Sky Dungeon

Chapter 133: Plastic surgeon

   However, in the midst of doubts and curses, there was only one person who was very active in supporting the Qiyunluoxue Guild. His ID was: [plastic surgeon].

He bluntly replied to the floor and denounced those who kidnapped patriotic feelings: "I despise the behavior of not eating grapes and saying grapes are sour. I am Korean, but I will definitely join the Qiyunluoxue Guild. It has nothing to do with love for the country! Contempt for the behavior of binding players with countries, players have the right to choose their favorite guild. If the game company wants a world war, why not create a national system, and why should an automatic translation system be created? I think everyone needs plastic surgery as well as their hearts. Surgery!"

He bluntly replied to the floor and denounced those villains who were telling the truth: "It is correct for the six members of the Riding Cloud Guild to not add friends to everyone, because the important thing about friends is not quantity, but quality, just like cosmetic surgery. Do it again, you will not necessarily become a peerless beauty, you may become a Frankenstein! Friends need to look at personality and fate. This cautious attitude of adding friends makes him feel that these people are not aloof, but toward friends. responsibly handle."

He bluntly replied to the floor, denounced those villains with ulterior motives: "I am a plastic surgeon, maybe you think that there are many ugly people in the world who need plastic surgery, but I tell you that ugly people don't necessarily need plastic surgery, but you do. Facts speak louder than words. I will upgrade to level 30 as soon as possible. After I become a member of Qiyun Luoxue, I will inform you how to join. Of course, I believe that for you, that will never be possible."

On the morning of June 21st, Jing Tian and his team did not rush to buy level 25 equipment. Instead, they chose to go directly to the dungeon to collect points. There was no one-star mission on the 7th floor in the entrusted task bar. The mission on the 6th floor was early. They were robbed. Now most players have reached level 26, and some of the demons have reached level 28. PVP events have been happening on the 6th floor of the dungeon. Alliance players have also found that the number of demons is obvious. As for the upward trend, most people simply think that the route of PVP upgrade may be more novel and more efficient than PVE upgrade. Demon players after level 30 are all hit by dog ​​blood. They didn't know that, in fact, the world players' pattern has quietly undergone earth-shaking changes.

Through the accumulation of points in the morning, everyone finally got enough points for the remaining pages of the skill book as they wished. Everyone happily came to the Adventurer’s Hall. The number of players here is also much higher than before. It can be seen that although the dungeon PVP is very risky High, but the harvest is also very tempting. After all, the level 3 magic cores obtained by Jing Tian and the others in the past two days are still sold for a high price of 2000 gold coins.

They used to collect so many ghost wolves on the 6th floor of the dungeon. They only picked up 3 level 3 magic cores. The price of level 3 magic cores is so high that this also doubles the players going to the dungeon. The power to brush the magic core. However, the probability of obtaining a level 3 magic core on the 7th floor of the dungeon is much greater than that on the 6th floor. This allowed Jing Tian and the others to make a small profit.

   It didn't take long for everyone to exchange for a copy of a broken page with incomplete skills.

Jing Tian coughed: "Mouse, simply introduce you to the comprehension skill setting. In fact, the best comprehension skill is by no means one that can be learned from an ordinary scrap page like this. We should gather multiple pieces and then merge them. Comprehend, there is a certain chance to integrate awesome skills. But now the situation is not waiting for people, no one can win the first kill of SS and SSS in the 25th dungeon. We must win before the 31st level, so we can only learn this. A single broken page skill."

   "Can you still integrate and comprehend meow?" Yang Miaomiao's mood at this time is exactly: Unknown Jue Li!

"Yes, if you combine the fragmented pages of the same type of skills to learn, you will definitely realize that the skills are much better than the skills that a single fragmented page can comprehend. Moreover, combining different types of fragmented pages will have unexpected effects. This is more complicated. , But there is Lao Xia who will guide us in the later period, I think we should avoid many detours." Jing Tian must not be able to rely on it at this time, after all, he and Luo Xia worked out this complicated comprehension skill system together.

   "Yes, this is my strong point." Luo Xia proudly said. However, he didn't know that at this moment Yang Miaomiao had automatically compiled what he said: I hacked the mailbox of the game chief of Tengyi Company, and it happened to be full of materials for comprehending skills integration.

   "Brother Xia is a cow. If you sell such important information, it is estimated that you can get tens of millions of meows!" Yang Miaomiao exclaimed sincerely.

But for what Yang Miaomiao said, everyone could only smile awkwardly. They couldn't sell any information about the game at all. They didn't even dare to register for a forum account and didn't dare to post any game testimonials. After all, they were. Signed such a demanding lease.

Thinking of this, everyone is gearing up, and secretly said: "Taking away our games, taking away our dreams, we will pick up wherever we Today is definitely the last headline. Sometimes, go straight to the One Piece of Cloud Sail!"

   went online at 1pm. Everyone ate this meal very quickly. The only thing that was going to be eating food was slowing down. Sure enough, big things are not a big deal for food, only eating is the first priority!

Everyone went online in vigor and rushed all the way to the Forgotten Falls. Compared with the deserted and claustrophobic illusion before, the Forgotten Falls is no longer uninhabited, but lively, even the world boss ancient giant crocodile in the swamp. Wang is often brushed out of gang fights. Although it is a gang fight, it is the players who often die. The perverted power of BOSS is not something dozens of players of the same level can handle.

However, there is no shortage of people calling hundreds of people in the world to kill, but the time it takes to kill the world boss makes most players who rush to the level overwhelmed, and then few people come to join in the fun to kill the world boss, even for gold Players will also choose BOSS one level lower, after all, their equipment can't keep up with the first-line players.

Of course, it’s better for someone to farm and level up in the swamp. This naturally saves the five people from the Cloud Riding Guild to the level 25 dungeon. The crocodiles chasing them on the road, even pinching fingers, completely. Can not affect their forward speed.

At this moment, the entrance of the instance is crowded with players. Fortunately, the map itself adjusts the size of the public area according to the number of players. In a non-combat state, players can block their members or players other than members, and there is no mutual shielding. The problem with the card position.

   However, even if they are mixed in the crowd, people with ulterior motives still recognize them, shouting on the current public channel: "Here is the man who rides the clouds and the snow! Everyone, quickly unblock the crowd watching the first guild boss!"


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