Sky Dungeon

Chapter 152: What is the use of you summoning Quan Zhilong?

   In PVP, the first to kill the opponent's healing profession is naturally the key to blitzkrieg. However, the prerequisite for supporting blitzkrieg is naturally that the opponent is negligent in protecting his teammates in his healing profession and lacks a profession with strong field control ability.

Jing Tian’s first kill target was [Slag Pie Corn], which was actually a helpless move, because the two newcomers from the other party were clearly covering up their careers. Standing at the forefront was the Berserker [Slag Pie Apple]. After passing, he should be a half-shield-style frantic battle with all the extra points, acting as a forward. [Slag Pie Corn] behind him is a young and beautiful female vampire. Her position is obviously acting as an avant-garde. Her position is likely to be a group control profession. The group control profession must ensure the first time to cast a spell to control it. The situation, so the position is generally behind the meat shield.

   Jing Tian is operating the character to charge, while keeping his eyes on the newly-launched scumbag corn and lobster. He wants to judge the opponent's occupation as soon as possible after the opponent reacts. Sure enough, at the moment the scum-pie corn swapped out the Oriental Harp, Jing Tian's heart slammed, this woman turned out to be a luthier!

  The main weapon of the luthier is a two-handed guqin or a harp. The spare weapon is optional. It is good at long-distance large-scale sonic attacks and can make the enemy deaf.

   Although the piano master does not have powerful control skills, his deaf ability is far beyond Zhao Yunxue's magic flute, and the attack range is also higher than that of the magic flute.

   At this time, the scum lobster in the central defender's position is still in a wait-and-see state. He hasn't changed his weapon yet, and he cannot be sure of his true profession. Should he adjust his first kill target? Jing Tianxin went down, running out of time, and immediately revised the order and said: "Kill the noodles first!"

   Jingtian meditated silently in his heart: If it is not for strong control, then shoot the person first, shoot the face, and catch the thief first.

With the fall of these four words, the other's luthier [Slag Pai Corn] has begun to pluck the strings, and a beautiful piece of music has been heard. Everyone's communication function has been blocked. This is the domineering part of the luthier. Song's attack range even exceeds Yun Xueyi's magic archer!

   First-order Windward Song: A piano song that follows the wind. It is deaf in a super long-distance range and has no injury skills, but it will cause players within the range to lose all voice and information-related functions for 15 seconds. Although this blow does not cause any damage, it can be regarded as a preemptive strike in PVP. If there is no prior combat command arrangement, it is easy to fall into a 15-second chaotic battle. This way the deafened party is disadvantaged and it is very easy to start from the beginning. Lost the entire battle.

   But what Jing Tian is most afraid of is this trick, presumably the scum family has not counted them, but there are two teammates lying beside Jing Tian!

"Magic Arrow..." Jing Tian raised his voice, for fear that Yun Yiyi could not hear it, but when he said the third word, the magic bow glowing with orange light in Yun Xueyiyi's hand had already been pulled away, ready to go. .

Jing Tian was still wondering why he didn't hear Yun Yiyi's voice commands. The next moment the crystal clear water condensed into a blue magic arrow in midair, and the next moment, a burst of blue arrows poured down and enveloped directly. Five people from the scum pie.

The Elemental Mage Squad Tomato, who had already begun to chant magic, was forced to interrupt the cast, jumped backward, and cleverly escaped the attack range of the magic arrow rain, but his teammates were in the magic circle and could not avoid it. As a result, a series of pink data mosaic wounds were drawn by the rain of arrows, and the movement instantly became slow.

   "Deaf!" Jing Tian issued a skill command to Zhao Jiaxue.

   "Quan Zhilong!" The next moment Zhao Jiaxue's strange voice shortcut command came out of her mouth.

   Why is Quan Zhilong? Do you think you can summon another world? Can you summon a brave casually to beat the enemy to death? More importantly, what is the use of summoning Quan Zhilong? Although he is also called a dragon, the key is not the flying dragon. Could he sing so badly that he can kill the other party? Jing Tian didn't know how to spit out the shortcut commands of Zhao Jiaxue's skills. The evil lady's jumping thinking ability was really amazing.

  Although the voice command is somewhat unpredictable, the effect of Zhao Yunxueer's attack was very good. Obviously, the Scum family was caught off guard by the sudden deafening effect. At the last moment, the Scumpie Apple on the Mozu side was still instructing the team to maintain a formation, triumphantly jokes that Qiyunluoxue everyone became headless flies, but the next moment their voice was suddenly interrupted, so there was no way to voice command the battle. Up! No, there is no way to direct the battle at all, even typing is forbidden!

   Everyone in the Scum Sect already understood what was going on at this time, yes, the Cloud Riding Guild played a game: Heal his body in his own way!

   Before they can come up with a countermeasure, Zhao Yunxue'er's second blow has hit: the magic sound is broken!

   At the same time, the [Slag Pie Tomato] who wanted to chant a mass attack spell was shot at the middle door by a golden tracking arrow shot by Yun Xueyi. [Slag Pie Tomato] What I didn’t expect was that Yun Xueyi clearly pulled the magic bow in the other direction just a moment ago, and he could see clearly that with such a big angle difference, there would be no magic arrow. Coming to fly around in a weird arc, like an arc shooting, inexplicably greet me with a face, and in the end even if I tried my best to tilt my head, the golden magic arrow still stuck in my own. Above the forehead!

   This is exactly where the stalking arrow is overbearing! It is easy for people to misjudge the attack object and the attack And whether it is to dodge in a hurry or tilt your head, there is no way to avoid it! However, this lock-in skill is not a panacea. As long as the opponent has parry and dissolve skills, it is possible to stop this golden magic arrow. Even if it is 100% hit, it can be dispelled from damage and negative states, and hit is hit. , No damage, no negative effects, and no hit is not the same.

   Of course, Jing Tian gave instructions based on the situation, but even if there is no Jing Tian's instructions, someone who knows how to turn into a sharp knife and inserts directly into the enemy's hinterland together with Sitting Jing Guan Tian, ​​it is naturally Xia Shi!

   If it comes to PVP's operational awareness, Luo Xia will definitely not lose to Jing Tian. Although he moved slowly, Luo Xia knew exactly what should be done at this moment, and didn't need Jing Tian to remind him.

   "Xuan Ying Zhan!" Luo Xia shouted angrily, and the double swords in Luo Jing Xia Shi's hands spun with the panda's fat body.

Whirlwind! Fallen Sakura! Although the target of this continuous skill was [Slag Pie Noodles], the three demons around him were also affected by the range attack. First they were knocked into the air, and the next second they seemed to be smashed to the ground by Mankong Sakura.

   At the same time, Jing Tian's bitterness hit the scum-pie noodles face, and the next moment was a combo of cross-cutting and smashing. What surprised Jingtian was that [Don’t eat mice] actually knew very well what he should do. He didn’t know when he started fighting with the scum pie tomato, although his one-handed red gun was against the scum pie tomato. The damage is almost pitiful, but this makes Slag Pie Tomato a headache. He has been interrupted twice in a row to cast spells without eating mice.

  History is always surprisingly similar. If you don’t find a way to deal with it in the lessons learned from the past, you will be crippled again!

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