Silicon Valley

Chapter VII Invited to the UK

Cisco has rented a small factory of 500 square meters near its headquarters. The factory has a ready-made workshop, as well as dormitories and canteens. Cisco can make routers by buying the relevant production equipment, recruiting workers and training them. There are not many workers in need. Twenty people were recruited. Bosak personally gave them production guidance. They were so busy that the factory finally officially started in September.

Prior to this, Cisco also officially confirmed the registration of the trademark in the image of the Golden Gate Bridge. Each router will have a unique Cisco logo on it!

The factory was full of enthusiasm, and Bosak and many R\u0026D personnel also came to help. By October, the factory had produced a total of a thousand routers. In accordance with the instructions of Henry's major shareholders, Bosac took the R\u0026D team to major well-known universities to "send warmth". Stanford University, University of California, Harvard University, etc.

Each university sent three or five routers and taught them how to install and use them. Posac takes the team in the wind, the rain, and even runs around the city several times a day. First run the famous universities in the western United States, and then run the famous universities in the east. Henry was taken aback when Bosac returned with the team.

I saw such a group of people, black and thin, as if they had slipped around in Africa.

"Mr. Bosac, have you worked hard?" Henry said with a smile and a very sincere tone.

"Haha, this bit of hard work is nothing!" Bosak shook his head and smiled.

"Did the trip go well then?" Henry asked.

"Of course!" Bosak replied excitedly, "Not only that, we also got the order!"

"Oh, is that so!!!" Henry couldn't help feeling a little excited about the company's first order, and hurriedly asked, "Which school placed the order?"

"Harvard University!" Bosak said. "We gave them a trial of the router, and they placed an order for us on the third day."

"How many routers do they want?"


"Only ten? Why does Harvard University only need ten routers?" Henry was excited but secretly disappointed.

"Hehe, don't worry. The person in charge of them told me that these routers are now going to be used in a large research center. If the effect is good, it may spread to the entire Harvard University. By then, we will not worry about running out of orders. !"

Henry also smiled, patted the back of his head embarrassedly, and said, "Hehe, that's right, it's like this, they can't use all the routers at once."

The whole high-end atmosphere of the router is not the best when advertised on TV. Nowadays, some schools or research institutions need routers. Therefore, Cisco's strategy is to first form a network of a school, and then radiate to the surrounding area, allowing companies, governments or scientific research institutions to merge into this network. Then, the networks of various schools are connected together to form a network that radiates across the country, that is, the formation of the Internet.

Henry suddenly felt that he was great because he was doing a great thing!

"Benefit mankind and change the world!"

Soon after, schools placed orders for Cisco, and Cisco's small factories began to get busy. The production cost of the router was $200, and after much discussion, the router was priced at $1,000. Not to mention the expensive ones, computers cost tens of thousands. Although the orders from major schools are not many, they can barely maintain the operation of the company. After that, when the network forms a certain scale, Cisco will usher in explosive development!

The situation at Nicholas Bookstore is difficult, the Internet has not yet emerged, and selling things online is simply not realistic. But Henry took a different approach, recruited some computer talents, and made a browser. Uh...the name is Netscape. Then I made a website and hung it up. Since there is no Internet, the software is installed, and then users open Netscape, browse the contents of Nicholas Bookstore, and then shop by phone.

It looks troublesome and can't update the content in real time, but it is an effective "stupid method". However, this is also good, in the future, Netscape will belong to the product of Nicholas Bookstore! The market value of the later Netscape browser is billions of dollars, and it is also a gateway to the Internet. Now is the right time to start!

So, the team at Nicholas Bookstore has a tough job!

First of all, it is a technical problem to make a browser, and then to make a website with rich content, it will be difficult to succeed at this time and half!

So, although Henry set up Nicholas Bookstore in June, he doesn't even have a browser right now. However, many of these browser-related patents have been applied for a lot. This is a process from scratch, a process of groping forward, and the slow speed is understandable.

However, since Nicholas Bookstore has been burning money, Henry is also a little anxious. He doesn't know when Nicholas Bookstore will burn money. Even with the advent of the Internet, it is estimated that it will have to burn a lot of money. Otherwise, how to establish its giant status. Venture capital is not a good choice, but the timing of listing and financing is too early. No matter how you look at it, it is the most comfortable to burn your own money.

But the key is that there is no money to burn! ! !

Doing e-commerce is the most expensive, not only online but also offline. The cost of buying books, building warehouses, logistics, etc. is simply dizzying!

Just when Henry was worried about funding, in early November, Penguin Publishing finally settled the manuscript fee for Henry. Over the course of the year, Penguin has sold more than 13 million copies of Harry Potter books. Henry received more than ten million dollars after paying his taxes.

Now that a whirlwind of magic is blowing across Europe, Penguin has invited Henry to a book signing in London.

Henry thought for a while, and finally agreed to the invitation of Penguin Publishing House.

On November 15, 1985, Henry got off the plane at London Airport. Unexpectedly, there were hundreds of fans at the airport to welcome him.

