Sky Dungeon

Chapter 119: There is another first kill to steal Meow?

   Jingtian felt that with the power of the two of them, it would be easy to deal with a single-handed raging big-eared monkey, but how can there be a single monster on the 7th floor of the dungeon? One evolution might not evolve a lot! Since the NPC finally reminded that you can organize a group to receive the task, it means that this task does not need to complete the prerequisite, and you can also get the team members together. Anyway, everyone has to go to the dungeon to collect points. Forget the task.

   "Do you want to notify other people to come over?" Yu Yan asked her heart and soul.

   "Yes, you can let me know, I still have some questions to understand." Jing Tian replied lightly.

   Jing Tian had a conversation with Borosek again, this time after hearing the NPC talking, Jing Tian chose yes. Not surprisingly, a list of requirements for creating a guild appeared in front of him. Players before level 30 cannot make this step. They will only be dismissed after being ridiculed by [Borosek], but now Jingtian’s level is already level 30, and NPCs can no longer claim "scum below level 30" "Scum is not worthy of owning his own guild" as a reason to refuse, or honestly set out the conditions for establishing a guild.

   Jing Tian Yimu Shixing scanned this list. The most basic requirement is that at least 5 players are required to apply as a guild administrator. The applicant must be at least level 30.

In [Borosek], you can only apply for a guild residence in the vast wilderness area near the Alliance City. Here, four large-scale guild residences are planned in the wilderness area. You can only choose one of them for a fee, and the price of each piece is different. .

Although the territory of the Tri-Clan Alliance City is not vast, there is a guild resident on the outskirts of the city bordering the border of the Demon Territory. The price is the cheapest. Outside the Demon Territory, there is the Great Wall of the Tri-Clan Alliance. It is not difficult to attack in. Moreover, when the demon forces launch an invasion mission, they can easily cross the Great Wall defensive line without being blocked by NPCs.

   To put it simply, the Great Wall is a tourist attraction. It is a product of the demon NPC's defense against attacks. It is not useful for players. Then, the cheapest guild residence will probably become the first choice for the invasion of the demons, after all, it is the closest to the resurrection point of the demons.

   After the player purchases a resident to form a guild, he can build a guild building on the resident, or even build a solid city, and hire NPCs for defense. However, the price of this station is a bit jaw-dropping. In addition to the large amount of gold to be paid for the first time, the system also charges players a certain amount of rental fee every month.

However, Jing Tian knows most clearly that this is definitely a piece of fat to make money. Once whoever sets up the first guild in the guild’s premises, he becomes the master of the land. Not only can he use it himself, but he can also divide the area for subletting. It's simply a great opportunity to become a renter in the game! It can't be achieved in reality, how can you give up this beautiful difference in the game?

Although it is not only the alliance city of the three-ethnic alliance that can form a guild, the income of the guild of the alliance city is definitely the highest. Because it is managed by the three ethnic groups, it also symbolizes the unswerving alliance of the three ethnic groups. The guild will receive a valuable guild fund allocated by the guild alliance every month, and based on the kills and contributions of each demonic invasion, the guild will also receive a large amount of rewards from the alliance guild.

Although these guild funds cannot be used as ordinary game gold coins, and cannot be withdrawn as real currency, they can be used for guild construction. After the guild level is increased, the contribution of the alliance guild will be more and more, and the contribution of the players will be more and more. The more you come, and the more you accumulate, you can go to the guild alliance to exchange more high-quality ancient skill book fragments for comprehension.

In order to obtain higher-quality comprehension skills, the role of guilds is very prominent, and there is a limit on the number of people in each guild. There cannot be only four guilds in Alliance City. Just grab a guild resident and rent it out. You should be able to have a good monthly income of gold coins and guild funds. Thinking of this, Jing Tian made a bold idea: to establish the first guild of Sky Dungeon today!

Aiming at this bold idea, Jing Tian continued to look at the remaining conditions for the creation of a guild. In addition to the establishment of a guild, a special guild name must be set, and a guild logo must be purchased. In addition, it must accept the test of the guild alliance, defeat and once again A powerful ancient beast sealed under the guild station.

   Seeing that the people in the team arrived one after another, Jing Tian said indifferently: "Why don't we take the first kill of the guild!"

   His words seem to be asking everyone if they want dinner together, so relaxing and cozy.

   "Brother Tian, ​​why can I steal Meow for the first kill again?" Yang Meowee was a little excited in her voice. Young people are competitive, and this kind of first place is the most worthy of participation for him.

"Uh...but the cheapest guild residence requires a down payment of 20,000 gold coins, and the monthly payment is 10,000 gold coins. The first month is equivalent to paying Let's have five thousand per person. It’s all sold out, so let’s use the AA system!"

   "I'm doing it! You are too shameless, buy a guild resident, but also a down payment plus a loan. Forget it, you have to have an AA system, which I admire." Luo Xia said not good.

   "That's it, once you missed it and became an eternal hate, when you accidentally got a slave to the house, how many years will you have to pay back this month?" Zhao Jiaxue hurriedly asked.

"Uh... this is not a monthly payment. It is a monthly rent. Don't even think about grabbing the site from the system god. But I have already thought about it later. I will sublet the resident site to ensure that you will pay back for one month, and every month thereafter. Everyone still has dividends. How about it, loyal enough, if you have money, you can make it together, if you don't want to... Then I will pay for it myself." Jing Tian vowed.

   Can the guild residence be leased out? Have you been recognized by the system for being a charter guild so blatantly? Of course, this was planned by Jing Tian!

   "Shared risks?" Yun Yiyi suddenly spit out coldly.

   "Yes, it is absolutely true. Do you want to earn everyone a delicious drink and lose everyone's wandering together?" Zhao Jiaxue asked in an interrogating tone.

   "Uh... Am I that kind of person?"

   "Yes, you are that kind of person!" Luo Xia resolutely made up for it.

   "I sweat, then you don't want to invest or not to invest, and you don't care if you don't invest. I own the resident, and you will give me relief when you lose it." Jing Tian said helplessly.

"It's really shameless. Brother God, I will convince you to be so shameless. I will vote with me." Yang Miaomiao was the first to stand up and express his support. He naturally has no idea about money. Even if he recharges 5000 gold coins, it is a blink of an eye. Things, let alone now in his bag.


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