Sky Dungeon

Chapter 101: Natural enemy, natural enemy Meow!

Sky Dungeon doesn’t say that it’s level-suppressing. Although it’s safer to get less experience than the dungeon, they can’t ignore the equipment rewards of the dungeon now. It’s a way to quickly get equipment for free and increase their strength. Comprehend skills and ignore the improvement of equipment, maybe in the end, you will still be unable to score the SSS grade due to insufficient output.

   "Wow, there seems to be a wave of monsters surrounding something in front. It must be a baby, can you fight meow?" Yang Miaomiao stepped back, because the number of monsters in front of him was a bit surprising, at least eight or nine.

   "Feed them Xinghua Village, what can't be done." Luo Xia said disdainfully.

   "Uh...that's a non-patrol monster, you can bring it here." A strange arc rose from the corner of Jing Tian's mouth.

"I'm doing it! Listening to your voice, I know you want to yin me, I know your voice too well, I won't go if I kill you." Luo Xia said, and he operated Luo Jing Xia Shi back several steps. .

   "Coward!" Yun Yiyi said coldly, operating Yun Xueyiyi and rushing up. Jing Tian wanted to stop him, but after all, he needed someone to come forward and experiment.

   I’m not sure if I will stop and drink while the ghost wolf is chasing the player. Of course, in reality, I don’t have to worry about this kind of idiot question, but this is the game, and everything in the game is inconclusive! Don't forget the famous saying: The world is full of wonders, but we force the grid to be too small!

   Jingtian quickly took out two almond blossom villages and placed them on the ground. Yun Xueyi raised the magic bow, and opened a huge blue umbrella above the wolves' heads. Oh no, it opened a blue magic circle. Before the magic arrow rain poured down, Yun Xueyiyi turned around and ran back.

   The magic arrow rain condensed by rain falls from the sky like a knife, splitting the skin of the ghost wolf, and the deceleration effect produced at the same time makes the angry wolves chase speed greatly reduced!

   Everyone saw that the situation was stable, and there was no need for extra action, and they all retreated. Although the wine altar has entered the field of vision of the wolf pack, the wolf pack still pursues Yunxue eagerly!

Jing Tian yelled secretly in his heart. He sat Jing Guantian and turned around to support, but the next moment the wolves suddenly appeared like a group of galloping sports cars, they drifted together and turned around to the wine jar on the ground. Everyone had expected this scene that these old drunk drivers were caught in the special state of drunk driving.

This number of ghost wolves are gathered together, which is not within the range of their five kill capabilities, but the attacks of the ghost wolves in the alcoholic state are weak and weak, and they can't do any effective damage to a few people, and the monster's intelligent system seems It was also completely paralyzed due to the intrusion of alcohol, not even a single hit was hit.

   During the entire battle, the Netherfire skills of the Nether Magic Wolf caused a little trouble for Zuijing Guantian and Luojing Xia Shi. There was no other disturbance, it was simply a complete abuse! I don't know where the ghost wolves that used to play drunken fists have gone, have they gone to besiege Xinghua Village again?

After killing this group of ghost wolves, without eating mice, he ran excitedly towards the place where the wolves had just been sitting around. Obviously he hadn't given up on the treasure hunting box, but the next moment, he ran back and ran. While shouting: "Help, help, natural enemy, natural enemy Meow!"

   Everyone looked behind him, and they laughed at the same time. They thought it would be a group of vicious ghost wolves, but unexpectedly it was a barking puppy running after him.

   What kind of **** predators, can you tell that those ghost wolves were more terrifying before? Isn't the wolf the ancestor of the dog? The alien world is really hard to understand!

"I said a mouse. The natural enemy feeling you said is a snarling dog. You weren't bitten by a dog when you were a child, leaving a psychological shadow? Don't rush to save him, tell me to record a paragraph first." Luo Xia sneered. Dao, watching him as a cat was chased by an NPC dog shorter than himself, subconsciously opening the video instructions.

   "Brother Xia, how can you be like this? It's because we are all cat cats. You can't kill cats just because you are a little bear-like!" He said angrily while running without eating mice.

  Is the giant panda bear? Jing Tian read poems silently in his heart: Life is an idiot, and this hatred is not about father and mother.

   "Meow, is it so scary? Isn't that a neutral NPC? How can it attack you?" Zhao Jiaxue asked in confusion. She also deliberately glanced at the name of the snarling dog, the font is blue, and cannot be attacked. However, the aura of strong magical fluctuations exuded by the snarling sky dog ​​was probably a special state given to it by the system. This breath somewhat made Zhao Jiaxue feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"I don't know. I can't fight back at all. Is there any special setting? Brother Tian, ​​you are the captain. I have to think of a way. This little thing bites me 15% of the health!" Don't eat The mouse shifted the direction of travel to sit on the well and watch the sky.

   "Uh...maybe this NPC doesn't know attack, you must have quest props to conquer him." Jing Tian opened the package as he said, and gave the order to use the ham.

   Sure enough, when the huge piece of ham was thrown out, the snarling dog, who was chasing after mice, ran to the ham obediently. This is also a standard food! I don’t know how such a small body swallowed such a tall piece of ham. I saw the snarling dog rolling its belly on the ground contentedly, and it also made a loud hiccup... This is definitely the evil of the game’s main strategy. Interesting.

   "So cute!" Some people make sounds that want to be their own, don't you be afraid that the NPC will find you desperately?

"Finally saved. I thought the ghost wolf was guarding some baby cat. I didn't expect it to be these puppies. Could it be that those wolves were so maternal and raised the puppies as their own children?" Yang Miaomiao walked away embarrassedly. come back.

   "It's possible, maybe this little guy treats us as bad people!" Zhao Jiaxue's tone was mixed with a little guilty conscience and regret, as if she really became a villain who killed wolves and took cubs.

   "Good, good, let's take you home now, not afraid, not afraid." Luo Xia looked at this guy who has the same hobbies as herself, and there was a touch of gentleness in her voice, and everyone was retching.

   As the saying goes, there is no unfamiliar dog in the world, the key depends on what meat you feed! In the next instant, everyone received a system task prompt to **** the Sky Dog back home. The Sky Dog has also entered the follow mode.

The five sent the Sky Dog all the way back to the ground. When they left the dungeon, the guard stopped them and asked about the Sky Dog. Before a few people could answer, they saw another NPC guard running away. After coming forward and telling the description of the entrusted mission, the guards let him go suspiciously.


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