Sky Dungeon

Chapter 135: Stick in hand

Low-quality comprehension skills often have certain requirements for equipment, and there are very few broken pages that will comprehend full weapon skills, but Jing Tian does not need it. He is more pleased that his transitional comprehension skill is actually a Group attack is perfect for a career that lacks group output skills like a general. It's a pity that low-quality comprehensible skills do not have levels like basic skills.

   Halberd Method·Sweeping Thousand Army: Applicable to two-handed halberd weapons. When the halberd is used to cause damage to the surrounding enemies within the weapon's attack range, it has a chance to produce a short-range knock-up effect. This blow was unexpectedly sharp. Not only did it hit three times the damage, but it also pushed the BOSS back a few steps. The BOSS is equivalent to starting a new position!

Sit Jing Guan Tian After continuously playing the basic attack skills of traverse, hook kill, and strangling, the BOSS walked forward 6 steps. Jing Tian did not hesitate to resort to Dawn. In many contests with the BOSS, Jing Tian has mastered this. The skill can push the BOSS back to the length of the distance, and Jing Tian found that even if the monster is pushed a few more steps, it will not choose other routes, but if everyone uses the displacement skill together, the BOSS will choose other routes to revive the monkey spirits. . After this blow, Sit Jing Guantian replaced the crossbow, and three consecutive shots hit the BOSS's body with the sound of breaking wind. Taking out the crossbow is a signal, like a stick in the hand in a relay race, and the next person is changed to stop it.

   It was not someone else who took the invisible stick, it was Yun Xueyi who was holding the magic sword in both hands and smashing it on the head of the Corpse Monkey Army Master. The next moment I saw her swap out the magic bow, and at such a close distance was a note: magic arrow rain! Immediately afterwards, there are Liaoyuan Arrow, Rapid Fire, Double Flying Swallow, and Scatter Arrow. If it is a long-range attack, these attacks may have caused the BOSS to move a few steps, but the close distance reduces the time consumption of the magic arrow flying in the air. The BOSS only went out by two. step!

When the BOSS took two more steps forward, Yun Xueyi's magic bow was fully drawn, and a 30-level magic skill was finished. This skill was indeed a bit slower than the previous skill that was almost shunfa, but it was accompanied by one. The golden light passed by, and the magic arrow hit the BOSS at the same time, making him unable to move for the next two seconds. This blow is exactly: Track Arrow!

   is like a silent death across the night sky, no matter where the enemy flees, even if it escapes the attack range of the magic bow, it will not help.

   Tier 1 Tracking Arrow: A single-attack magic arrow will swear not to stop if it does not hit the target. It is a 100% hit and locked target skill. There is a chance that the target will enter the 2 second fixed body state. If the locked target is dead, the second target closest to the arrow itself is selected.

   Of course, this is not the end. The bowstring of the magic bow flicked, and a lime-gray magic arrow pierced the front door of the BOSS. It was still a level 30 skill of the magic archer: petrified arrow!

   The first-order petrified arrow, a single attack magic arrow, which causes damage, has a certain chance to make the target enter petrified state for 2 seconds. Magic archers have many remote speed control skills, and most of their skills are more in line with the role settings of the kite-flying game. This petrified state is a more overbearing control skill, but compared to the group control profession, it is insignificant.

When Yun Xueyiyi used the comprehension skill, the BOSS still took a step forward, but Yun Xueyiyi used the well-planned swing kick. This skill with a knock-up effect naturally turned the BOSS towards Push back to the origin.

   In the next moment, Yun Xueyi, who had the skills to be empty, could only draw out the magic sword, and used the three basic skills of the magic sword against the BOSS. At the same time, the invisible stick was passed on to the next friend. Zhao Yunxue'er replaced the weapon in her hand with a slender magic flute. The magic flute itself is divided into many types, simply divided into piccolo in popular terms. , Flute, flute, and clarinet. The magic flute in Zhao Yunxue'er's hands is the flute in the flute, and the white jade-colored flute is full of orange rays.

  Magic Flute Level 30 also has two brand-new control skills and one passive skill. Among the two control skills, there is a major killer-level damage control skill: phantom kill! In order to study the effect of this skill PVP, Jing Tian deliberately challenged Zhao Yunxueer after she learned this skill. This phantom kill has to be said that the programmer developed extremely well.

   Although this skill and illusion have the same effect, they are definitely not comparable to illusion. In PVP, illusion will appear on the player's VR screen, but they are all relatively simple lines or stacks of geometric figures, which make people visually confused. However, the phantom kill is a powerful killer move that can only be activated after entering the illusion. The first phantom kill by Zhao Yunxue'er directly caused Jingtian VR to show countless images of weapons piercing the body of the sitting Jingguantian. Although there is no blood, there are also Kind of the feeling of being attacked by thousands of troops.

What’s more frightening is that every time the phantom kills the player’s damage picture on the VR screen, Jing Tian has seen various methods of death in several tests. Some were killed by monsters, some fell from the air and fell to death. , Anyway, any scene you may encounter in the game may appear.

   Of course, in the face of such terrifying skills, you can also use the easiest way to block that is, close your eyes for 5 seconds!

   Once the phantom kill is activated, it will allow the character to enter the phantom of death for 5 seconds, and suffer powerful mental and physical damage once every second for a total of 5 times. However, the Corpse Monkey Army Division naturally did not see any illusions, but within 5 seconds of the phantom killing was launched, it was naturally dumbfounded and motionless. Everyone's headshot offensive in these 5 seconds was overwhelming and extremely ferocious.

Almost the same as Yun Yiyi’s style of play. After the magic flute’s control skills and basic skills were emptied one after another, Zhao Yunxueer pushed the BOSS back a few steps with a sonic boom, and then swapped out the magic sword again, which is different from everyone. The comprehension skill that Zhao Yunxueer chose to learn was not of the weapon of this class, but of the magic sword! The moment the black magic sword struck, a thin layer of ice crystals seemed to condense on the surface of the sword body, and this blow was the magic sword ice heart.

   After the black magic sword is inserted into the boss's chest, it has a negative state on its body: slowing down. This is the setting of Demon Sword and Ice Heart: single attack skill, while Demon Sword stabs the target to damage, it has a chance to activate the freezing deceleration effect for 3 seconds, and it will activate 100% when it hits the target's heart.

This kind of setting is more difficult to grasp. Facing humanoid monsters, it is better to say that when facing Monsters, ghosts can know where the programmer's heart is. Even if you know, you are sure that the heart of Monsters will not be so small that you Can't stab at all?

The action speed of the corpse monkey army division immediately slowed down by 50%. As the basic skills of the magic sword were empty, the relay of Luojing Xia Shi began to interrupt the BOSS continuously, and finally did not eat mice, but fortunately did not eat mice’s secondary weapons and spares. The weapons are all physics, and the attack speed is fast. In the end, it successfully dragged the footwork of General Corpse Monkey. In the end, the team used a perfect interruption and barely stopped the BOSS, so that it failed to resurrect the monkey. Jinglai.


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