Sky Dungeon

Chapter 139: Punish people first!

   Jingtian is happy when he hears it, it is really: there is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the space transmits another village!

Yun Yiyi seems to see something. If you talk about eyesight, everyone in the game is the same, because the VR device will automatically adjust the image presentation according to the eyes of everyone, even if it is astigmatism or high myopia, it can reach perfection in the game. Vision.

   But above perfection, there is also a setting for the character's visual distance in the game. The magic archer is a special class. You can learn a special passive skill at level 30: Hawkeye.

   First-order Hawkeye: Passive skills, enhance the vision of magic archers by 2 meters, and increase the attack range of all skills by 1 meter.

   Therefore, Yun Yiyi had to see the situation in the distance earlier than others.

   "Wood show in the forest and wind will destroy it, walking above people, everyone will not." Yu Yan seems to have a deep understanding.

   "What should I do, do you want to make the first move?" Even Zhao Jiaxue found that the person who came was not good.

"It should have been flanked and rushed over. I guess their main force should be behind me. Just now when we were out of the dungeon, they should have been targeted by these people. We should have walked out of the Forgotten Falls map all the way, and their main force should be in the Forgotten Falls. Waiting outside to surround us, but because we have not shown up, they shouldn’t be able to wait. They are ready to come to a meat folder. Now they find us, since they don’t rush up, it means that they are waiting for the group behind us." Jing Tian calmly analyzed.

   "Yes." Yun Yiyi coldly agreed.

I saw that on the narrow mountain road ahead, more than a dozen players were stuck on the way up the mountain. If you are not sure at the beginning, but after the other party sees that the person is sitting on the well and watching the sky and their party, they turned on the killing mode at the same time, so hostile. It's written on the face at all!

In the background of Sky Dungeon, life and death fighting between alliance players is generally prohibited, so all towns have been set as relatively safe areas where deathmatch PK is prohibited, but in order to satisfy some people's special hobbies , The illegal PK method in the wild was born: the killing mode.

Alliance players in the killing mode can attack anyone, including NPCs. Once the killing mode is turned on, the most direct impact is that the ID names of their characters will change from blue to purple. I have to say that the hostility of these players is too early. Some obviously lack the experience of PK in the wild.

   If you want to PK, even if you meet on a narrow road, it is not suitable to show your fangs prematurely. The best time to start the killing mode is after the opponent mistakenly believes that you are just a passerby. Especially at the moment of rubbing shoulders, giving the opponent an unexpected fatal blow. Moreover, once the player in the killing mode is turned on, it is equivalent to a living target. Any player can launch an attack on them without changing the mode, and will not be punished for killing the player.

   This is naturally the inherent judgment of the system: no matter what happens, the player who turns on the killing mode represents sin! The head is covered with the label "Everyone gets punishable".

   However, most players will not take the initiative to attack and kill players for no reason. After all, there is no benefit, and it will only waste upgrade time. Just like now, there are two teams who have passed by the group of killing players stupidly. Although they are on guard, they have absolutely no idea of ​​punishing evil.

Just as the group of killing players stared at Zuijing Guantian and his group gradually entered the attack range, Zuijing Guantian's footsteps suddenly stopped and said through the current public channel voice: "Are you waiting for us? Although I don’t know who you are, among you I’m afraid I don’t know if death in the killing mode will lose experience and equipment?"

   Zhu people first punish the heart! Presumably these killing players are members of a guild that hates Qiyunluoxue. Although their guild has not yet been established, they must have recruited some players to form groups in private through other means. This was before the operation of Sky Dungeon. Official forums and third-party game websites hype the recruitment of guild members, presumably the group of killing players belongs to one of the guilds. But, after all, only players recruited from the Internet, there must not be many real guild leaders. It is hard to say whether there are any guild backbone among the dozen players in front of them, so it is the best policy to shake their fighting spirit first!

   Sure enough, just after Jing Tian finished speaking, some of the dozen people on the other side seemed to be shaken. After all, it is an upgrade period. The higher the level, the greater the chance of getting good resources and equipment, and the more profit from it. Just like Jing Tian and the others, just selling the magic cores and unused equipment is an amazing income. Most guild players join the guild for the purpose of making money. The death of the opponent is just It is repairing equipment, but if you die, the experience value may become negative, which is not worth the loss for them, and everyone and sitting on the well and watching the sky do not have any deep hatred ~ It’s just that the guild boss can’t understand their tyrants. The behavior of the screen is nothing.

   But at the same time, one of the killing players stood up with the purple ID name on top of his head was [Come and Go Lou]. He spoke on the current public channel without any hesitation: "Don't be afraid of them..."

   Just when someone wavered, someone stood up to explain something, but Jing Tian decisively gave the designation in the team voice: "Kill it!"

   Jingtian naturally wouldn't wait for [Come and Go Building], the suspected guild backbone figure, to stabilize his military spirit before taking action. At this time, it is the best time to take advantage of their distraction. What's more, the writer has the saying: The first is the strongest, and then the single is the one!

   "Arrow Rain!"

   Yunxueyiyi took the lead to take a step forward. Before the killing players hadn't reacted, he sang a magic arrow rain!

At the same time, the remaining four people rushed forward at the same time. This narrow mountain road ladder is really unavoidable. The long-range professional among the killing players hurriedly began to chant skills, but when their weapons were raised, the sky was The dense blue magic arrow rain fell over the sky, and all the killing players were interrupted in an instant, and they entered a state of slowing down.

  Don't underestimate the consequences of being slowed down in PVP. You must know that deceleration is not just a reduction in displacement speed, and even other attack actions will also slow down!

   When the killing players finally raised their weapons and began to sing, Zhao Yunxueer unceremoniously played a melodious flute song to everyone. This song is exactly the 30th level of the magic flute: Deaf!

   First-order deafness, group damage illusion, causing earache and deafness to the target within ten meters around, blocking hearing for 10 seconds, making the target completely lose text, voice and other communication functions. In PVE, the monster will be unintentionally challenged and sluggish for 3 seconds.


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