Skill Replicator

Chapter 0617: Headlines again

"It will be the Tekken press conference in two days. Even if you take up the task, you shouldn't be so anxious." Zhang Yunwen asked puzzledly when he learned that Wang Tao was going to Ava to inspect and shoot.

"This project is relatively urgent. It will be released around New Year's Day. It will have to be launched in September at the latest. Besides, it is good news for us to go public. Now the casting of actors is not complete, I have to check it out. The background story of this case, and the location of the incident, once the actors are selected, it is very likely that the filming will begin." Wang Tao was not good at telling Zhang Yunwen about some things, so he said.

"How long do you have to go this time?" Zhang Yunwen saw Wang Tao saying this, thinking it was a rush by the ministry, and asked the question of time.

"It takes only a few days. It won't take too long. After all, you still have to choose a role." Wang Tao thought for a while and gave Zhang Yunwen an answer.

"Well, you should also pay attention to safety outside. I heard that Ava's side is not peaceful." Zhang Yunwen asked.

"Don't worry, this time the Ministry will arrange personnel to protect our safety." Wang Tao said.

"Go early and return early." Zhang Yunwen said softly.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Tao called several people again and explained his itinerary, and then took the scheduled flight to southern Yunnan.

It is not the first time Lin Chen has come to southern Yunnan. The shooting locations of Honghuang and Honghuanger are here. Although he is not a director, he has also visited Ban.

Of course, Master Li would not come with him. Li Rui brought a total of six people from the so-called crew.

Among them were the people who taught Wang Tao the ability to master air and fire, and the people who met Wang Tao for the first time with Li Rui.

When they arrived in southern Yunnan, they first went to a local military hospital. The wounded supernaturalists on the opposite side of this military hospital have nothing to do. The injuries that seem to be easy to deal with, according to the conventional treatment, have not been effective.

The guy in the organization whose codename is the doctor has already been here, and several patients have been dealt with, but there are still two patients, just like the last time in Beijing, they have a direct effect on the spirit, and he is helpless.

It is also for this reason that Master Li asked Wang Tao to act. Fortunately, this movie project of the Ministry of Public Security serves as a cover, otherwise Wang Tao might be exposed.

That night, Wang Tao went to the hospital to help the two patients heal, and then went to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, Li Rui came to Wang Tao's room and said to Wang Tao.

"Master Li confessed that we don't need to participate in this task, but just provide a cover for their identity. If there is any problem, it won't let you fall into it."

Today she is not like yesterday, wearing an OL overalls, but like camping in the wild.

Wang Tao nodded first, and then said embarrassingly: "I didn't prepare your clothes."

"Ordinarily, we should send you a set, but many of our clothes have logos, which can easily cause misunderstandings. We will buy two clothes outside." Li Rui didn't expect Wang Tao to talk about this issue, and said with embarrassment.

"Well, if there is nothing to do, I will buy two of them now." Wang Tao nodded.

"Let's get together, I have nothing to do anyway." Li Rui suggested.

Wang Tao nodded in agreement. Li Rui is also a beauty, and it is also good to go for a stroll with the beauty.

The patient’s problem is solved. In fact, there is nothing particularly important. All that is left is to communicate with Ava and let Wang Tao and others go to investigate.

Although southern Yunnan has a lower dimension, the temperature is lower than that in the north. After all, the altitude here is quite high.

Not far from the hotel, there is a shopping plaza. The two of them walked around inside. Wang Tao bought hiking shoes suitable for walking in the wild, wear-resistant, scratch-resistant, waterproof pants, clothes, and hats.

When returning to the hotel, Li Rui suddenly said, "Are you planning to enter the optoelectronics industry next?"

"Well, do you have any good suggestions?" Wang Tao nodded and asked.

"I didn't mean that, I just checked Weibo and found that you were on the headlines again." Li Rui shook his head and said.

"Am I on the headlines?" Wang Tao felt a little strange after hearing this, but he quickly relieved: "You are talking about making movies, right? This is normal."

"It's not a movie. Your alma mater just posted a Weibo, revealing that you have started to exaggerate enrollment in the optoelectronics industry this year. You also said that you promised to donate 300 million yuan to your alma mater for student scholarship programs and the school's talent introduction program. In addition, with the school Cooperate to build a world-class photoelectric research laboratory." Li Rui told the matter.

"This is indeed true, and we signed a letter of intent, and I also promised to donate no less than 500 million scientific research funds to the school for the next five years." Wang Tao nodded and admitted.

"Your school did not mention scientific research funding, but the scholarships and the funds for the introduction of talents are mentioned. It seems that they want to improve the enrollment level this year and use your reputation to promote this matter." Although Li Rui is also an organizer, but I am also very good at economic propaganda, and I can see the intention of Shuicheng University right away.

I think that too, if it weren't for her talent in this area, the organization wouldn't let her come forward to set up a film and television company.

"If I remember correctly, this should be our country's largest amount in recent years, private donations to the school." Li Rui thought for a moment and said.

"I also have some spare money in my hand. It happened to be a big man in the relevant department of my alma mater, and this idea came up. Once the laboratory has produced results and scientific research has been transformed into productivity, this laboratory alone can provide a lot of money for the school. Funds."

"This in itself is a mutually beneficial thing. As for scholarships and talent introduction, I am very happy that I can make some contributions to the school."

"Your school has decided to invest a larger proportion of the bursary in the School of Optoelectronics. It seems that it wants to create an advantageous subject." Li Rui saw the thoughts of the school principal very clearly.

"This is a good thing. If the money is diversified, it will not actually achieve very good results. Investing the money in a certain field is the right choice." This is also discussed by Wang Tao and the school.

At this time, Shuicheng University, throwing out this message, also wanted to build a reputation for the school's optoelectronics school and attract some talents and high-quality candidates to join.

Even the school is ready to increase the enrollment ratio of relevant departments this year, so as to gain the reputation of Shuicheng University as soon as possible.

Facts have proved that the school's ideas are good.

When this headline came out, the marketing account immediately followed, talking about the beautiful prospects of the optoelectronic industry in the future. From the use of energy, to the popularization of electric vehicles.

Of course, there are still some people who have begun to count the donations made by individuals to their alma mater over the years. As Li Rui said, Wang Tao is indeed the individual who has donated the most to the school in these years.

Many schools are envious of the fact that Shuicheng University can produce such a symbol.

Some official media also made positive comments on this matter, and many keyboard players on the Internet also sang Wang Tao's praises.

After all, these years, discussing actors' salaries is too high, but the fact that scientists are very poor has become an excuse for many keyboard men to attack actors. Wang Tao's action undoubtedly proves that their views are correct.

Of course, there are some unkind guesses that this is Wang Tao's impetus for the upcoming Iron Fist, but this kind of remark was immediately beaten by the keyboard man.

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