Sky Dungeon

Chapter 143: Ziwu can transform and grow

He was right. The sword in the hands of the King of Sword Cavalry is already a 30-level orange weapon. This is a weapon made by the level 3 magic stones she has saved in the past few days, and everyone knows from her that she has entrusted NPC Forging weapons will vary according to your needs, and the types and quantities of materials required are also different. She spent more than 1,000 gold coins on the other materials she purchased to build this 30-level Orange Wu. Ask Jing Tian and the others to pick up 3 level 3 magic cores, plus more than 1,000 gold coins, to exchange for a level 30 garbage orange weapon, they flatly refused in their hearts. What's more, even if it is replaced by Orange Wu, this output is impossible to grab a minute of time.

   "Uh... I guess our experience will be enough to upgrade tomorrow night. There is still a chance before the upgrade. I want to test an extreme strategy method tomorrow."

   "Do you have any other methods?" Yu Yan's elegant voice was full of doubts. In her opinion, apart from replacing members or upgrading equipment, there is no strategy to effectively improve the score.

   "You want to gamble?" Yun Yiyi had already guessed what Jing Tian was going to do at this moment, it was the roundworm in his stomach.

   Stream and clouds began to zoom in, and the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was full.

   "Uh... there is no other way, do we need a handful of Ziwu?"

   "Brother Tian, ​​do you have a way to get Ziwu Meow?" Yang Meowmeow stared at Jing Tian with golden light in his eyes, completely distorting Jing Tian's meaning, and completely playing off the atmosphere that Jing Tian had finally brought out.

   "Uh...didn't the system give you a bound Level 4 magic core, can you build it with two more?" Jing Tian asked, pretending to be confused, obviously the topic has been misled.

"But we haven't even seen the shadow of level 4 magic core these days, how can I get together? I also paid attention to the consignment, and there is no one in the consignment store. It is rarer than me." Annoyed.

   "What is rarer than Ru?" Xueba was also puzzled by Yang Miaomiao's words.

   "Sister Xueer chatted with me privately and asked if I was a virgin cat. I answered yes, he said that I am an endangered creature, a rare species of cat. So it is rarer than me, which means that it is rarer than the rare species."

   Everyone's heads are full of black lines. Why does Zhao Jiaxue have such a question as gossip? Is it because he wants to start with Xiao Xianrou? There seems to be some gap between the second generation and the rich. Jing Tian didn't bother to think about the rare species. He secretly considered what Yang Miaomiao understood: Yesterday, I brushed a lot of strangeness on the 7th floor of the dungeon. There were very few third-level magic cores, but the fourth-level magic cores are indeed. I haven't seen one, and I don't know whether it is bad luck or a special setting of the main strategy of Ten Yi company. In order to balance the game, it is not impossible to deliberately reduce the explosion rate of the 4th magic core!

   Jingtian could only calmly said: "Luck is not good, after all, now a Level 4 magic core has burst, and it shouldn't be a problem to sell 3000 gold coins."

   "Is there such an expensive cat?"

   "Of course, if someone builds one and exposes the attributes and characteristics of Ziwu, the price may skyrocket in a short time. Ziwu is the real weapon."

   "Brother Tian, ​​you are too good, this kind of news is black to me?" Yang Miao Miao looked like an admirer again.

"Well, the previous black mailbox mentioned this aspect of planning, but I am not sure." Jing Tian lied euphemistically. Naturally, he couldn't be too clear about the game settings, and he really didn't know. Will Tengyi Company make changes to the weapon system?

   "What the **** is it, can you make it clear all at once, do you have the pseudonymous disease again?" The prophecy obviously doesn't like Jing Tian's silly and mysterious statement.

"It is said that Ziwu can transform and grow, and it is not very clear in the email. We strive to make a Ziwu as soon as possible. Don't put too much energy on Orange Wu. Sell all the 3rd-level magic cores that can be sold. , The money saved can buy what Ziwu needs." Jing Tian still made a little spoiler, otherwise, with Yu Yan's character, I am afraid that he will have a chivalry lesson in the second disease.

   "Deformation? Interesting, why not monopolize the level 4 magic core to make money?" Yu Yan smelled a hint of business opportunity.

   Why do you want to get a job? Is it to save some funds for running away from home?

"You think too much. We tried it before. The game is smart and witty about anti-hoarding and monopoly. For example, if you don't commission the equipment, you can't buy the necessary magic cores and materials through consignment. Yes. Although we can test what materials we need through NPC, we can also check the materials on consignment, but we cannot directly purchase it. We must first make sure to commission the equipment. At the stage of submitting the magic core and materials required for the equipment, if you backpack No, you need to purchase on consignment. You can purchase at this time, but once purchased, it will be directly submitted to the NPC for building. If you regret it, you can cancel the building order, but the magic core and materials will be deposited From the NPC, use historical materials for your next equipment creation." Jing Tianzi explained carefully.

   "In other words, the purchase of items with no clear purpose will be banned?"

"It’s not exactly the you can resell equipment, but the purchased equipment has a 30-day ban on trading. You have to make sure that the equipment you buy at a low price can guarantee that there is still room for profit after 30 days. It is not particularly easy to achieve in the early stage, but it is not necessarily after the level reaches the full level. This is why, now why the equipment we retired is sold at a low price, most players already know this setting. In addition, the system of reselling equipment may be affected in the later stage. Intelligent valuation makes it impossible for players to arbitrarily mark the price to avoid malicious transfer of assets. Even if the price is too low, the system will directly buy it instead of waiting for the player to buy." Jing Tian replied.

"Although the game can make money, it is still encouraged to rely on the accumulation in the game in exchange for money, such as explosive cores, explosive materials, and you can build some equipment yourself. Of course, this will definitely lose money. The second-hand equipment even costs half. You can’t get the price back, unless it’s an explosive quality. After all, second-hand equipment players may not be able to use them directly if they buy them. They must be similar to their own characters, otherwise they will have to rebuild again, which is another expense. Game revenue It is not through opportunism, monopolizing materials, and gradually raising prices to fight for price differences, otherwise the game will definitely not have a healthy and long-term development. After all, game gold coins and real currencies are connected. If a company with strong capital intervenes in the game, the consequences will be disastrous." In this regard, he has done in-depth research. He and Jing Tian had a heated debate about the circulation of game currency and real currency. If there is no dripping game gold coin system, it will collapse. You must be cautious. .

   "The main strategy of the game is quite clever. Basically, the real currency invested in the game cannot be appreciated through the game. This setting is quite scientific." Yu Yan praised gracefully.

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