"Henry!!! Henry!!!"

"Harry Potter!!!"


With a smile, Henry waved to everyone and left the scene with the help of the staff of Penguin Publishing House.

After getting in the car, Henry wiped off his sweat and muttered, "Haha, I didn't expect that I was already so famous!"

A manager of Penguin Publishing said with a smile: "Haha, of course, you are a genius boy in England, especially the Harry Potter story takes place in London! Therefore, the people of London like you and your works the most!! !" The manager paused, leaned closer to Henry and whispered, "We, Penguin Publishing House, heard some news that it seems that Her Majesty the Queen wants to give you a knighthood!"

"To seal my title?!!" Henry was taken aback.

"It's groundless, not necessarily without reason. I think it's very likely." The manager guessed.

Henry is happy, the knighthood is good, and he has entered the upper class at once.

Penguin Publishing put Henry in a five-star hotel, and British newspapers have begun to report Henry's coming to London. On the afternoon of the 15th, Penguin Press held a press conference to announce that Henry Williams, the author of "Harry Potter", will hold a book signing event at the London Hotel at 8 a.m. the day after tomorrow. The fourth Harry Potter novel will be released. First to appear in London! ! !

Henry attended the press conference for publicity and answered questions from reporters.

"Hello, Mr. Williams, I'm a reporter for The Sun. May I ask what inspired you to write? It is said that Harry Potter was created based on you, right? Your situation is like that. Similar!" the reporter asked.

"The reason why I wrote at the beginning was actually very simple, just to make money. As for whether Harry Potter was created based on my own model, I think it should be." Henry thought for a while and replied.

"Excuse me, is it true that you were rejected by eight British publishing houses?"

"It's true. Among them, a publishing house kindly sent me a letter of advice, which said, 'Find a job with peace of mind, writing a book to get rich is not for you'. After reading it, I insisted on my determination to write. Instead of being shaken, I became more determined. I believe that I will succeed one day. Later, I succeeded, and I became a writer that everyone likes. Of course, I have no resentment towards that publishing house, but instead Thank them so much!"


After the press conference, the reporters hurried back to edit their stories.

The next day, the front pages of the newspapers were all about Henry.

"On the 18th, the book signing event for the new Harry Potter book was grandly held!"

"Harry Potter is the author himself!"

"A genius who refuses to admit defeat after eight rejections!"


On this day, the sales of British newspapers increased sharply. According to incomplete statistics, major newspapers in the United Kingdom have been reprinted, and the sales volume has increased by 50% compared with the past. The printing presses of some factories have been in trouble! George Mackinson, CEO of Penguin Press, hosted Henry for a party in the luxury lobby on the top floor of the London hotel.

In the hall, there were clouds of beautiful women, and many business partners of Penguin Publishing House were present!

When Henry arrived, Markinson came over with a smile and said, "Welcome to Henry's little writer!"

Makinson is in his thirties, young and promising, handsome and handsome, wearing a decent suit and looking dignified. Penguin Publishing is a world-class publishing group, and it can be imagined that Markinson can serve as CEO, and his ability is extraordinary. Henry shook hands with him and said, "Thank you."

Markinson smiled and said, "Henry, I'm your big fan!!!"

"Haha, isn't it, it's such an honor!" Henry smiled.

Markinson took Henry's hand, walked to the crowd, and introduced, "Everyone, this is Henry Williams, the little author of "Harry Potter"!"

Everyone greeted Henry, including executives from TV or newspapers, owners of large chain bookstores, and some colleagues.

Henry greeted them one by one politely and gentlemanly.

After the party, Markinson took Henry to a nearby private room alone. Henry knew that Markinson must have something to say to him.

Sure enough, Markinson said straight to the point: "Henry, I heard that you haven't authorized Asian copyrights to other publishing houses. How about our Penguin Publishing House?"

Henry's face was not surprised when he heard this. Markinson was talking to himself just for the sake of Harry Potter. Henry pondered for a while, and said lightly: "Penguin Publishing's main strength is concentrated in Europe, and your strength in Asia is not very strong."

"You are right. However, Penguin Publishing has made up its mind this time, and wants to spend a lot of money to open up a new situation in Asia. At that time, the "Harry Potter" series can also be sold like crazy in Asia!"

"Oh, is it? I don't know how much the so-called heavy money of your publishing house is?"

"One hundred million pounds!!!"

Come on, your publishing house is so rich!

Henry was a little shocked.

Seeing Henry's surprised expression, Markinson explained: "This time, the Penguin Publishing Company's parent company, Pearson Company, invested in it. Through the acquisition and integration of some famous publishing houses in Asia, the scale of Penguin Publishing House and its influence have been expanded!"

Hearing what he said, Henry immediately understood in his heart that since the Pearson Company has such a large amount of money, Henry agreed to Markinson's request: "Okay, I agree to license the Asian copyright of "Harry Potter" to you."

With a smile on his face, Markinson signed a related contract with Henry.

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