widened, and she slammed Jingtian away, and Jingtian staggered back several steps.

Jing Tian just glanced at Yun Yiyi's expression, and his body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, because Yun Yiyi's cold cheeks were already full of anger at this time. Needless to say, Yun Yiyi was waiting for Jing Tian to kiss him with what he was expecting, and what determination was made to give the first kiss to the man in front of him. However, Jing Tian did not fail to understand these emotions, but chose Evaded. For Yun Yiyi, this is an insult and a failure.

Tears ticked down in despair, she seemed to be a little lady rejected by her lover. At this moment, Yun Yiyi's heart became as cold as her appearance.

Jing Tian finally understood what fault he had committed.

He had always been afraid of the warlord woman in his heart, and he didn't want to involve the woman who had a good opinion in front of him. After all, after the warlord knew about it, she could really do anything. Regardless of her history, or the forces behind her, Jing Tian was terrified! Sky Dungeon

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