Sky Dungeon

Chapter 161: Since then, he has no love for games, let him rank in the West Tower!

   Of course, Kunpeng cannot send Alliance players into the Demon Territory, and Demon players cannot take the Kun Peng to reach the alliance cities. This is because the strong barrier between the Demon Territory and the alliance territory is blocked.

   Qiyun Luoxue everyone bought a meal ticket. When he saw Kun Peng without eating a mouse, the corners of his mouth could not help but drool. He murmured: "Such a big roast pigeon, it must be delicious."

   Don’t cats eat mice and pigeons?

"Mouse, this kind of creature is definitely an endangered wild animal in the game. Look at their belly. In the real world, there are a few that can eat and survive. Nature is not a big canteen. They just forage 24 hours a day. I can’t fill my belly. If anyone can survive, call me, I’ll catch it for you and roast it!” Luo Xia said in an educational tone, apparently not ashamed of what she said, and even treated endangered wild animals. Everyone will be punishable by a thief!

After taking a look at the big panda belly of Luo Jing Xia Shi, and then at the shining eyes that don’t eat the mouse, Zhao Jiaxue was a little disappointed and said: "Mouse, my sister read you wrong, I didn’t expect you to be so kawaii. Yi’s pigeons can be eaten away. Don’t you know about the Environmental Protection Act? Sing the national anthem to vent your shame!

   Environmental Protection Act? It should be the Environmental Protection Law, right? What does it have to do with the Environmental Protection Law, and what does it have to do with the national anthem? Can singing the national anthem be an atonement and a reduced sentence? Zhao Jiaxue's thinking is still too jumpy, everyone can't keep up.

   "Abnormal." Yun Yiyi is still concise.

   Uh... abnormal? What kind of complaint is this? How can you imagine eating a large roast pigeon to be perverted? So what are those who eat frozen prehistoric meat? When Jing Tian was a child, he listened to the perverted deeds of those wealthy dudes.

After thinking about so much, Jing Tian also felt that there was no need to excuse Yang Miaomiao. He glanced at the aggrieved person who did not eat mice. Jing Tian symbolically comforted: "Life is not satisfactory. The Ming Dynasty gave out fart."

After filling the belly of a Kunpeng, everyone finally entered the exquisite wooden house on Kunpeng's back. The space inside the house is relatively large. During Kunpeng's flight, you can also look at the marriage of love through the viewing windows around the wooden house. The beautiful scenery of Si continent, looking down from the sky, has a magnificent sight. It's a pity that this Kunpeng can only fly at a low altitude, and if it flies high, it will also be attacked by the looming magic circle in the sky.

In the destination selection pop-up by the system, Jing Tian found a more remote Chisa city of the Orcs on the map. This was also helpless. Jing Tian could only choose the cities he had reached, because the level 25 dungeon was located in the Orcs. In the northern region, he also opened the city map of the orcs the most. Others also opened the Chisa area for various reasons, otherwise this Kunpeng would not be flying with everyone. After all, if people can open maps everywhere, then the significance of map exploration is basically zero.

It has to be said that even in remote cities, the entrance of the dungeon here is often entered by players. Although it is not as popular as the alliance city, the efficiency of spawning the dungeon from here should be much higher than that of the alliance city. This is why some players choose to enter the underground city from a remote city. After all, each city corresponds to a certain area of ​​the dungeon maze. There are fewer people and more people, so the upgrade efficiency is naturally higher. Moreover, in order to earn magic cores, some people will choose remote cities to enter the dungeon, even if it is Even more remote cities will have alliance players coming and going.

The reason why Jing Tian chose to change the area was naturally because the Scum family had already focused on the area where they often spawned monsters. Even the Constellation Party knew that they often spawned monsters in that area. You can see the underground city of the Tri-Clan Alliance City. There are so many people at the entrance that they can't help but leak their wind.

Jing Tian's guess is correct. Wherever the people riding the clouds and falling snow appear, there are people whispering, and even more, they will discuss their whereabouts in the world. Although they are studying the secrets of their rapid upgrade, at the same time Also exposed their whereabouts.

   This is probably because: the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it, and the higher level will damage everyone.

   Choosing this kind of dungeon entrance with fewer idlers is naturally a lot safer. Jing Tian also deliberately paid attention to the World Channel on the road, and as expected, no one talked about their deeds.

In the next time, Qiyun Luoxue and his party could finally brush up the strange with peace of mind. I thought that the morning of so much grinding could pass so quietly, but when Jing Tian led everyone to the depths of the maze, The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the dark tunnel ahead. This was definitely not the sound of the monster's footsteps. The monster would never run when patrolling, but the sound of galloping running was heard from the front.

   "Prepare for battle!" Jing Tian subconsciously thought that it was the demons who had attacked.

   However, the footsteps are getting closer, and the figure in front is slowly visible. When the person is clearly seen, everyone is staring at the woman in front of him as if they have seen a Martian!

   is wrong, it should be a female player, her race is exactly the same as Zuijing Guantian, with black feathers and broken wings spread on her back, she is obviously a female fallen angel! What is more surprising is The ID on this woman's head turned out to be [village woman]? Is it a running NPC?

   The next moment, the village woman seemed to have spotted the people riding the clouds and falling snow. She turned sprinting into an elegant stroll, and walked towards them with very enchanting steps.

   "Hey, is there such an NPC setting, why is the ID on top of the head blue?" Luo Xia seemed to see a ghost, her eyes didn't even dare to blink, after all, the name on the top of the NPC's head was usually green.

   "It's true that players usually don't name such a village, but there are also people who lack nasty fun doing it?" Jing Tian smiled embarrassedly. But the next moment, his awkward smile froze instantly, because the village woman who approached was holding a 30-level white weapon mace!

   If the opponent's level has reached level 30 or higher, why didn't he have seen this person on the ranking list? Jing Tian looked through the ranking list of each profession again in disbelief, and he didn't see his ID at all. Is it really an NPC? Jing Tian made a bold judgment, and immediately manipulated sitting Jing Guantian a few steps forward and pressed the interactive button after getting close to the cold fallen angel.

   "Congratulations, you have triggered the only task of level 30: Mysterious Village Woman."

   Everyone heard that there were mixed flavors in their hearts, and Yang Miaomiao yelled happily without saying: "There is still only one task. We are too lucky, meow, it would be wise to change the city to spawn monsters!"

   Luoxia's face is heavy, but there is no trace of joy, and her heart is a little bit sad: But she has never heard of a unique mission. Jing Tian has been adhering to the game concept of "there is no unique" from beginning to end. How can he plan a unique mission system? What exactly did Tengyi do with the game?

  The four people have mixed feelings: Since then they have no love for games, let him rank in the West Tower!

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