Sky Dungeon

Chapter 116: "Whip Corpse" in the true sense

   Jing Tian looked at the attack value he had just hit, shaking his head again and again in his heart, this attack power was really not enough to tickle the monster. Sitting on the well and watching the sky can only use the killer skill: biting!

   First-order piercing: While causing physical damage to a target, it has a chance to cause the target to bleed for 5 seconds, losing 0.5% of its own blood per second.

   But as soon as this skill was launched, Jing Tian sighed in his heart, and the bleeding state really didn't hit him. I think back then, when he planned the biting skills, he made a special note: for BOSS and monsters higher than the level 5 of the character, there is a high probability that the target will not enter a bleeding state. After all, the bleeding effect is so arrogant. If you use it, wouldn’t it be possible to easily leapfrog to kill monsters and easily abuse the BOSS?

   Although he is not sure whether he will adopt his own plan, Jing Tian doesn't dare to put his hope on the biting skill.

Before sitting in the well to watch the sky, the flame monster that was knocked into the sky was a [Fire Rain] that enveloped his area. The [Flame Jet] just now belongs to the damage skill that sprays from the ground to the sky, while the Fire Rain is On the contrary, if a meteor fire rain generally falls directly from mid-air, and this fire rain has a burning effect on sitting in a well and watching the sky, this effect is more troublesome than the burning effect produced by flame jets, which will not only continue to consume blood, but also Even mana is consumed by burning!

   "Continuous misfortune!"

   Sitting Jing Guantian's mana value itself is not high, seeing that he was in such a negative state of headache, Jing Tian did not hesitate to use the general's signature skill.

   Burning mana is basically ineffective for this kind of magical attack monsters. The upper limit of their mana is quite high, and the recovery speed of mana is faster than the player, even if they are in the burning state, they will not affect their attacks.

While sitting in the well and watching the sky to deal with the two Flame Monsters, the situation on the side of the King of Sword Cavalry was not optimistic. After a few combos of professional skills, the bloodline of the Flame Monsters remained high, and the level difference of more than ten levels was indeed true. It cannot be compensated by skill.

   So, Yu Yan finally said, "Can we kill one with our efforts? Just die like this, I'm so unwilling."

   "It should be okay." Jing Tian understood his mind, and rushed towards the direction of the King of Sword Cavalry after operating sitting Jing Guan Tian.


   Sitting Jing Guantian’s Fang Tianji pierced the head of the Yan Demon with the least amount of blood. The next moment Fang Tianji’s head plunged into the monster’s head and rotated three hundred and sixty degrees, completing a perfect strangulation effect.

Only when the skill of Tier 1 Tendons hits the legs of creatures will 100% produce a 4 second hold effect, but Jing Tian is obviously only planning to kill this flame beast. Only triple damage is what is most needed now. , So he resolutely chose to attack the head of Yan Beast.

The King of Sword Cavalry also swapped out the Demon Sword at this time. Before he had time to attack, the other two Flame Warcraft’s [Flame Burning Sky] erupted from the bottom of her feet again like Baotu springs. After a short action interrupted, Regardless of the remaining blood volume of her character, Yu Yan attacked the Yan Beast attacking from sitting in the well and watching the sky: evil wind!

   Evil wind, group attack skills, while causing a single damage to the target, it also attaches a dark magic attack. This skill cannot be better with magic sword. If you use other physical attack weapons, the damage value of this additional dark magic attack can be basically ignored. It is precisely this magic sword that has both physical attack power and magic. Attack power. Of course, 25% of the skill damage backlash also leaves less than 30% of the sword-riding king's vitality in an instant.

Sitting in a well and watching the sky, the blood and energy at this time was even more terrible. He had just eaten Yan Demon's group spells several times, and he did not have any blood-recovery skills, and then replaced the crossbow with two consecutive shots and barely interrupted the other two Yan Demon. After the magic attack, Jing Tian chose to hit all the remaining skills at the head of Yan Beast in front of him.

   However, after the other two Yan Beasts regained their ability to move freely, they immediately fell into the rain of fire again. Meteor-like flints smashed on Zuijing Guantian’s shoulders, head, and black wings. He knelt and died unconvincingly!

   I have to say that the corpse of the fallen angel is still somewhat interesting. It is not like other races that fell directly, but knelt to death on the ground, like a body with a soul drawn away.

   was designed in this way, Jing Tian was to praise the fallen angels for daring to resist God, the spirit of never giving in. However, every time he tastes death, Jing Tian feels that this death is a bit too cruel, even if he dies, he will be punished to kneel. If anyone who is shameless runs over and uses his lower body to close the fallen angel's death. , Isn't this "whip corpse" in the true sense?

   Jingtian did not rush to resurrect, naturally he wanted to take a look at the final battle. Through the black-and-white world, Jing Tian clearly saw that after the King of Sword Cavalry had desperately used the magic sword to hit an after-shadow sword, the flame monster that had been set on fire finally dissipated the flames all over his body and turned into a burst of flames. The smoke is gone with the wind! At this moment, don't mention how happy people are, it's really: If life is like a good one in this world, I will send out a dime tonight!

   However, In the next second, the female knight could not withstand the backlash from the final blow, exhausted the last breath and blood, and fell to the ground.

   turned out to be: the same end!

   chose to be resurrected, and the two were sent back to the resurrection stone in Alliance City. Although Jing Tian held back his ridicule, he didn't say a word.

As a man, you need to be more magnanimous. Women sometimes like to do some willful things. This is also a woman’s privilege. Although it is a waste of time and money, only if you resist not saying anything will you be regarded as a real man. Look at it as a man's favor and a man's romance.

   That’s right, in order to stop hearing Yu Yan calling himself a pseudo-mother, Jing Tian could only bear it, and finally turned the bitterness into hatred towards the monsters and said, “Go, absolutely don’t let them evolve by drinking this time!”

   That’s right, Jing Tian has long seen the sinister intentions of the main strategy behind the scenes. The pre-task is that all attributes of the monster drinking are reduced, which is tantamount to a downgrade, so he created a reverse thinking task of monster drinking evolution. I have to say that even Jing Tian mistakenly thought that monkeys came to robbery because they liked to drink. This is also in line with common sense, but this is a game.

   The game world is the same as the novel world. It is usually unreasonable. If you look at it too realistically, you really lose. Therefore, the big-eared monkey robbing Xinghuacun wine has become a plot to evolve, rather than greedy! Just like that sentence: The world is full of wonders, but we force the grid to be too small!

   How about the creation is derived from reality and higher than reality? If it's all above reality, I'm afraid that people don't understand or understand it at all. No matter how many flowers are, it will only be a flash in the pan. You will forget everything when you get up tomorrow morning. After all, it is too unreal. If it is exactly the same as reality, then people think it is too boring, right?


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