Seeing the situation by the river, he immediately shouted loudly.

Soon, in the village not far away, a group of villagers ran out one after another.

And soon all surrounded the youth by the river.

They looked at the black fish with fear and hatred in their eyes~.

"The tombs in our village are all along the river.

"It's all destroyed by this Damn it monster."

"My poor grandson lost a leg just after he was buried!"

"The most pitiful girl is the Zhang family, who is alive..."

The villagers were so excited that they could not wait to rush up to kill the black fish.

But they didn't dare, and even when they shouted, they had to hide behind the youth.

"You don't have to be afraid.

"From now on, it can't hurt anyone anymore.

The young man spoke soothingly.

When the words fell, he raised his hand and waved, and the black fish instantly turned into fly ash.

This scene really shocked the villagers present.

"He really didn't brag!"

"He can really subdue this monster! Many thanks to Su boy! 35

"Who the hell are you?"

"We didn't believe you before, I'm really sorry!"

"Wait, I'll go home and get you a basket of eggs, and you can take them back to eat."

The villagers were chatting around the youth with great enthusiasm.

Looking at the simple villagers, the young man smiled helplessly.

He never imagined that one day, someone would thank him, the son of the Su family, with a basket of eggs.

Not bad, Su family godson.

This young man is Su Xuanji who is traveling.

He was walking aimlessly, passing through the village, when he suddenly heard people howling.

He didn't pay attention to it deliberately, but he also heard the content of the howl clearly.

It turned out that a 28-year-old girl in this village was dragged into the water by the fish in the water.

When it came out, only the skin was left.

There are still some bone residues left on it, and there are obvious traces of eating.

The girl's family was heartbroken, and the villagers were uneasy.

They had already discovered the fact that there were monsters in the water, but in the past, they only attacked tombs, but now they actually attacked the living.

Although Su Xuanji doesn't feel that he is the one who will help when he encounters injustice.

But seeing mortals in trouble, he was happy to lend a helping hand.

So he changed his body and turned into a mortal appearance, otherwise these villagers would not know how to behave.

At first, people didn't believe that he could get rid of the black fish.

But after the facts just now, how can people not believe it?

Seeing the villagers who were going to get their eggs right away, Su Xuanji spoke quickly.

"You are not busy.

"I only want to help everyone, and I don't expect anything in return.

"I still have a question, I hope you can answer it."

"How long has this black fish been here, why didn't you think about getting rid of it before?"

Hearing this, the villagers answered in a garbled manner.

"It was three months ago.

"I didn't notice it at first, there are black fish like this everywhere in the river."

"It's just that this one has suddenly become so terrifying for some reason."

"We are helpless and dare not offend it, if it weren't for the Zhang family girl... 99'

"After that, we felt dangerous, and you happened to be here, otherwise we would have to look for help, and we didn't know where to go!

Su Xuanji fell into deep thought.

Is this river full of blackfish?

Only this one somehow became so terrifying?

Three months ago....

Although the villagers here are not related to him.

And he also got rid of the black fish easily.

You can send the Buddha to the west and save people to the end.

This incident is obviously a little strange. If he doesn't get to the bottom of it, he is afraid that the tragedy will repeat itself in the future.

Although joys and sorrows are common, but for mortals, the difference between life and death is a painful one, how can it be treated normally?

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji asked again.

"Anything unusual happened three months ago?"

Villagers, look at me, I look at you, and no one can answer.

“Every day we cultivate the land at sunrise and rest at sunset. 35

"Occasionally go to the river to catch some fish and shrimp, it's nothing special.

"And three months ago....I can't and don't remember anything..."


Seeing that everyone couldn't answer anything, Su Xuanji didn't force it.

He could find the answer on his own, but with a little more effort.

At this moment, a little girl with a braid of sheep's horns suddenly spoke.

"Three months ago, a man who could fly fell into the river."

The little girl looked like she was only three or four years old, and she couldn't speak clearly.

Her words were not taken seriously in the laughter of the villagers.

"How can people fly?"

"What a silly girl."

"She may have seen the duck flying in the water. 35

Su Xuanji had a different view.

The villagers thought that man could not fly, but they forgot that he had just killed a black fish that they could not do anything about.

As long as you are a cultivator, you don’t have to reach his level of cultivation, so what’s so rare about being able to fly?

Su Xuanji looked at the little girl and said with a smile, "Tell me more about what the person you see looks like."

The little girl tilted her head, as if thinking about what Su Xuanji said.

Suddenly, her round eyes lit up, as if she understood something.

Immediately, she pointed to a person around five.

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