Six Paths Senjutsu of the Rocks Group

Chapter 414 Whitebeard's Gift!\r

Whitebeard was taken aback.

I didn't expect Ayr to have such big ambitions.

Think about it later.

Also very reasonable.

After all, Ayr wasn't some young pirate who was just starting out.

It is the great pirate of his own generation who has been fighting in the sea for decades.

At this time, maybe even when he officially came out of the mountain?

Back on the boat.

Everyone took a break for a while.

Ayr scheduled the meeting just two days later.

At this time, they cannot go to other places, nor can they return to their own territory.

Can only be taken near Marine Base now.

That's what Ayr had in mind.

After 847, the Marines probably won't admit their defeat.

In this way, two days is actually just right.

On the Marine side, having to pick up the slack, two days was simply not enough. They will be in a hurry.

As for the pirates, they can rest on the boat and monitor Marine.

It can be said to accomplish many things with one fell swoop.

Whitebeard's ship.

Whitebeard sat in the middle of town, watching his sons happily.

In this war, none of the important members of the Whitebeard Pirates died.

At most it's a hit.

This makes Whitebeard very happy.

After all, he was ready to sacrifice before coming.

The situation at this time is much stronger than before.

Thinking of this, he laughed out loud.

The bandages and infusion tubes on his body trembled with his body.

And the captains of the Whitebeard regiment.

While having a banquet, drinking and eating meat, I am also doing another thing.

That was planning to take those turf from Marine.

In the middle of the crowd, there is a large world map.

Among them, most of the islands have owners.

For example, the ghost island of New World belongs to Kaido's sphere of influence.

And places like Wanguo and Cake Island belong to Auntie.

The Whitebeard Heize regiment, its own territory, has three main ones.

Foodvalten Island.

The fish men island. Sheltered by the Whitebeard Sea (aded) band of thieves.

And Whitebeard's hometown, Sphinx Island.

These islands are the most important part of them and the core assets of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Of course, their pirate group, as the pirate group of the emperor of the sea, is of course more than these sites.

There are also many scattered little places.

While everyone was talking excitedly.

Whitebeard stared at the map.

Suddenly a word came out.

"Sons, I'm going to give The fish men island to Ayr.

When he said a word, Marco and others were all stunned.

Diamond Joze stood up directly: "Dad, why is this? 35

He simply didn't understand why Whitebeard did this.

After all, The fish men island is a very important site here.

Say it to someone else and give it to someone else?

Whitebeard glanced at him and said seriously, "Why are you still asking?"

"Summit War, without Ayr, we'd be wiped out!'"9

"He is our most important reinforcement! He is also the person who changed the direction of the whole world!"

"Still the benefactor who saved Ace and me several times!"

"Why are you still asking?"

"Where is your loyalty?"

After listening to Whitebeard's words, Diamond Joz stopped talking.

The others also bowed their heads and looked very remorseful.

At this time, the Phoenix Marco stood up.

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